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  • 网络Foamed plastic;EPS;expanded plastics;plastic foam
  1. 发泡塑料在工业和日常生活中有广泛的应用。

    Plastic foam is used widely in the industrial fields and in daily life .

  2. 纳米碳酸钙含量对PS发泡塑料泡孔形态的影响

    Effect of Content of Nano-CaCO_3 on Cell Morphology of PS Foam

  3. 基于SAS软件对发泡塑料气泡界面运动形态的研究

    Study on Interface Motion Forms of Bubbles of Foaming Plastics Based on SAS Software

  4. 气泡的成核阶段是采用超临界CO2流体挤出微孔发泡塑料的关键成型环节。

    The nucleation of bubble is a key stage of the process of extruding microcellular when using supercritical CO_2 fluid as foaming agent .

  5. 对高大平房仓的门窗、通风口、环流熏蒸管道等易导热部位用PVC发泡塑料作隔热保温处理,以提高仓房的隔热性能,进一步改善仓房的储粮条件;

    The door , windows , vent opening and recirculation ducts in large warehouse were treated by PVC foam plastic to improve heat insulation property .

  6. 研究了一种用来制造快餐盒的光&生物双降解聚苯乙烯(PS)发泡塑料的降解性能及其影响因素。

    The degradability and its effecting factors have been studied for a kind of photosensitized and biodegradable foamed plastics polystyrene used to manufacture boxes for fast food items , Degradation by fungus or visible light was observed .

  7. 对EPS发泡塑料包装制品的新型替代品植物纤维发泡制品的制作、工艺及设备特点,化学发泡剂发泡及水蒸汽发泡技术,以及国内外该项技术的发展状况进行了介绍。

    G. the plant fiber foaming product on EPS foaming plastic package . It presents foaming technology by chemical foamer and steam and explains the developing status of the technology both at home and abroad .

  8. 发泡塑料成型气泡膨胀热动力问题浅析

    Analysis of Thermal Dynamics of Bubble Expanding during Plastics Foam Process

  9. 发泡塑料非线性气泡振动临界条件分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Critical Condition of Non-Linear Bubble Oscillation of Foam Plastics

  10. 发泡塑料颗粒轻质土的强度、变形特性研究

    Strength and deformation properties of foamed beads light soil

  11. 热塑性淀粉类缓冲包装发泡塑料研究进展

    Research Progress on Thermoplastic Starch Cushioning Package Foam Plastic

  12. 低发泡塑料鞋跟的研制

    The Development of Low Foamed Plastics Shoe Heel

  13. 微孔发泡塑料制备方法研究进展

    Research Progress of Preparation Processes of Microcellular Plastics

  14. 可替代发泡塑料餐具理想产品的现状及发展

    Situation and Trend of Replacement of Plastic Products

  15. 但时间延长到一定程度,发泡塑料密度变化不大。

    But the time extending enough , the density of sheet has small changes .

  16. 微孔发泡塑料注射成型技术及其新进展

    Microcellular Foam Injection Molding Technology and Its Development

  17. 微孔发泡塑料动态成核机理的研究

    TRENDS Dynamic Nucleation Mechanism of Microcellular Plastics

  18. 等温挤出发泡塑料泡体密度变化的研究

    Research of Foam Density Change in the Process of Freely Extruding Foam in Isothermal Condition

  19. 微孔发泡塑料的研究进展

    Progress in the Research of Microcellular Foam

  20. 发泡塑料饭盒回收技术设备

    Foamed Plastics Lunch - box Retrieving Device

  21. 微孔发泡塑料挤出过程中各种影响因素的研究

    Influencing Factors During Extrusion of Microcellular Foam

  22. 泡沫塑料对环境的污染引起了社会各界的关注,我国正着手淘汰发泡塑料餐具。

    Every one of human society is deeply concerned at the environment pollution from foamed plastic .

  23. 本文的研究工作,在一定程度上可为低发泡塑料的强韧化设计提供了理论分析依据。

    The present work may be used to supply some guidelines for the design of Microcellular foam plastics .

  24. 该工艺在普通涂装成本的前提下实现了聚氨酯发泡塑料的工业涂装。

    By using this process , industrialization of painting on polyurethane foam was radically achieved with traditional painting cost .

  25. 综述了微孔发泡塑料制备方法的研究现状,分别介绍了几种常见的制备方法。

    In this paper , the common methods and the development in the preparation of microcellular plastics were reviewed .

  26. 复合泡沫塑料是新型的发泡塑料,对其缓冲特性进行评定具有重要的意义。

    Syntactic foam is a new kind of foamed polymer . It is very important to value its cushioning properties .

  27. 综述微孔发泡塑料的制备方法,并简介其性能,应用前景和当前的研究方向。

    In this paper , a review of the preparation , characteristics and the recent development of microcellular foams is presented .

  28. 该结构采用发泡塑料作为堤坝材料,或铺设于软基面上,或填充于易沉陷部位,或搅拌于土石方中;

    Being adopted foam plastics as materials , it is paved above thd soft ground , of infilled in weak area .

  29. 发泡塑料的应用十分广泛,可作为电子产品,陶瓷产品、建筑材料、玻璃制品及食品等的包装。

    EPS foamed plastic can be used widely , such as packing material for electronic product , proclaim ware , glassware , food , etc.

  30. 生物膜容易脱落是影响发泡塑料悬浮填料脱氮性能及稳定性的一个主要原因。

    However , the main reason resulting in the poor denitrification capacity of the foamed plastic suspended medium is that the bio film becomes detached easily .