
cái chǎn quán
  • property;property right;right of property
财产权 [cái chǎn quán]
  • (1) [economic rights]∶指经济大权

  • (2) [property right]∶财产的所有权

  1. 她的财产权失效了。

    Her right to the property has lapsed .

  2. 他们鼓动走一种新的私人财产权之路。

    They encouraged to go on a new private property way .

  3. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  4. 企业法人财产权质疑

    Discussion on the Property Rights of Corporation ENTERPRISE Business Data

  5. 无形财产权立法模式研究

    On the Subject of Legislation Paradigm of Intangible Property Right

  6. 论私有财产权宪法保障体系的构建

    On Construction of the Constitutional Safeguard System for the Private Property Right

  7. 论立法保护私人财产权的迫切性

    On the Impendency of Law Protection of Private Property Rights

  8. 近代江南乡村妇女的财产权

    The Property Rights of Women in Modern Rural Jiangnan Regions

  9. 域名权与站名权均为新型权益即信息财产权。

    Domain name right is one of new rights to property rights .

  10. 物的概念与财产权立法构造

    The Concept of Res and the Legislative Structure of the Property Rights

  11. 你不认为你在侵犯她的财产权吗?

    Don 't you think you are impinging on her property rights ?

  12. 从一定意义上说,物权法规定的财产权是依法行政的基础。

    The Property Law is the foundation of law-based administration .

  13. 其性质上属于财产权,具有绝对权和支配权的性质。

    This right is of property character and is an absolute right .

  14. 私有财产权与公有财产权的对立与统一

    Opposite-Unity Between Private Property Right and Public Property Right

  15. 财产权的环境保护功能研究

    A Study on Environmental Protection Function of Property Right

  16. 在公民权利体系中,财产权居于重要地位。

    In the system of civil rights , property occupies an important position .

  17. 论我国公民私有财产权宪法保护制度的完善

    Discussion of the Improvement of Private Property Rights Constitutional Protection System in China

  18. 财产权具有任何条件下的绝对所有权,笔者是难以苟同的。

    I disagree that the property right is absolute .

  19. 徽商衰亡与私有财产权

    Decline and Fall of the Hui Merchants and the Right of Private Property

  20. 论我国物权法对私人财产权的保护实施

    Recognizing the Protection of Personal Property Rights by the Chinese Property Rights Law

  21. 没有财产权,财产就不能被有效地利用。

    Without property rights , there is no incentive to use property efficiently .

  22. 资源配置与侵犯财产权责任制度研究&从资源配置的效果看侵犯财产权民事责任制度的设计

    The Allocation of Resource and Tort Liability on Property

  23. 农民土地财产权权益制度保障研究

    A Study on the Ensuring System of Rights and Interests of Peasants Land Proprietary

  24. 论土地承包经营权如何真正成为农民的财产权

    How to Make the Land Contract Management Right A Real Property Right of Peasants

  25. 矿产资源开发中的财产权关系

    Property Right Relationship in Development of Mineral Resources

  26. 企业法人财产权之非物权性透析

    The Analysis of Property Right of Enterprise Legal Person Which is Not Real Right

  27. 从《宪法》第十三条的修改谈我国刑诉法对公民私有财产权的保护&兼论我国刑诉法的修改与完善

    On the protection of citizen 's private property right in our criminal procedure law

  28. 不能治疗、医治或赔偿。税务行政赔偿主要是对侵犯财产权的赔偿。

    Impossible to remedy or correct or redress . The compensation of property rights .

  29. 例句她声明放弃她的财产权。

    She renounced her claim to the property .

  30. 财产权的客体即指财产。

    The object of property rights is property .