
  • 网络The Distribution of Wealth
  1. 克拉克认为经济学理论的中心就是研究财富的分配,而研究财富的分配(交换)问题不能离开生产。

    Clark said the center is to study the economic theory of wealth distribution , and study the distribution of wealth ( exchange ) problem can not leave the production .

  2. 当前世界上财富的分配极为明显地不公平。

    The present distribution of wealth in the world is flagrantly unjust .

  3. 两种广泛使用的经济理论描述了收入和财富的分配。

    Two broad economic theories describe the allocation of income and wealth .

  4. 一种以物理定律为基础的经济理论尝试&试论财富的分配规律

    An economic theory based on a physical law & regulations in property distribution

  5. 市场自由主义的最大缺陷在于收入和财富的分配。

    The biggest flaw in market liberalism is in the distribution of income and wealth .

  6. 收入及财富的分配是当今最富有争议的话题之一。

    The distribution of income and wealth is one of the most controversial issues of the day .

  7. 如果穷人从中获得的好处真的多于富人,财富的分配就应该比以前更均衡。

    So if it really benefited the poor more than the rich , then you would expect some rebalancing of wealth .

  8. 有些美国民众认为社会越平等越好,但实际情况却是收入与财富的分配并不是随心所欲的。

    Some Americans believe the more equality the better , but the fact is that the distribution of income and wealth isn 't arbitrary .

  9. 住宅财富的分配不均进一步拉大了地区之间以及城市家庭内部之间的贫富差距,城市住宅市场的马太效应日渐显著。

    Housing wealth inequality would perform a further wedge between the region and urban family internal , the " Matthew effect " of the urban residential market would be increasingly significant .

  10. 经济法通过调整劳动者共同创造的社会新增财富的分配,保护劳动能力的发展需要,它表现出明显的现代性、发展性和合作性。

    The economic law protects development of labor ability by regulating distribution of new-increasing social wealth which is created by workers . It shows apparent characters of modernity , development and cooperation .

  11. 支持方认为利率管制可以作为政府社会财富的分配工具,保护弱势借款方不受拥有强势市场地位的放贷人的掠夺,维护不平衡的金融借贷市场秩序。

    Support the opinion stated that the interest rate control can be used as tools of government social distribution of wealth to protect the vulnerable borrowers from a strong market position with the predatory lenders .

  12. 21世纪,人类正从工业经济时代进入知识经济时代,知识经济时代的一个显著特点是知识成为第一生产要素,成为财富的分配依据,其核心是以智能资源为代表的人力资本。

    During 21st century , human being enter the era of knowledge-based economy . Its characteristics is that knowledge becomes the first production factor and foundation of wealth allocation , whose core is human capital that represent the intelligence resources .

  13. 文化生产力的高度发展对现代文明的影响是全方位的,将对旧有的生产生活方式、思维方式、价值观念、教育模式和经营管理及领导决策产生重大影响,从而改变财富的分配方式。

    The development of cultural productive forces will influence modem civilization in an all around way , such as the way of life , the mode of production , the mode of thinking , the value , the mode of education , the management and decision-making of the leaders .

  14. 这次会议讨论的是收益及财富的公平分配问题。

    The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth .

  15. 资本税在促使财富的平均分配方面将起重大作用。

    Capital taxation will play a major part in equalizing the distribution of wealth .

  16. 大众教育很重要,但它无法保障收入和财富的公平分配。

    Mass education is important , but it does not guarantee a fair distribution of income and wealth .

  17. 公益活动从字面的意思来看是指为了公众的利益,它的实质可以说是社会财富的再次分配。

    Charity activity literally means doing something beneficial to the public which actually is the re-allocation of social wealth .

  18. 从更广泛的角度来看,结构性预算疲弱妨碍经济增长、财政的可持续性以及收入和财富的合理分配。

    More broadly , structural budgetary weakness impedes growth , fiscal sustainability and acceptable distributions of income and wealth .

  19. 在信息技术革命中,由于时代变迁所造成的全球权力和财富的重新分配既不均衡也不平等。

    The information technology revolution has contributed to the reallocation of global power and wealth , which is neither balanced nor equal .

  20. 对于英超联赛来说,是时候引进某种新的制度或者通过财富的重新分配来使比赛更加公平的竞争。

    Is it time for the Premier League to introduce some sort of draft system or wealth redistribution to try to level the playing field a bit ?

  21. 其主要原因在于实行了财富的重新分配,并开展了轰轰烈烈的大生产运动,特别是在抗战的最后两年。

    This has been due to the redistribution of wealth and to the production campaigns carried out with an intensive vigor , especially during the last two years .

  22. “繁荣的议程”和“财富的重新分配”也会实行,它的意义就是“终结”许多犯罪的诱因,因为黑暗者们会经常的改变条件去引发“犯罪”。

    The prosperity programs and the re-distribution of wealth , will also act as a means to eliminate many reasons for crime , as they will remove the conditions that often lead to it .

  23. 第3章通过分析作为公共决策基础的公共权力,指出行使公共权力的目标是实现公共目标,维护社会正义。维护社会正义的直接表现就是实现社会资源和社会财富的公正分配。

    Chapter 3 points out , by analyzing public power as the basis of public decision-making , the aim of the exertion of public power is the realization of public aim and maintenance of social justice .

  24. 财富不公平的分配。

    The inequitable division of wealth .

  25. 人力资本要像物质资本或虚拟资本一样,参与社会财富分配的收入分配制度;

    Distribution of income of investment and accumulation of human capital is for essential factor to join distribution of social wealth .

  26. 经济的快速优质增长和收入(财富)的公平合理分配一直是经济社会发展过程中人类不懈追求的两个重要目标。

    Rapid economic growth and fair income distribution has been the most main two aims in the long history course of human-being .

  27. 所有参与具体劳动的要素在劳动财富的创造和分配中都具有公平的地位。

    Each participating " essential factor " creating the " concrete work " has its fair status in the work wealth creation and the assignment .

  28. 在罗尔斯构想的正义社会里,生产资料广泛地、分散地存在于公民个人手中,财富和收入的分配遵循差别原则。

    But in Rawls ' blueprint , the means of production is widely and separately possessed among citizens and the distribution of wealth and income follows the difference principle .

  29. 差别原则认为,在一个合乎正义的社会中,收入和财富的不平等分配必须要促使社会最少受惠者获得最大利益。

    This principle holds that the unequal distribution of social income and wealth must at least meet the greatest interest of the least advantaged group in a just society .

  30. 在马克思关于劳动的性质、意义、作用以及劳动与财富的创造及分配等的精深论述中,包含着丰富的劳动伦理思想。

    In Marxist profound elaboration on the nature , significance and function of labor and the creation and distribution of labor and wealth , it contains a rich labor ethical thought .