
  • 网络fiscal transfer;transfer payment;intergovernmental transfers;financial transfers
  1. 义务教育财政转移支付的目标选择

    Targets Choice of Fiscal Transfer Payment for Compulsory Education in China

  2. 财政转移支付制度国际比较及借鉴国际老人齿科学会

    International comparison and reference on the system of fiscal transfer payment

  3. 关于财政转移支付测算方法的比较

    Comparision of the survey method on pay and shift for finance

  4. 论我国义务教育财政转移支付法律制度的完善

    The Improvement of Legal System on Compulsory Education Financial Transfer Payment

  5. 促进主体功能区建设的财政转移支付制度设计

    A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones

  6. 上海财政转移支付制度建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration about Fiscal Transfer Payment System Construction in Shanghai

  7. 加大财政转移支付力度,弥补县乡财政缺口;

    Increasing the financial transfer and Filling Financial gap for county ;

  8. 基于新疆生态补偿的财政转移支付制度的建立

    Establishing Financial Transfer Payment System Based on Compensation Ecology in Xinjiang

  9. 财政转移支付与壮大自身财力的关系;

    Financial transfer payments and strengthening one 's own financial resources ;

  10. 西部民族地区财政转移支付制度研究

    Research of Finance Transfer Payment Rules in Western Ethnic Area

  11. 加大纵向和横向政府财政转移支付的力度;

    Strengthening vertical and horizontal the ability of government financial transfer payment ;

  12. 论协调区域发展的财政转移支付制度创新

    On Innovation of Transfer Payment System to Coordinate Regional Development

  13. 转轨期间财政转移支付制度的区域均衡效应

    An Analysis of Interregional Equity Effect of Government Fiscal Transfer Payment System

  14. 我国财政转移支付制度绩效的实证分析(2001-2003)

    Empirical Study of the Performance of China s Current Transfer Payment ;

  15. 建立规范的基础教育财政转移支付制度;

    Regulate public finance transfer payment scheme on basic education ;

  16. 我国西部财政转移支付政策研究

    Study on the Fiscal Transfers in West Region of China

  17. 第二,完善财政转移支付制度。

    The second issue is to perfect the fiscal fund appropriation system .

  18. 加快财政转移支付管理条例等的立法进程。

    Enactment of the Regulations on Managing Transfer Payments will be expedited .

  19. 国家加大对生态保护地区的财政转移支付力度。

    The State will increase fiscal transfer to areas of ecological protection .

  20. 长沙市岳麓区财政转移支付问题研究

    Research of the Problems of Transferred Financial Payment in Yuelu District Government

  21. 第二章,财政转移支付制度的国际比较与借鉴。

    Secondly , the practice and experience of the fiscal transfer payment abroad .

  22. 两者结合起来使财政转移支付立法更具有可行性。

    Both unify enable the finance transfer payment legislation to have the feasibility .

  23. 财政转移支付测算方法研究及实现

    Research and Realization of Algorithm of Fiscal Transfer Paying

  24. 对我国财政转移支付立法的思考

    Speculations about Chinese Legislation on the Financial Transfer Payment

  25. 首先必须明确我国财政转移支付的立法目的。

    First , we should confirm the legislative purposes of fiscal payment transfer .

  26. 德国的横向财政转移支付及对我国的启示

    Enlightenment from German 's Cross Transfer Payment for China

  27. 第二,此财政转移支付结构的效果分析。

    Second , the analysis of the effect of financial transfer payment structure .

  28. 中央财政转移支付压力增加;

    The pressure of central financial transfer payment increase ;

  29. 财政转移支付纵向均衡问题的研究

    Research On Vertical Balance Problem of Financial Transfer Payment

  30. 高等教育财政转移支付探析

    Analysis of the Transfer Payment of Higher Education