
huì hé
  • converge;join;confluence;fusion;join up;unite
  • JOIN
汇合 [huì hé]
  • (1) [converge]∶水流会合

  • 两条河流汇合成为一个湖

  • (2) [join up;unite]∶与合在一起

  • 和他的朋友汇合

汇合[huì hé]
汇合[huì hé]
  1. 上升的一切必将汇合所得结果收■性很好。

    Everything That Rises Must Converge Both results converge nicely .

  2. 上升的一切必将汇合

    Everything That Rises Must Converge

  3. 这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。

    The path joins the road near the trees .

  4. 内拉河和韦利诺河的汇合处是落差达160米的瀑布,景象十分壮观。

    The 160-metre falls mark the dramatic confluence of the rivers Nera and Velino .

  5. 这条小路在海边与公路汇合。

    The path joins the road near the ocean .

  6. 大运河在天津与海河汇合。

    The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin .

  7. 哪两条河在里昂相汇合?

    Which two rivers join at lyon ?

  8. 这两条河在什么地方汇合?

    Where do the two rivers meet ?

  9. 在苏丹首都,另一条名为青尼罗河的大河与白尼罗河汇合。

    At Sudan 's capital , another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile .

  10. 他们建造了城市的汇合两条河流。

    They built the city at the confluence of two rivers .

  11. 两河的汇合处有座桥。

    There 's a bridge at the junction of the two rivers .

  12. 这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。

    This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London .

  13. 这本综合说明书是集若干图片汇合而成的。

    This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings .

  14. 南、北经向感热输送的汇合线(即零值线)大致沿30°N纬度。

    The confluent line of southward and northward meridional sensible heat transfer ( the zero value line ) runs approximately along the latitude of 30 ° N.

  15. 嘉陵江三江汇合区段的沙量平衡及控制三峡水库泥沙措施探讨在频率域内,变化过程大致可划分为三个区域:I.线性区;

    Sediment balance of Three-river confluent region in the Jialing River and measures to control sediment entering the Three-Gorge Project reservoir linear region ;

  16. 汇合的细胞加入诱导分化培养基,24h后即可见大部分细胞聚集成团;

    Cell aggregation was formed in most cells 24 hours after the cells were cultured in inductive differentiation medium .

  17. 当相邻各丝的等离子体膨胀到相互接触和汇合的程度,Z箍缩的主电流才开始加载,驱动各丝汇合形成的等离子体套筒内爆。

    Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other .

  18. 他要带我去他在Blackpool的汇合点。

    He wishes to take me with him to his rendezvous in Blackpool .

  19. 结果贴壁的MSCs单个存在或形成克隆,细胞形态比较均一,为长梭形,7~10天达汇合。

    Results Anchored MSCs is single or cell clone is developed . Cell is uniform in the configuration and converged long fusiform after 7-10 days .

  20. Ⅲ型:L1发出的神经干与L2发出的神经干汇合后发出的GFN从发出点分为生殖支和股支。

    Type ⅲ: GFN is to sent out from L1 and L2 nerve roots and divided into genital branch and femoral branch .

  21. 川西北则主要是多条深大断裂带结合汇合处且有强烈的变质作用决定了CO2释放。野外实测西南地区各类温泉温度反应地热温度变化范围广。

    The converging spot of a great number of large and deep fault layers accompanied by intense metamorphism in the west of Sichuan decide the release of CO2.The range of temperature of the hot springs is wide .

  22. 尤其是台风南部来自SW-S-SE方向的季风汇合带云带,不仅意味着台风强度的加强和维持,更预示着台风将往北移动。

    Especially , the long cloud bands of the monsoon confluent zone coming from SW-S-SE direction not only means that typhoon would intensify or maintain its intensity , but also predicts that typhoon would move northward .

  23. 但是为了将敏捷的收益从TCO的整体观中分解出来,我们需要自底向上地工作,并且正两种方法最终在一点上汇合。

    But in order to factor the benefits of Agile from a TCO perspective , we need to work from the bottom up , and meet management halfway .

  24. 分析患者的肺内CT表现,定量分析肺内病变程度和范围,分别选择4个层面(主动脉弓、隆突、静脉汇合层面和膈上层面)进行病变评分。

    CT appearances of pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities including distribution and extent of involvement were quantitatively analyzed , and four levels on CT scan including the aortic arch , the tracheal carina , the pulmonary venous confluence , and the dome of right diaphragm were selected to score the lesions .

  25. 结果:培养的鼻粘膜呼吸上皮细胞在接种后24h贴壁,6~8d汇合,成活16d,因实验需要结束培养。

    Result : After inoculation , cells cultured with this method adhered in 24 hours , confluented in 6 ~ 8 days and lived for 16 days .

  26. 传代后第7d即可汇合,第14d出现矿化结节,茜素红染色呈橘红色,VOnKossa染色呈黑色;

    The merging osteoblasts were found from passage culture on day 7 , and there were apparent mineralized nodules on day 14 . Von kossa and Alizarin red staining showed positive with jacinth and black respectively .

  27. 总之,修正的MEP法可以把来自不同渠道的本来不可比的、不同精确度的信息汇合到一个偏差最小的重现关系中,供地震危险性分析之用。

    In fact , the modified MEP method can combine different sources of information with varying guality into a single minimally biased recurrence relationship . The method developed in this paper is intended for use in seismic hazard analysis .

  28. 霍皮族(Hopi)印第安人认为世界上每种宗教都包含一条心灵线,这些线一直在找寻彼此,汇合在一起。

    The Hopi Indians thought that the world 's religions each contained one spiritual thread , and that these threads are always seeking each other , wanting to join .

  29. 12个粒子汇合与一个原子核里,连续不断的,叫做memo-ons的介子的交换给它作用力。

    The312 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memo-ons .

  30. 对比试验表明:EGFP-N3和DsRed外源基因表达率与细胞生长汇合程度、脂质体包被质粒的浓度比例及转染时间直接相关。

    The experiment indicated DsRed and EGFP-N_3 transfection rate directly correlated with the cell growth convergence degree , the liposome claded plasmid density proportion and the transfection time .