- boiling-water reactor

Small cogeneration boiling water reactor CR-200 is proposed , and its preliminary thermal-hydraulic design and stability analysis are completed with the best estimate thermal-hydraulic code RETRAN-02 and a steam generator design program .
The Feature of ABWR and Its Availability
Preliminary study on small cogeneration BWR cr-200 .
Hitachi is offering a third design , the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor , which is already licensed in the US , Taiwan and Japan but has yet to be submitted to UK regulators .
Factor Analysis of Flow Instability between Heating Reactor and Boiling Reactor
A practical BWR thermal-hydraulic model has been introduced .
Advances in radioactive wastes management and radiation protection at nuclear power plants with boiling water reactors
Direct cycle integral boiling reactor
The comparison of the computational results for reactor core of PWR and BWR are also presented .
Our plant type is a third-generation pressurised water reactor , and it is safer than the Fukushima boiling water reactor .
BWR nuclear power plant model validation : compare the steady state calculation result with the actual operating data to ensure model accuracy and reliability .
In operation since the early1970s , Japan 's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant uses six boiling water reactors , which rely on uranium nuclear fission to generate heat .
The Study of the Web-based Teleoperation Control Technique for the Mobile Manipulator ; The drive is different from electric-magnetic drive for PWR or hydraulic drive for BWR .
Therefore , to establish an accurate and complete BWR model is of great significance to the study of dynamic characteristics and two-phase flow instability problems of BWR .
The anal-ysis shows : ① Sub-cooled boiling , condensation and flashing play an important role on the flow instabil-ities in a natural circulation system , and have connection with lots of instabilities , which is different to the forced circulation system ;
BWR control system modeling : based on the model , establish the BWR reactor power plant control system , and complete the real-time simulation of variable conditions and fault conditions , which verify the regulatory functions and disturb resistance capacity of control system . 4 .