
lì shǐ zhǔ yì
  • historicism;historicity
  1. 本文从新历史主义的思想渊源着手,把米歇尔·福柯(MichelFoucault)对权力策略的分析引入了莎剧研究。

    This dissertation begins from the ideological origin of new historicism , the analysis for the strategy of power of Michel Foucault has led to Shakespeare 's drama research .

  2. 福柯是对新历史主义影响最大的人。

    And Foucault is the primary influence on the New Historicism .

  3. 三是新历史主义方法的特征,本文将其概括为:在实践中界定德性;

    Third , characteristics of neo-historicism : define virtue in practice ;

  4. 新历史主义文艺思潮解析

    An Analysis of New Historicism Trend of Thought in Literature and Art

  5. 历史主义原则与社会主义本质的科学构建

    Historical Principle and Scientific Construction of Theory of Socialist Essence

  6. 《文心雕龙》和古典历史主义

    The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and the Classical Historicism

  7. 马克思和《精神现象学》&一个历史主义的文本学分析

    Marx and The Phenomenology of the Spirit : A Historical Textual Reading

  8. 新历史主义的理论为文学研究提供了新的角度,对文学文本的解读具有可运用性和可借鉴性。

    New Historicism provides a new perspective to literary study .

  9. 然而新历史主义最终却由“回到历史”走向了历史虚无主义。

    However , finally New Historicismwalks up to Non-Historicism from the history-orientation .

  10. 马克思哲学的历史主义根基:遗忘与重建资本主义和社会主义的根本对立状态

    Forgetting and Rebuilding : The Historical Root of Marxist Philosophy

  11. 这种方法成为了新历史主义的一大标志。

    This technique became kind of a hallmark of the New Historicism .

  12. 文化翻译中的时间问题和多元历史主义,等等。

    The time dimension of cultural translation and multi - historical ism .

  13. 语言历史主义&论历史学与语言学的交叉研究试论历史唯物主义与历史哲学的关系问题

    Discussion about the Relationship between the Historical Materialism and Philosophy of History

  14. 新历史主义与新时期影视研究述评

    A Commentary on Neo-Historicism And Neo-Period Films and TV

  15. 神话世界的创造是阎连科表达自己对历史主义失望的一种方式。

    The creation of mythology is a kind of expression for historical disappointment .

  16. 译介学中的新历史主义权力话语

    The Discourse of Power between New Historicism and Medio-translatology

  17. 历史主义阶段。

    Finally , it is the phase of historism .

  18. 马克思主义与新历史主义历史诗学

    Marxism and the Historical Poetics of New Historicism

  19. 技术主义与历史主义&当代工业建筑设计的两种美学倾向述评

    Technocracy and historicism : comment on two aesthetic trends of contemporary industrial architecture design

  20. 颠覆与抑制&《蝴蝶君》的新历史主义解读

    Subversion and Containment : The Interpretation of M.Butterfly from the Perspective of New Historicism

  21. 新历史主义文本观;

    Interpretation of New Historicism for texts ;

  22. 文章着重探讨了艺术传播与新历史主义之间的内在关联。

    This article discusses intrinsic connection between the artistic dissemination and the new historical principle .

  23. 自我奋斗者的话语&《了不起的盖茨比》的新历史主义解读

    The Discourse of the Self-Made Man & A New Historical Reading of The Great Gatsby

  24. 历史主义的原则;

    The third , principle of historicism ;

  25. 小型叙事与新历史主义视界转换

    Petit Narratives and New Historicism Transformation

  26. 麦金太尔将休谟问题置于西方伦理思想史发展的整个过程之中,用历史主义的观点来论述这个问题。

    Macintyre analyzed Hume Problem from the aspect of historicism and the development of west ethnics .

  27. 新历史主义的文学观

    Views of New Historicism on Literature

  28. 作为一部新历史主义小说,《我的帝王生涯》包含了丰富的文化反思意味。

    As a novel of new historical doctrine , My Emperor Career contains plentiful cultural reflections .

  29. 在史实与文学之间穿行&解读新历史主义的文学批评

    Passing Through Literature and Historical Facts & An Interpretation of the Literary Criticism of New Historicism

  30. 新历史主义视角下的《五号屠场》研究

    A New Historicism Study of Slaughterhouse-Five