
fā xiáng dì
  • birthplace;cradle;place of origin
发祥地 [fā xiáng dì]
  • [place of origin;birthplace] 原指帝王祖先兴起的地方,后指民族、文化等的发源地

发祥地[fā xiáng dì]
  1. 阴山山脉自东向西穿越了内蒙古中部,是草原文化的发祥地。

    Mont Yin stretches across the middle part of Inner Mongolia from the east to the west , is the place of origin of the grasslands culture .

  2. 广东属岭南地区,历史上是盘古文化的重要发祥地,至今仍保存着许多盘古文化遗存。

    Guangdong province lies in the south of the Five Ridges , which was the important place of origin for culture of Pangu in history , until now the place has preserved many remains about culture of Pangu .

  3. 马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。

    Mali is the cradle of some of Africa 's richest civilizations .

  4. 亚洲是世界各大宗教的发祥地。

    Asia is the birthplace of the great religions of the world .

  5. 它们是中国文化的发祥地。

    They are the birthplaces of Chinese culture .

  6. 西安,古称长安,是著名的古都,也是中华文明的发祥地。

    Xi'an , called Chang'an in ancient times , was an ancient capital and the birthplace of Chinese civilization .

  7. F县是周秦文化发祥地,教育源远流长。

    F county is the birthplace of Zhou-Qin culture with its education well-established .

  8. PPP模式发祥地考察报告

    A Research Report of PPP Mode in its Birthplace

  9. 小镇TainL’Hermitage位于法国中部,是世界著名巧克力品牌Valrhona的发祥地。

    A small town in the heart of wine country , Tain L'Hermitage is the home of the world-renowned chocolate producer , Valrhona .

  10. 这座小镇的设计灵感来自包豪斯(Bauhaus)建筑的发祥地魏玛,其功能性和现代气息特别符合上海等大都市的周边环境。

    It was inspired by Weimar , cradle of Bauhaus architecture , which has a functionality and modernity rather in tune with the surroundings of a metropolis such as Shanghai .

  11. 希腊是古代和现代奥林匹克运动的发祥地。

    Greece is the birthplace of ancient and modern Olympic Games .

  12. 拉美是人类文明的发祥地之一。

    Latin America is one of the cradles of human civilization .

  13. 文明发祥地,魅力母亲湖&中国•青海湖!

    Birthplaces of civilization , charming mother Lake-China ? Qinghai Lake !

  14. 唐山是华夏文明主要发祥地之一。

    Tangshan is along the major origin places the Chinese civilization .

  15. 上海是新故事的发源地和发祥地。

    Abstract : Shanghai is the original place of new story .

  16. 昭通&蜀王杜宇的发祥地

    Zhaotong & Birthplace of Du Yu , the King of Shu

  17. 这里是中国古老文明的发祥地之一。

    It is one of the birthplaces of Chinese ancient civilization .

  18. 终南山地带是华夏民族文化的发祥地

    The Zhongnan Mountain Zone is the Birthplace of Chinese National Culture

  19. 绍兴是中国丝绸的发祥地之一。

    Shaoxing is one of the origins of Chinese silk .

  20. 避难所,来源被视为避难所或发祥地的有价值的地方。

    A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin .

  21. 柳州是中国南方人类的发祥地。

    Liuzhou is the birthplace of ancestors in South China .

  22. 这是一项关键的发祥地中国古代文化。

    It is one of the key birthplaces of Chinese ancient culture .

  23. 浙江是中国戏曲(南方戏文)的发祥地。

    Zhejiang is the birthplace of Chinese operas ( southern opera ) .

  24. 西部是我国传统文化的发祥地之一;

    West region is one of tho origins of traditional Chinese culture .

  25. 华山为我国道教组织三大发祥地之一

    Huashan Mount : one of the three sources of Taoism

  26. 美索不达米亚被认为是文明的发祥地。

    Mesopotamia is believed to be the birthplace of civilization .

  27. 诗经发祥地初步考察报告

    A report on the survey of the cradle of The Book of Songs

  28. 大多数人知道,希腊是奥林匹克运动会的发祥地。

    As most people know , Greece is the home of the Olympics .

  29. 发祥地被认为是某物起源的国家。

    A country considered as the origin of something .

  30. 烟台又是中国现代制钟业的发祥地。

    Yantai is also the birthplace of China 's modern timepiece making industry .