
guāng nián
  • light year
光年 [guāng nián]
  • [light-year] 星际天文学的长度单位,等于光在一个恒星年中所经过的距离,等于9.46110 12 公里

光年[guāng nián]
  1. 光年是指光在一年时间里所跑过的距离。

    Light Year means the distance that light covers in a year .

  2. 一光年就是光一年所跑的距离。

    And one light year is the distance that travels in one year .

  3. 地球离最近的恒星大约为4光年。

    The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years away .

  4. 观察员最近在宇宙中发现了直径约5亿光年的巨型空洞。

    Observers have recently found in the Universe giant voids about 500,000,000 light-years across .

  5. 据知,这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年之远的星系。

    This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years .

  6. 为了对抗重力造成的聚集,这些粒子的波长可能会长达好几十光年的距离

    Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light-years .

  7. 巴斯光年会成为《星球大战7》(StarWars7)的主角吗?

    Buzz Lightyear as the hero of Star Wars 7 ?

  8. 它的职责是收集距离地球约3.24亿光年疑似黑洞所发射出的X射线。

    And what it does is collect x-rays from a suspected black hole that 's about 324 million light years from Earth .

  9. 强烈的X射线爆炸引起天文学家们的注意,它发生在到离地球大约7亿光年的星系中心附近。

    A powerful X-ray blast drew the attention of astronomers to the event , located near the center of a galaxy about 700 million light-years from Earth .

  10. 的物质”,而后“含有你的人形空间的全息内容的DNA,开始将几亿光年前的粒子组合成我最初的人形结构的有机。

    The material ," then " contains your content humanoid space holographic DNA , began to hundreds of millions of light years before the particles combined into my first humanoid structure of organic .

  11. 这颗不同寻常的地外行星被命名为HD131399Ab,它位于南方巨大的人马星座上,距地球320光年。

    Known as HD 131399Ab , the unusual exoplanet is located 320 light-years from Earth in the large southern constellation Centaurus .

  12. 如果史蒂夫·乔布斯不辍学的话,就不会有Mac电脑、iPod,甚至巴斯光年(巴斯光年战警是皮克斯最早红遍全球的角色之一,出现于《玩具总动员》系列电影&译者注)了。

    The Mac , the iPod , heck , even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn 't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school .

  13. 今年八月,来自瑞士的一个研究团队报告称他们发现了另一个疑似宜居行星“HD85512b”,距离地球36光年。

    In August , a team from Switzerland reported that another planet called HD 85512b and 36 light years away seemed to be habitable .

  14. 巴斯光年却说,也许等Tony长大了的时候,他就想干这两样工作了,因为到那时候可能太空中就会有迪斯尼乐园了。

    Buzz : By the time you grow up , you might be able to do both . They might have Disneyland in space one day .

  15. 广告中将把《玩具3》中的角色,如巴斯光年(buzzlightyear)和伍迪(woody)等,与著名奥斯卡获奖影片中的人物联系起来。

    The campaign will link Toy Story 3 characters such as Buzz Lightyear and woody to characters from well-known Oscar-winning movies .

  16. 餐厅的天花板上悬挂着形似巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)和弹簧狗(SlinkyDog)的中国风筝,中国表意文字标明不同的面食种类。

    There , Chinese kites shaped like Buzz Lightyear and Slinky Dog hung from the ceiling ; Chinese ideograms identified the different kinds of pastry .

  17. 在封闭的高动态范围(hdr)跨越大约30光年内包含图中所示的这些恒星。

    A close up in high dynamic range ( HDR ) spanning about 30 light years contains many of these stars is shown above .

  18. 美国宇航局的过境系外行星测量卫星(TESS)在完成对南半球天空的第一年观测后,发现了几颗距离地球仅31光年的有趣的新系外行星。

    After completing its first year of observations in the southern sky , NASA 's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has spotted some intriguing new exoplanets only 31 light-years away from Earth .

  19. 天文学家在8月17日晨间观测到的此次合并来自1.3亿光年之外的NGC4993星系。

    Astronomers detected the merger from 130 million light-years away , in the galaxy NGC 4993 , on the morning of August 17 .

  20. 该行星距离地球1400光年,NASA将其命名为“地球2.0”,因为它是第一颗人类在宜居带里与太阳相似的恒星附近发现的行星。

    Located 1400 light-years from our planet , NASA called it " Earth 2.0 , " because it 's the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun 。

  21. 他想起了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)中的一幕,巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)从窗户跌落,而其他玩具认为是结实、可爱的伍迪(Woody)出于嫉妒,故意将巴斯推出窗外。

    He recalled the scene in Toy Story when Buzz Lightyear falls from a window and the other toys think that Woody - solid , likeable Woody - got jealous and deliberately pushed Buzz out .

  22. 这个30岁的物体*是SN1979C超新星爆炸以后的遗留物,它位于M100星系,距地球大约500万光年。

    The 30-year-old object is a remnant of SN 1979C , a supernova in the galaxy M100 approximately 50 million light years from Earth .

  23. Kepler-438b距地球470光年,而更远的Kepler-442b距地球1100光年。

    Kepler-438b is located 470 light-years from Earth while the more distant Kepler-442b is 1,100 light-years away .

  24. 我们很幸运,ESO021-G004距离我们约1.3亿光年远,位于南方的小星座蝘蜓座,所以我们更容易观测。

    Lucky for us , ESO 021-G004 resides a relatively nearby 130 million light-years away , in the small southern constellation of Chamaeleon , which makes it easier for us to keep our eyes on .

  25. 而红矮星Gliese581位于天秤星座,距离地球20光年,大约比太阳昏暗50倍。

    The star is located 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra . Red dwarf stars are about 50 times dimmer than our sun .

  26. 这就是我研究的星系。我们现在要放大M87星系,它距离我们5500万光年。

    This is the galaxy -- we 're going to zoom into the galaxy M87 , it 's 55 million light-years away .

  27. 更有趣的是,着色玻璃骑士正是由约翰·拉塞特(JohnLasseter)制作的;约翰后来创建了皮克斯,还创造了家喻户晓的角色,比如胡迪(Woody)和巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear),后来这家公司被迪斯尼并购了。

    More interestingly , the stained-glass knight character was animated by no other than John Lasseter , who would go on to found Pixar and create memorable characters such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear before the company was acquired by Disney .

  28. 今年五月,法国天文学家发现宜居行星“格利泽581d”,该行星比“开普勒22b”要近得多,距离地球约20光年。

    In May , French astronomers identified Gliese 581d , pronounced " gleezer , " which is far closer at around 20 light years away .

  29. 根据定义,它不能被看到,因此,美国宇航局的科学家集中在小星系M87的星系的核心,一个超大质量的“宇宙引擎”,距离地球5000万光年,而不是。

    By definition , it can 't be seen , so NASA scientists focused instead on the tiny core of the galaxy M87 , a super massive " cosmic engine " 50 million light years from earth .

  30. 去年,美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学的研究人员曾指出:Gliese581d和581g发出的信号不过是距离地球约22光年的一颗星体出现磁场爆发、继而造成的光迹。

    Last year , Pennsylvania State University researchers said Gliese 581d - and its companion Gliese 581g - were simply a trick of the light caused by magnetic bursts from a local star 22 light-years away .