
  • 网络optical label switching
  1. 实验所用的布拉格光纤光栅是在通信用的标准光纤内刻写而成,通过强泵浦脉冲作用在低强度的探测信号上.光标记交换是基于交叉相位调制来完成的

    The grating is written in a standard fiber for communication and optical label switching is based on the cross phase modulation induced by an intense pump pulse on a low intensity probe

  2. 正交光标记交换中新型调制格式的研究

    The New Modulation Formal Research of Orthogonal Optical Label Switching

  3. 用布拉格相移光纤光栅实现光标记交换的方法

    A method to realize optical label switches using Bragg phase-shifted grating

  4. 构建另一种新型的正交调制格式&基于DQPSK/ASK的正交光标记交换系统。

    Proposing a new orthogonal modulation format based on the DQPSK / ASK orthogonal label switching system .

  5. 基于GMPLS的光码标记交换研究

    The Optical Code Label Switching Based on GMPLS