
lì shí xìnɡ
  • diachrony;diachronism
  1. 文章从共时性和历时性两个角度论证和分析经济伦理系统的结构、环境和历史类型。

    This paper has tested and analyzed the structure , environment , historical types of economic ethics from the perspectives of synchrony and diachrony .

  2. 四,历时性、共时性与原型结构:从巴赫金起,许多评论者都认为陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品是共时性的,无论结构还是人物都缺少历时感。

    Diachrony , synchrony and prototypical structures : After Bakhtin , most critics believe that works of Dostoevsky are synchronic , and makes no diachronic sense in both structure and characters .

  3. 西安市文化景观的历时性与异质性过程分析PPV中双键顺反异构过程及衍生的物理性质变化

    The Study of Historical and Heterogeneous Evolution on Urban Cultural Landscape of Xi an ; Cis-trans Isomerization of Vinylenes in PPVs and the Subsequent Change of Physical Properties

  4. 是结合共时性比较和历时性比较。

    The synchronic comparison should be combined with the diachronic one .

  5. 故中日汉字文化呈现历时性的互动过程。

    Hence the Sino-Japanese ideographic culture underwent a diachronic interactive process .

  6. 新时期学术规范讨论的历时性评述

    Diachronic Review on the Academic Norm Discussing in the New Era

  7. 对教师专业化问题进行历时性研究,是专业化研究中不可或缺的重要方法。

    Diachronic study on teachers professionalization is a very important method .

  8. 荒岛文学流派是一种历时性文学现象。

    Desert island literature is a kind of diachronic literary phenomenon .

  9. 综观原型一词所获得过的种种阐释可以发现,无限共时性、恒久历时性是它的两个基本特征。

    Basically speaking , an archetype is both synchronic and diachronic .

  10. 宗教对19世纪前欧洲文学发展阶段的介入具有历时性特点。

    Religion has the chronological influence on European literature before19th century .

  11. 数学概念表征具有以下特点:意象表征性、二重性和历时性。

    Lastly , it drew some traits of mathematical concept representation .

  12. 人性恶学说与民法之有机关联:历时性考察

    Diachronic Analysis Between The Evil Human Nature And Civil Law

  13. 音系学理论下英语拼读规律的历时性研究

    Diachronic Study of English Spelling Rules Based on Phonological Theories

  14. 而以历时性视角来看,高校学生群体中的社会支持水平也呈现一定程度的下降趋势。

    From a diachronic viewpoint , the level is on the decline .

  15. 爱国主义:中国传统文学的历时性话语

    Patriotism , a Diachronic Discourse of the Chinese Traditional Literature

  16. 西方怪诞理论的共时性与历时性研究

    A diachronic and synchronic analysis to the Western aesthetic realm of grotesque

  17. 忽略了词义的历时性变化。

    Change ③ He neglected the chang of meaning of a word .

  18. 在艺术认识活动中存在着历时性结构和共时性复合结构。

    Diachronic and synchronic structures exist in the activies of art cognition .

  19. 关于形态变化对语序及主语脱落影响的历时性研究

    Morphological Effects on Word Order and Subject Omission : A Diachronic Study

  20. 历时性看日本建筑竞赛与设计思潮的互动

    On the Interaction of Japanese Architectural Competition and Design Trend

  21. 美国金融监管制度的情报需求历时性分析

    Diachronic Analysis on Intelligence Demand of US Financial Supervision

  22. 以“家族相似”呈现的跨范畴语法现象大多是由历时性的或然因素所致。

    Inside the copular verb category takes on complex and mixed family resemblance .

  23. 认知语言学理论的历时性强调语言是某种连续的、不断向前发展的事物。

    The diachronic nature emphasize that the language is always in sequential developing .

  24. 从历时性角度看,文化身份是流动的,有时出现身份的混杂。

    Diacronically , cultural identity is flowing , and sometimes it presents hybridity .

  25. 论文以历时性线索细致梳理了马克思理论历程中对黑格尔的五次正面批判。

    Paper carefully combs the theory clues of five criticism of Marx to Hegel .

  26. 音补的发展体现了文字发展的历时性与共时性。

    The development of Phonetic complement reflects the Diachronic and Synchronic of script development .

  27. 历时性要素主要包括规划、实施、评价。

    The diachronic factors mainly include the programming , putting into practice and evaluation .

  28. 综合考虑,文章最后进行的是历时性研究。

    So the paper made a diachronic research .

  29. 回避,突围与放逐&新时期小说中的婚外恋描写的历时性研究

    Description of extramarital affairs in the fiction since late 1970s : a diachronic study

  30. 任何一种语言现象,都有其历时性。

    All languages bare their diachronic characters .