
cái zhènɡ bù zhǎnɡ
  • finance minister;minister of finance;fiscal
  1. 何塞•安东尼奥•奥坎波(JoséAntonioOcampo)是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教授,曾任哥伦比亚财政部长

    Jose Antonio Ocampo is a Professor at Columbia University and former Minister of Finance in Colombia

  2. 两人都很早就进入了政治事件的中心:1919年,凯恩斯参与了凡尔赛和约(TreatyofVersailles)的谈判;熊彼特则是奥地利财政部长。

    Both gravitated early to the centre of political events . In 1919 , Keynes was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles ; Schumpeter was Austrian minister of finance .

  3. 新任财政部长似乎不愿削减所得税。

    The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax .

  4. 财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。

    The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland 's economic reform

  5. 与会的发言人中有财政部长尼古拉斯·布莱迪。

    Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady

  6. 美国财政部长指出了负债最多的那些国家。

    America 's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries .

  7. 很多国家的财政部长将出席会议。

    The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries

  8. 财政部长再次呼吁降低利率。

    The Finance Minister has renewed his call for lower interest rates .

  9. 财政部长上星期在议会背负着巨大的辞职压力。

    In parliament last week the Finance Minister came under heavy pressure to resign

  10. 财政部长收回了他的决定。

    The finance minister backtracked on his decision .

  11. 过去的12个小时首相一直在和财政部长们密谈。

    The prime minister has been closeted with his finance ministers for the past 12 hours

  12. 对于财政部长即将面临的困境而言,这些批评只是个小小的开始。

    The criticism was merely a warm-up for what is being prepared for the finance minister

  13. 新财政部长曾就读于牛津大学,是个极为传统的人。

    The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come .

  14. 该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近4,000万英镑用于竞选。

    The former party treasurer helped raise almost £ 40 million to fight the election campaign .

  15. 他在大选到来仅几周前辞去了财政部长职务,并抵制大公司利益集团。

    He resigned as finance minister only weeks before the election and stood against big-business interests .

  16. 我们只不过进行监管,这就像在真实世界中由央行、财政部长或国家经济研究所对经济进行监管一样。

    It is simply monitored by us just like any other economy in the real world is by a central bank , finance minister or national economic institute .

  17. 我们的另一位白衣骑士是财政部长G·威廉·米勒。

    Our other white knight was G. William Miller , secretary of the treasury .

  18. 在他发出这一具有争议的呼吁之际,各国财政部长及央行行长将于数日后在华盛顿参加imf及世行(worldbank)的春季会议。

    The controversial call comes days before world finance ministers and central bank governors meet in Washington DC for the spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank .

  19. 相反,英镑随着美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)的言论而起起落落。

    Instead , it rose and fell on comments by Tim Geithner , the US Treasury secretary .

  20. 这是加拿大财政部长吉姆·弗莱厄蒂(JimFlaherty)的说法。

    That is the word from Canada 's finance minister , Jim Flaherty .

  21. 澳大利亚财政部长乔·霍基(JoeHockey)表示,他是按照外国投资规定批准这笔交易的,因为它符合澳大利亚的国家利益。

    Treasurer Joe Hockey said he approved the sale under foreign investment rules because it was in Australia 's national interests .

  22. 财政部长蒂莫西?盖特纳TimGeithner在年会开始之前的强硬警告就定下了基调。

    Tim Geithner , the treasury secretary , set the tone with a tough admonition just before the gathering began .

  23. G20地位的提高让财政部长一年会面几次的G7相形见绌。

    The G-20 's heightened stature has diminished the G-7 , whose finance ministers meet several times a year .

  24. 5月16日,财政部长蒂莫西∙盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)宣布联邦债务已达到法定上限。

    On May16 , Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced that the federal debt had reached its statutory limit .

  25. 目前这一职位呼声最高的欧洲候选人是法国财政部长克里斯丁拉加德(christinelagarde)。

    The highest profile European candidate for the IMF is Christine Lagarde , the French finance minister .

  26. 有关房屋价格的积极消息以及美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)更多对市场有利的讲话,进一步提振了市场人气。

    Positive news on home prices and further market-friendly comments from Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , further helped the mood .

  27. AIG首席执行官利迪向财政部长盖特纳保证说,该公司2009年的奖金红利将降低30%。

    Seeking to reassure the Treasury Secretary , AIG 's Liddy said the company would reduce its bonuses in2009 by30 percent .

  28. 与此同时,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)昨日在日本重申,他相信维持强势美元是重要的。

    Meanwhile , in Tokyo yesterday Tim Geithner , US Treasury secretary , reiterated his belief in the importance of a strong dollar .

  29. 在椭圆办公室参加会晤的还有财政部长提摩西·盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)、国家经济委员会(NationalEconomicCouncil)主任基因·斯珀林(GeneSperling)和白宫办公厅主任比尔·戴利(BillDaley)。

    They were joined in the Oval Office by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner , National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley .

  30. 法国财政部长拉加德(ChristineLagarde)正在积极推动新法的颁布,以在零售行业注入更多的竞争活力。

    Christine Lagarde , the finance minister , is promoting a new law to inject more competition into retailing .