
  • 网络optoelectronics;Optoelectronic Technology;Photoelectronic Technique
  1. LED显示屏是集微电子技术、光电子技术、计算机技术、多媒体处理技术于一体的大型显示系统。

    LED display screen integrated the microelectronic technology , and optoelectronic technology , computer technology , multimedia technology into a whole .

  2. 光电子技术与产业被分成六类。

    The optoelectronic technology and industrial are divided into six subsections .

  3. 根据光学三角测量原理提出一种应用激光和CCD光电子技术非接触车身曲面快速自动跟踪曲面轨迹的等距离随动测量方法。

    A kind of using the laser and CCD photoelectron technology fast auto-measurement method for the car body curved surface is provided in this paper .

  4. 随着光电子技术的飞速发展,基于电荷耦合器件(CCD)为信号接收元件的光电成像器件获得了日益广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of photonics technology , based on charge-coupled device ( CCD ) for receiving the signal of the photoelectric imaging system components access to an increasingly wide range of applications .

  5. 采用电化学和光电子技术,研究了N~+离子束轰击对Fe/Cr、Fe/Al系在水溶液巾腐蚀行为的影响。分别用真空沉积和离子溅射技术在纯铁上沉积Cr(400(?)

    The effects of N ~ + ion beam bombardment on the aqueous corrosion bebaviour of Fe / Al and Fe / Cr system , have been investigated by means of electrochemical and electron-optical techniques .

  6. 集成光学和光电子技术产业的发展依赖于优质、多功能薄膜材料的获得和器件的制备,脉冲激光沉积(Pulsedlaserdeposition,PLD)方法是目前最先进的薄膜制备方法之一。

    Fabrication of high quality and multifunction thin films and devices plays an important role in the development of integrated optics and photoelectric technology . Pulsed laser deposition ( PLD ) is one of the most advanced methods for film growth .

  7. 对Luxtera而言,而且一般来说对整个光电子技术而言,未来确实十分光明。

    For Luxtera , and for photonics in general , the future really does look bright .

  8. 随着微电子技术、光电子技术的发展,计算机发展己经进入移动时代,以掌上电脑(PDA)为代表的移动式计算系统日益普及。

    With the rapid development of microelectronics and photoelectron technologies , the development of computer has come into the mobile age . Mobile computing system represented by personal digital assistant ( PDA ) products has been used widely .

  9. 光电子技术在光学垂高计上的应用选择

    The Application and Choice of the Photoelectric Technique for Optical Altimeter

  10. 最后,展望了激光与光电子技术在生命科学中的应用前景。

    Finally , future applications and prospects are briefly discussed .

  11. 光电子技术在现代战争中的应用概况

    A Survey of Applications of Optoelectronic Technology in Modern war

  12. 化学束外延在光电子技术应用中的进展

    ^ Progress in CBE on the Application of Optoelectronic Technology

  13. 长春市光电子技术产业管理协同问题研究

    The Study on Management Synergy of Changchun Optoelectronic Technology Industry

  14. 光子技术及光电子技术在未来电子战中的应用

    Applications of Photonics and Photoelectronics in the Future Electronic Warfare

  15. 支撑光网络发展的硅基光电子技术研究

    Si - based optoelectronic technology for development of optical networks

  16. 世纪之交话光电子技术与产业

    Talk About the Optoelectronic Technology and Industrial at Centuries Supersede

  17. 光电子技术及光电子器件的发展趋势

    Research and Development Trends in Optoelectronics and Optical Devices

  18. 21世纪高科技&光电子技术

    Optoelectronic Technology as the 21st Century Advanced Scientific Technology

  19. 激光及全息技术是光电子技术研究中的重点;

    Laser and hologram technique are the key items .

  20. 光纤通信和光盘技术是光电子技术中的重要领域。

    Optical fiber communication and optical discs are the important fields in optoelectronics .

  21. 电子科技大学光电子技术系

    Department of Opto-Electronic Technology , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  22. 本文介绍了信息科学的关键技术&光电子技术在电力系统中的应用。

    The application of photoelectronics in power system was introduced in this article .

  23. 光电子技术2005(第25卷)第1~4期总目次

    《 OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY 》 Vol.25 ( 2005 ), No.1 ~ 4 Table of Contents

  24. 信息高速处理与光电子技术

    High Speed Information Processing and Opto-electronic Information Industry

  25. 近期信息处理中光电子技术的发展趋势

    Recent Trends of Optoelectronic Technology in Information Processing

  26. 第二讲光电子技术在保健医疗和生物学应用中的进展

    Optoelectronics in health care treatment and biology

  27. 现代雷达中的光电子技术

    Applications of optoelectronic technology in advanced radar

  28. 促进光电子技术与产业的发展

    Promote agricultural science and technology ; Promote the Development of O-E Technology and Its Industry

  29. 图像信息获取中的光电子技术

    Optoelectronic Techniques Used in Image Information Acquisition

  30. 一种用于紫外探测的传感器属于光电子技术领域。

    A sensor used for ultraviolet detection , which pertains the field of photoelectron technology .