
  • 网络teacher management
  1. 基于JAVA的教师管理系统中几个关键功能的设计

    The design of some key functions in teacher management system based on JAVA

  2. 论生态社会主义及其对我国现代化建设的启示PRP在教师管理中的应用及其启示

    Ecological Socialism and its Enlightenments in the Modernization of China Application and Enlightenments of PRP in Teacher Management

  3. 人本管理理念与高校体育教师管理

    Idea of human-based management and the management of university PE teachers

  4. 我国民办高校外籍教师管理问题研究

    A Study on the Foreign Faculty Management in Non-government Colleges

  5. 非营利组织视野下的高校教师管理

    The Management of University Teachers Influenced by Nonprofit Organization Idea

  6. 广西多科性院校的人本主义教师管理制度初探

    People-oriented Teacher Managerial System of the Multidisciplinary Universities in Guangxi

  7. 高校教师管理模式的重建

    The Reconstruction of the Mode on College Teachers Management

  8. 在管理策略方面,以人为本的教师管理把有效的激励看作是促进教师发展的根本策略。

    The people-centered teacher 's administration looks effective encouragement as the basic strategy .

  9. 职业院校教师管理信息系统的设计

    The Designing for the Data Base of the Teachers Managing of Vocational Colleges

  10. 以往对教师管理的研究,很少从他们自身管理的角度进行。

    Former researches on school management are seldom based on teachers ' self-management .

  11. 教师管理考核决策支持系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of the Decision Support System for Teacher Management and Checking

  12. 关于岗位聘用制及聘后教师管理的思考

    Reflections on Post Employment System and Management on Post-employment

  13. 完善教育执法监督机制,科学化教师管理;

    Fourth , consummate supervising mechanism and administration system .

  14. 高等学校教师管理的法律研究

    The legal research on teachers management in universities

  15. 可以说,人性化管理是教师管理的灵魂。

    In other words the human management is the soul of teachers ' management .

  16. 中小学校长的教师管理方略

    On the Strategy of Managing Teachers by the Principals of Primary and Middle Schools

  17. 从对峙走向融通&对教师管理的两种基本范式的哲学思考

    From Contradiction to Combination & Philosophic Thinking to Two Basic Model of Teacher Management

  18. 开放化高校教师管理机制初探

    A Brief Study on the Opening Mechanism for Teacher 's Administration of Higher Learning

  19. 浅谈成人高校教师管理制度建设

    The Constraction of the System of the Teachers ' Management in Adult Higher Learning

  20. 建立能进能出的高校教师管理机制的若干思考

    On Building Mobility Management Mechanism of College Teachers

  21. 高等学校教师管理模式和机制探析

    A Probe into the Mode and System of the Faculty Administration in the Tertiary Institutions

  22. 良好的学校需要以人为本的教师管理,来激发教师的主动性和积极性。

    A good school should apply human-oriented management to arouse teachers ' initiatives and motivations .

  23. 中西方青年教师管理工作比较研究

    Comparison of management of young teaching staff in higher educational institutions abroad and in China

  24. 试论以人为本与高校教师管理

    On Humanism and Management on University Teachers

  25. 中国高校实施人本化教师管理研究

    Human-oriented Teacher Management in China 's Colleges

  26. 理性管理与人文管理是教师管理的二种基本范式。

    Rationalism management and humanism management are the two basic models of teachers ' management .

  27. 该系统包括学生管理系统、教师管理系统和管理员管理系统。

    The system includes student management system , teachers and administrators management system management system .

  28. 但是,目前中等职业学校教师管理过程中存在着严重影响教师专业发展的诸多问题。

    However , there are many problems in the current management of secondary vocational school teachers .

  29. 浅谈高校教师管理中的人性化

    The Humanity Management of College Teachers

  30. 合理的大学教师管理制度是由一定的伦理精神和价值理念来支持的。

    A rational university teacher management institution is supported by certain ethical spirits and value ideas .