
huì duì sǔn shī
  • exchange loss;loss on exchange
  1. 去年公司遭受了相当严重的汇兑损失。这家航运公司为此受到相当大的损失。

    We had a fairly large exchange loss last year . The shipping line lost considerably by it .

  2. 那可防止因汇率下降所带来的损失,去年公司遭受了相当严重的汇兑损失。

    That prevents the dollar getting any worse for you than it is now , We had a fairly large exchange loss last year .

  3. 联营各方转进转出资金的汇兑损失

    Exchange losses arising from transfers of funds to and from related parties

  4. 弥补因折旧而损失的费用。减掉律师费用或汇兑损失

    To make an allowance for legal expenses or an allowance for exchanging loss

  5. 但将汇兑损失考虑在内,南方航空则转为亏损。

    With the currency impact , the airline swung to a net loss .

  6. 考虑到汇兑损失,2012年美联储的这些一次性收益达到了185亿美元。

    These one-time profits , offset by currency losses , totaled $ 18.5 billion in 2012 .

  7. 被动型管理外包可弥补汇兑损失,但如果管理者对冲的币种升值了,那么这种管理外包自身也会产生亏损。

    Passive overlays compensate for currency losses but if the currency that the manager is hedging against appreciates , they generate their own losses .

  8. 这可能导致两种结果:一是美国的保护主义情绪抬头,二是中国的美元储备最终蒙受巨大的汇兑损失。

    The two probable outcomes are more protectionism from the US and , ultimately , a huge currency loss for China on its dollar reserves .

  9. 不过汇兑损失大多是非现金性损失,这些公司之所以公布这些损失,是因为根据会计准则要求,航空公司须在每个季度末对大规模外币债务进行重新估值。

    Yet these foreign-exchange losses are mostly noncash , as companies are required under accounting rules to value their substantial foreign-currency debts at the end of every quarter .

  10. 举例来说,中国国有航空公司的汇兑损失大多是非现金性的,因为会计准则要求它们在每个季度末对大规模外币债务进行估值。

    For example , exchange losses at Chinese state airlines are mostly non-cash , as they are required under accounting rules to value their substantial foreign-currency debts at the end of every quarter .

  11. 由于美国经济的增长速度及利率水平都高于其它发达国家,投资者或许曾认为,汇兑损失的风险微不足道。

    While the US was growing far more rapidly than the rest of the developed world , and offered an interest rate premium , investors may have regarded the risk of currency losses as minimal .

  12. 外汇风险会给进出口企业带来汇兑损失,造成外币资产的缩水和负债的增加,甚至会影响进出口企业的经营战略。

    Foreign exchange risk will bring exchange loss to the import and export enterprises , result in the increase of foreign currency assets and liabilities , will even affect operation strategies of the import and export enterprise .

  13. 分析师们说,因此,如果人民币的下滑势头在目前水平企稳,那么汇兑损失对航空公司利润的中期影响不大。疲软的利润数据掩盖了中国航空业第一季度盈利强劲增长的事实。

    Consequently , they don 't pose significant medium-term impact if the yuan 's declines stabilizes near current levels , say analysts . The weak net results therefore mask the robust earnings pickup in the nation 's airline industry for the quarter .