
tài miào
  • the Imperial Ancestral Temple;Royal Ancestral Temple
太庙 [tài miào]
  • [Royal Ancestral Temple] 封建皇帝为祭拜祖先而营建的庙宇

  • 入于太庙。--宋. 欧阳修《伶官传》

太庙[tài miào]
  1. 如果你有时间,右首边的北京太庙和左首边的中山公园会尤其使你感兴趣的。

    If you have time , the Imperial Ancestral Temple ( which is to the right ), and sun Yat-Sen Park ( on the left ), might be particularly interested with you .

  2. 清代学者万斯同认为元代太庙祭礼有一些新异之处,有些则有违古礼。

    Wan Sitong , Qing scholar , believed that there were several new and unusual practices in religious rites at the Imperial Ancestral Temple of the Yuan Dynasty , some even in violation of classical rites .

  3. 这种想法在我参加故宫旁的太庙里举行的绚烂如同奥运般的庙会时还不明显。

    It wasn 't so much the glitzy , Olympic-quality party I attended in the Tai Miao Temple , next to the Forbidden City , that made this impression .

  4. 圣诞节第二天,身着汉服、手持福袋、慈眉善目、笑容可掬的“中华福爷爷”在北京太庙隆重问世。

    The kindly " Chinese Fortune Grandpa " wearing Han Chinese clothing and holding a fortune bag debuted at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after Christmas .

  5. 他们并非是闲逛者,而是根据系统分配的指令而来,他们必须进入敌国完成诸如“刺探情报”或者“抢夺太庙资源”等等任务。

    These are not idle wanderers ; they come at the command of the system , on missions to " gather intelligence " or " loot the wealth of the ancestral temple " that require entering enemy territory to complete .

  6. 作为时代生活的精神基础&祖先崇拜成为了死者和生者得以沟通的宗教形式,帝王的灵魂以太庙神主的形式永远存在并且影响着整个国家的精神世界。

    As the spirit of the time life foundation , Ancestor worship became the dead and the living to communication religious form , The soul of the imperial emperor in the form of gods always there and affecting the whole state of the spirit world .