
fèi téng
  • ebullition;ebullience;elixation;boil;seethe with excitement;bring to the boil comes to the boil;seething
沸腾 [fèi téng]
  • (1) [boil]∶液体受热到一定温度而急剧气化

  • (2) [seethe with excitement]∶比喻情绪激昂或兴旺发达

  • 热血沸腾

  • 节日的闹市,人群沸腾

沸腾[fèi téng]
  1. 水在咕嘟咕嘟地沸腾着。

    The water was bubbling and boiling away .

  2. 火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。

    Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools .

  3. 熔岩在火山口下几英尺处沸腾。

    Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater .

  4. 体育场内群情沸腾。

    The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion .

  5. 会上群情沸腾。

    Passions were running high at the meeting .

  6. 温度计显示它在沸腾。

    The temperature gauge indicated that it was boiling .

  7. 以小火加热酱汁至其沸腾变浓。

    Cook the sauce over a low heat until it boils and thickens .

  8. 将调好味的肉汤加热至沸腾。

    Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling

  9. 切勿让这种混合物沸腾。

    On no account should the mixture boil .

  10. 把炖锅置于中火上加热,直到苹果酒变得很烫,但不要加热到沸腾。

    Place the saucepan over moderate heat until the cider is very hot but not boiling

  11. 使用带自动断电装置的水壶加热,这样水沸腾的时间就不会过长了。

    Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn 't boil for longer than necessary

  12. 把液体放在大而宽的容器里加热,不要用高而窄的,否则液体沸腾后会溢出来。

    Heat the liquid in a large , wide container rather than a high narrow one , or it can boil over .

  13. 他的血管里沸腾着英雄的热血。

    In his veins dances the blood of hero .

  14. 全场沸腾。

    The place seethes with enthusiasm . ; The whole place is in ferment .

  15. 寂静的山村,顿时沸腾起来。

    The quiet mountain village suddenly became astir .

  16. 会场上顿时沸腾起来了。

    The meeting hall was seething at once .

  17. 使水壶里的水保持沸腾。

    Keep the kettle at the boil .

  18. 水在100℃时沸腾。

    Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade .

  19. 若是离开了沸腾的生活,诗人是写不出感人的诗篇的。

    If a poet is divorced from the hustle and bustle of life , he can 't write inspiring poetry .

  20. 我们听到水壶在火上发出单调的沸腾声。

    We could hear the pot bubbling quietly on the fire .

  21. 水沸腾时有大量水分子脱离出来。

    As the water boils , the water molecules escape in large numbers .

  22. 他把刀浸入沸腾的水中。

    He immersed the knife in boiling water .

  23. 工地上一片沸腾。

    The construction site was seething with excitement .

  24. 宣布选举结果后,全场顿时沸腾起来。

    When the election results were announced , the whole assembly clapped and cheered .

  25. 本文就转炉沸腾钢过氧化问题进行了原因分析,制订了解决措施

    Converter rimming steel over-oxidation is analyzed and solution raised .

  26. 我们将会在这系列的部份5讨论沸腾的纤维更多

    We will discuss fermentable fiber more in Part 5 of this series .

  27. 相反,它是一个不断翻滚、剧烈沸腾的大锅,内有逐渐消失的粒子

    Rather , it is a roiling , seething cauldron of evanescent particles .

  28. 沸腾钢在铸锭前不脱氧或轻度脱氧

    In the case of rimming steel , no or some deoxidation is carried out before casting .

  29. 其实,它们与那些从沸腾的水壶中冒出的白色水蒸气一样。

    They are just like the clouds of white steam , as we call it , that you see rising from a boiling kettle .

  30. 溶有CO2燃油的闪急沸腾喷射过程研究

    Study of Flash Boiling Injection of Fuel Containing Dissolved CO_2