
  • 网络Light energy;luminous energy;Luminous Flux;photometric;Photon energy;Captial Soleil
  1. 介绍了一般光源以及作为光度学基础的黑体辐射及其光谱分布的基本规律,并在此基础上介绍了光能量、光通量、发光强度、光通量密度、亮度等光度学相关概念。

    In this paper , based on the discussion of light source and blackbody radiation and their spectral distributions , several photometric concepts such as luminous energy , luminous flux , luminous intensity , luminous flux density , and luminance are introduced .

  2. 在光纤光谱望远镜观测过程中,为了将天体的光能量传输到光谱仪,需要将光纤快速精确地定位于天体像斑所在位置,因此,光纤定位技术是其中的一项关键技术。

    In order to transmitted the luminous energy to the spectrometer , quickly and accurately positioned the fiber to the position of the spot be required when Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope observation .

  3. 近年来,随着同步辐射和空间探测技术的发展,迫切需要一种能在X射线波段提供高入射光能量的光学元件&X射线宽带多层膜。

    With the recent development of synchrotron radiation and space astronomy technique , a high photon flux optical element-X-ray broadband multilayer is desired urgently .

  4. 报道了采用PIN探测器阵列测量大角度受激Raman散射(SRS)角分布和采用激光卡计对背向SRS光能量积分测量的实验结果。

    The angular distribution of stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS ) energy has been measured .

  5. 为了验证理论结果,通过实测光幕面上不同位置点的光能,借助Matlab工具对实验数据进行处理,得到光幕面内光能量的分布图形,并且验证了各参数间的关系。

    The chart of light energy distribution is obtained and the relation between parameters is proved after the data , which are the light energy measured at different points of screen , are processed by MATLAB tools .

  6. 结果:三种照光能量的IC50分别为192068ng/ml、114142ng/ml和91970ng/ml。

    Results : The IC 50 of three laser energy was 192 068ng / ml , 114 142ng / ml and 91 970ng / ml , respectively .

  7. 激光对红外系统输出信号的干扰时间不但与滤光片/探测器吸收入射光能量产生的热效应有关,而且还主要取决于信号处理电路RC时间常数的影响。

    When laser irradiates IR system , the disturbance time of output signal is not only related with thermal effects generated by absorbed power of detector and filter , but also related with the time constant of RC in IR system .

  8. 本实验研究了632.8nm的HeNe激光照射来自不同部位的人体皮肤组织的散射光能量场的空间分布情况。

    The distribution of energy field of scattered light in four different human skin tissues irradiated by 632.8 nm wavelength of He Ne laser was investigated .

  9. 通过模拟计算,系统地分析了啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)过程中泵浦光和信号光能量密度对放大器输出能量的影响。

    A theoretical model of chirped-pulse-amplification is presented , and based on which we give the numerical analysis on the contribution of the fluence of the pumping light and signal light as well as crystal parameter to the output pulse energy in detail .

  10. 在抽运光能量为20mJ/pulse,脉冲宽度16ns,重复频率50Hz条件下得到输出峰值位于1.2THz,能量为102.5PJ/pulse的THz波输出。

    The peak energy output is 102.5 pJ / pulse at 1.2 THz with the pump energy of 20 mJ / pulse , pulse width of 16 ns , repetition rate of 50 Hz .

  11. 楔形自扫描光电二极管列阵(CSSPA)是一个直接用于接收中心对称谱分布的二维空间光能量传感器。

    The Cuneal Self Scanning Photodiode Array ( CSSPA ) is a 2-D spatial light energy sensor directly used for receiving central symmetric spectral distribution .

  12. 研究表明,对于高速FFH-OCDMA系统,光纤的色散导致用户自相关输出峰值和取样切普内光能量的减小,进而降低了接收的信噪比。

    The results show that for high speed FFH OCDMA system , the dispersion seriously reduces the peak power and sample energy . Hence , the signal noise ratio of receiver is affected by the dispersion .

  13. 二维光能量分布传感器特性及其测试技术

    Properties of 2-D Light Energy Distribution Sensor and Its Testing Techniques

  14. 一种绘制二维及三维光能量分布图的简便方法

    A simple method of drawing 2-D & 3-D light energy profile

  15. 对夫琅禾费圆孔衍射光能量的分析

    Analysis of light energy to fraunhofer diffraction of circular hole

  16. 夫琅和费单缝衍射的光能量分布

    Energy Distribution of the Fraunhofer Single Slit Diffraction s

  17. 大气湍流对舰载激光通信中光能量分布的影响

    Influence of atmospheric turbulence on laser energy distribution in the ship laser communication

  18. 死骑几乎不可能用光能量。

    It is impossible for death knights to ever run out of resources .

  19. 关于光能量传递系统的设计

    Design of the energy system of the lighting

  20. 生物组织中光能量传输与分布的蒙特卡罗研究

    Study of Optics Energy Transmission and Distribution in Biological Tissues by Monte Carlo Method

  21. 重点讨论了大气分子散射和气溶胶散射各自对接收散射光能量的贡献。

    Contribution of atmospheric molecular scattering and aerosol scattering of received scattered energy is discussed .

  22. 从激光介质中光能量的传输方程和描述脉冲激光的能级跃迁速率方程出发,研究了激光介质对抽运光的吸收特性。

    The theoretical solution of the pump light absorption of a laser medium is presented .

  23. 可应用于空间光能量分布的探测中。

    It can be applied to the detection for the distribution of space light energy .

  24. 信号光能量随着抽运能量增加到一定值后出现饱和。

    Increasing the energy of pumping wavelength , the energy of signal beam will be saturated .

  25. 设计结果表明,此系统提高了图像的分辨率,增大了接收光能量的能力。

    It is shown that the resolution is improved and the optical power received is enlarged .

  26. 烧蚀声峰值与光能量成正比。

    The peak value of the sound crest of ablation is directly proportional to laser energy .

  27. 本文介绍了光能量空间分布测量系统-数据采集与传输部分。

    This text introduced the light energy space distributes the diagraph system-data collects with deliver the part .

  28. 在匀滑条件下,越靠近背反方向,散射光能量越大。

    Given the laser being smoothed , the SBS energy to the back - scattering direction became bigger .

  29. 提出了用光电元件接收到的光能量的相对变动量,作为影响测量结果的依据,导出了零件跳动量和光能量的相对变动量之间的关系式。

    It derives the reation formula between relative variables of light energy and jumping quantity of the element .

  30. 研制结果显示:在强光光谱,脉冲形式,出光能量等方面达到了预期目标。

    The results show that the system complies with the design goal in spectrum , pulses formation and energy level .