
zhì dù jīnɡ jì xué
  • institutional economics
  1. 文章从制度经济学的层面,运用博弈论的方法来分析WTO,指出最惠国待遇原则和多边争端解决机制是WTO规则体系中最重要的制度安排;

    The paper makes analysis of the WTO on the basis of the game theory and the new institutional economics . It holds that MFN and DSM are the most important institutions of the WTO ;

  2. 新制度经济学市场监管思想研究

    A Study on Market Supervision Thoughts in the New Institutional Economics

  3. 新制度经济学理论认为制度是影响经济增长的内生要素,因此FDI对东道国技术外溢的效果需要有利的东道国制度的支持。

    New Institution Economics Theory thinks institutions are endogenous factors that can affect economic growth .

  4. 在对架构的论证中除了引用了新制度经济学的交易费用理论外,还广泛引用了供应链管理、价值链以及ECR等理论,他们都为笔者所建立的分析架构奠定了一定的理论基础。

    During the process besides the transaction cost theory of new institution economics , supply chain management theory , value chain and ECR theory also were widely cited as the theory basis of the frame .

  5. 治安作为公共物品的新制度经济学分析

    " Security " as public product 's new system economics analysis

  6. 会计诚信缺失的新制度经济学透析及对策探讨

    On the Lacking Accounting Credit with the New Institutional Economics Theory

  7. 企业人力资源管理分析&基于新制度经济学视角

    The Analysis of Human Resource Management Based on New Institutional Economics

  8. 从制度经济学视角看银企关系的重要性

    Viewing Importance of Bank - firm Relationship from Institutional Economy Prospective

  9. 知识视角下的企业&对新制度经济学企业理论的质疑

    FIRMS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF KNOWLEDGE On firms ' redundant personnel

  10. 新制度经济学的范式转换及其全新的逻辑解释力

    The New Institutional Economics'Model Transformation and Its Brand-new Logic Interpretation Power

  11. 新制度经济学制度理论批判

    A Critique on the Theory of Institution in New Institutional Economics

  12. 研究方法:制度经济学和新古典经济学边际分析方法。

    Methods of institutional economics and new-classic marginal analysis were employed .

  13. 基于新制度经济学视野下的行政问责

    Executive accountability system basing on the angle of new system economics

  14. 研究方法:蛛网模型和制度经济学分析方法。

    Methods of cobweb model and institutional economic analysis are employed .

  15. 新制度经济学的制度理念及其缺陷探究

    New system economics 's system theory and its shortage probing

  16. 新制度经济学的发展、范式和启示

    The development , model and enlightenment of new institutional economics

  17. 新制度经济学范式分析

    Analysis on the Demonstrative Models of the New System Economics

  18. 新制度经济学:经济学向古典政治经济学的复归

    New Institutional Economics , Economics restored to Classical Political Economics

  19. 明代资本主义萌芽的新制度经济学解释

    Explanation for New Institutional Economics for Budding of Capitalism of Ming Dynasty

  20. 新制度经济学中不完全契约理论的分歧与融合&以威廉姆森和哈特为代表的两种进路

    The Divarication and Amalgamation of Incomplete Contracting Theory of New Institutional Economics

  21. 国有商业银行脆弱性的制度经济学分析

    The Institutional Economics Analysis on Fragility of State-owned Commercial Banks

  22. 民办高校核心竞争力的新制度经济学分析

    Analysis of new systematic economics to private universities ' core competitive strength

  23. 艾尔斯制度经济学及对中国经济发展的启示

    On Ayres Institutional Economics and Revelation for Chinese Economic Development

  24. 新制度经济学的新发展:历史比较制度分析

    Recent developments of new institutional economics : institutional analysis of historical comparison

  25. 知识规则论:诺思制度经济学解读

    The Rules of Knowledge : An Interpretation on Institutional Economics of North

  26. 我国电子政府建设的新制度经济学分析

    A Neo-institutional Economic Analysis on the E-government Construction in China

  27. 新制度经济学视角下的审计动因研究

    Study on the Auditing Motive under the New Institutional Economics

  28. 我国城市土地集约与合理利用的制度经济学分析

    Institutional Economic Analysis of Intensified and Rational Land Use in Chinese Cities

  29. 中国民营银行发展的新制度经济学分析

    The New Institutional Analysis on the Development of Non-Governmental Banks

  30. 美国区域环境管理的制度经济学分析

    Institutional Economy Analysis on Regional Environmental Management of the US