
lì dài dì wánɡ miào
  • Temple of the Past-Ages Emperors
  1. 北京历代帝王庙的综合价值评估

    A Comprehensive Appraisal of Successive Dynasties of Emperor Temple in Beijing

  2. 北京历代帝王庙是全国现存规模最为宏伟的祭祀历代帝王的庙宇。

    Successive Dynasties of Emperor Temple in Beijing , is the most magnificent temple for worship successive dynasties emperor .

  3. 地铁6号线列车振动引起历代帝王庙影壁动力响应的预测

    Ascend the throne , ie become king or queen Dynamic Response Prediction of Temple of Ancient Monarchs Induced by Metro Line 6 Vibration