
huì hé chù
  • confluence;junction;meet
汇合处[huì hé chù]
  1. 重庆位于长江和嘉陵江汇合处。

    Chongqing lies where the Changjiang River and the Jialing River meet .

  2. 武汉位于长江和汉江汇合处。

    Wuhan lies where the Changjiang River and the Han Jiang River meet .

  3. 内拉河和韦利诺河的汇合处是落差达160米的瀑布,景象十分壮观。

    The 160-metre falls mark the dramatic confluence of the rivers Nera and Velino .

  4. 两河的汇合处有座桥。

    There 's a bridge at the junction of the two rivers .

  5. 这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。

    This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London .

  6. 川西北则主要是多条深大断裂带结合汇合处且有强烈的变质作用决定了CO2释放。野外实测西南地区各类温泉温度反应地热温度变化范围广。

    The converging spot of a great number of large and deep fault layers accompanied by intense metamorphism in the west of Sichuan decide the release of CO2.The range of temperature of the hot springs is wide .

  7. 2月6日,在印度阿拉哈巴德一个名叫三江(恒河与亚穆纳河汇合处)的地方,每年一次的传统节日MaghMela正在举行。图为一群孩子透过帐篷向外张望热闹的场景。

    Indian children peek out of a tent at Sangam , the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers during the annual traditional fair of Magh Mela in Allahabad , India , Wednesday Feb.6,2008 .

  8. 他们看到了密西西比河和明尼苏达河的汇合处。

    They saw the junction of the Mississippi and the Minnesota .

  9. 水力发电站在两条河流的汇合处。

    The hydrolic power station stands at the junction of two rivers .

  10. 西起帕米尔高原,东至黑龙江、苏里江汇合处。

    Pamirs to the west , east Heilongjiang , Wusuli River confluence .

  11. 科布伦茨城建立在莱茵河和摩泽尔河的汇合处。

    The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel .

  12. 美国伊利诺斯州最南部的一个城镇,靠近密西西比河与俄亥俄河汇合处。

    A town of extreme southern Illinois near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers .

  13. 胃左静脉起源变异较大,可起源于门静脉主干、脾静脉和门静脉与脾静脉汇合处。

    The left gastric vein origin show large variation , which originate in portal vein , splenic vein or their confluence .

  14. 在室间孔腹侧左右端脑半球汇合处可见有较多凋亡细胞,以及两侧脑室内侧壁也可见较多凋亡细胞;

    Some few of apoptosis were observed in the ventral wall of interventricular foramen and the medial wall of lateral ventricle .

  15. 三角洲由沉积累积而成,这些沉积物形成于某些河流与静水体汇合处的附近。

    A delta is a deposit of sediments that forms near the junction of some rivers with a standing body of water .

  16. 加拿大艾伯塔东北部的一座城市,位于阿萨巴斯卡河和克利尔沃河的汇合处。人口31000。

    A city of northeast Alberta , Canada , at the conjunction of the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers . Population , 31,000 .

  17. 星期天,3千多万人跳入印度恒河与亚穆纳河的汇合处。

    More than 30 million people gathered Sunday to plunge into the waters at the confluence of India 's Ganges and Yamuna rivers .

  18. 美国俄勒冈州最大城市,位于该州西北部,威拉米特河沿岸与哥伦比亚河的汇合处。

    The largest city of Oregon , in the northwest part of the state on the Willamette River near its junction with the Columbia River .

  19. 敦煌在甘肃,其地是古代丝绸之路上的重镇,也是多少世纪来中国与西域文化交流的汇合处,又是佛教的中心地。

    Dunhuang , located in present-day Gansu province , was a major town on the Silk Road , and for many centuries was a meeting place of Chinese and Central Asian cultures .

  20. “孔雀帝国,古印度以松河和恒河汇合处的华氏城(后来的巴特那)为中心的国家。”

    " Mauryan empire ( c. 321-c. 185 BC ) In ancient India , a state centred at Pataliputra ( later Patna ) near the junction of the Son and Ganges ( Ganga ) rivers . "

  21. 有一天,当他沿着海德公园慢跑,来到与诺丁山路的汇合处时,他开始感觉口渴,就转身进入街角的一个酒店去买果汁。

    One day , as he was jogging along Hyde Park , coming upon the junction with Notting Hill Road , he was beginning to feel thirsty and turned into the pub at the corner for some juice .

  22. 随着全球工业化和城市化的迅速发展,城市成为人类技术进步、经济发展和社会文明的结晶,也是环境污染、生态破坏和社会问题的汇合处。

    Along with the quick development of global industrialization and urbanism , cities have become the position of human technology progress , economic development and social civilization , which are also the focus place of environment pollutions , ecological destruction and social problems .

  23. 本文以松花江、嫩江汇合处沉井施工为例,介绍了高水位软土地基区域地下构筑物、建筑物不排水封底的施工方法&开口吊罐法。

    Taking the construction of sink well at the joint of Songhua and Nenjiang rivers as sample , the article deals with a method of seal bottom of underground structure of building in soft ground of high water level without draining off water-no cover hoist bucket .

  24. 攀枝花市(原名渡口市)位于川滇交界的金沙江和雅砻江汇合处,以富饶的矿产资源、罕见的水能资源、丰富的森林资源和独特的气候资源而誉为甲天下的聚宝盆。

    Panzhihua ( previously named Dukou ) in Sichuan Province , bordering Yunnan , which sits in the confluence of Jinsha River and Yalong River , is abundant in mineral , water , forest resources together with unique climate resources , thus known as the " best cornucopia " .