
huì biān yǔ yán
  • assembler language;assembly language
汇编语言[huì biān yǔ yán]
  1. C语言与汇编语言程序中的数据通讯技术

    C & language and information exchange in assembler language program

  2. QuickBASIC与汇编语言的混合编程

    Quick BASIC and Mixed Programme of Assembler Language

  3. 软件用BASIC语言及汇编语言编写。

    Software was written with BASIC and assembly language .

  4. 软件设计中采用C语言和汇编语言的混合编程编写软件程序,实现了μC/OS-Ⅱ的移植以及驱动的开发;

    Software has been programmed mixed with C and DSP assemble .

  5. 浅谈C语言与汇编语言混合编程的一些技术

    Some Mixed Programming Technologies of C Language and Assembly Language

  6. 单片机控制软件采用汇编语言和C语言来编写;

    Using compilation language and C language compiles Microcontroller software .

  7. 用户可使用梯形图、语句表、汇编语言和C语言编写用户程序。

    User can program using LAD , STL , Assemble and C language .

  8. 汇编语言与C语言及Visualc++混合编程

    Assembly Language Mixed with C and Visual C + + Language for Programming

  9. 为什么是C,而不是汇编语言?

    Why C , and not assembly language ?

  10. 当前实时系统的开发多采用C或汇编语言。

    Now , C and assemble languages are often used in real time system .

  11. 系统软件以C语言为主体,结合内嵌汇编语言。

    The software is mainly programmed by C-Language , and partly by built-in Assembler-Language .

  12. 软件采用C语言与汇编语言混合编程。

    Software was programmed by a mixing of both C language and assembly language .

  13. 采用C语言和汇编语言联合编程的方法,实现了系统DSP的软件编写。

    The software of DSP is developed in C and assembly language .

  14. 在软件设计上,软件以C语言和汇编语言相结合的方法实现了系统的控制。

    In software designing , C language and assembly language together is adopted to control system .

  15. 应用DSP专用汇编语言与C语言进行系统软件程序的编写;

    With assemble language of DSP and C , the software program is written .

  16. 步进电机通常用运动控制卡控制或用汇编语言以及用C语言编软件控制。

    Stepper motor is normally controlled by motion control card , or assembly language and C language .

  17. 文章讨论了C语言与汇编语言合编程时应注意的一些技术问题。

    This article discusses some technical problems while applying C language and assembly language to mixed programming .

  18. 然后根据系统实时性的要求,对编解码算法进行了优化,通过C语言级和汇编语言级的两级优化,以及系统内部的空间调整,提高了程序执行的并行度。

    With the real-time request , the program is optimized by C program optimization , compilation optimization .

  19. 正由于它的系统编程根源,将c和汇编语言进行结合是相当容易的。

    True to its system-programming roots , it is fairly easy to interface C with assembly languages .

  20. 给出了基于DSP的并联机床轨迹规划的并行计算和并行控制的流程图:给出了机床刀具位置反解的汇编语言程序。

    The flow charts for parallel calculation and parallel control are given .

  21. 用汇编语言实现GPS时间、日期转换

    Using Assembler to Implement the Conversion of the Time and Date of GPS

  22. ARM汇编语言和C/C++语言混合编程的方法

    Programming of ARM with both assembly and C / C + + language

  23. 介绍了一种非线性补偿的实用算法,并列出用C语言及汇编语言编程时应注意的技巧。

    The article introduces a practical algorithm of nonline compensation and lists the technicality about C language and Assemble language .

  24. 对专家系统和信息采集处理分别用PROLOG语言、BASIC语言、汇编语言编写。

    PROLOG , BASIC and assembly language are used to program the system .

  25. 用汇编语言输出分析C系统Bug

    Analyzing C System Bugs by Assembly Language Output

  26. 合理使用浮点BASIC语言和6502汇编语言,使该系统既有一定的测控速度,又有友好的用户界面。

    We also reasonably use the Float BASIC and 6502 Assembler Language to ensure the system with both higher measuring speed and friendly user interface .

  27. PC汇编语言编写菜单程序中可执行文件调用方法分析

    The Analysis of Calling an Executable File when Compiling a Menu Program by 8086 Assembly Language

  28. C语言可以使用的intrinsic让程序员可以最适当地混合使用C和汇编语言的知识。

    The intrinsics available for C allow programmers to make the best mix of C and assembly language knowledge .

  29. 《汇编语言程序设计》课的CAI系统

    Computer-Aided Instruction System for " Assembly Language Programming " Course

  30. 系统软件的设计采用一种新的思路:汇编语言调用C语言函数。

    The paper introduces a new approach to the system software design , namely the assembly language which calls C language subroutine .