
  • 网络Teacher Qualifications
  1. 本文对参加教师资格培训的教师进行了调研,认为教师教育,应通过“专业支持”来推动和促进教师的专业成长。

    Based on the research into the teachers taking part in the training for the teacher qualifications , teacher professional development should be promoted by specialized support through teacher education .

  2. 目前,我国已开始实施教师资格证书制度,但尚未建立起教师教育机构和教师培养方案的鉴定制度。

    Recently , our country has taken the measure of teacher qualifications & certificates , but has not yet established the accreditation system of professional education units and teacher preparation programs .

  3. 京晶:WalkingEric的决心是:2015年一定要考取教师资格证!

    Walking Eric 's New Year resolution is to get his teaching certificate !

  4. 美国选择性教师资格认证制度实施现状初探

    Study of the implementation status of American alternative teacher qualification system

  5. 双师型护理教师资格考评体系的构建研究

    Study on the Qualification and Evaluation System of Dual-Qualification Nursing Teachers

  6. 英国合格教师资格标准探析

    On Britain 's Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status

  7. 难道是因为12号要考的教师资格证?

    Is it because of the certificate of teachers headed on12th ?

  8. 高职院校应逐步建立教师资格认证标准;

    Higher vocational schools should gradually build " teachers qualification identification standard ";

  9. 教师资格的立法与现实思考

    Law-making of Teachers ' Qualification System and Consideration on Reality

  10. 中外教师资格证制度的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Countries ' Teacher Certification

  11. 尼日利亚推行教师资格标准的危机:一种悲观主义的视角

    Dilemma of Teacher Qualification Standards in Nigeria : From an Pessimism Perspective

  12. 教师资格制度建设与教师培养制度

    On Construction of Teachers ' Qualifications and Their Trainning System

  13. 中学教师资格培训的教学模式

    The Teaching Mode of High School Teachers ' Qualifications Training

  14. 教师资格认证与思想政治教育教师素质

    Identification of Teacher Qualification and Quality of Ideological and Political Education Teachers

  15. 美国教师资格证书制度研究

    A Study on Teacher Certification System in the United States of America

  16. 全纳教育教师资格认定制度探微

    A Research on Teachers ' Certification System of Inclusive Education

  17. 我国教师资格证书制度对于促进教师专业发展,提高教师质量起到了积极作用。

    It has positive effect on teacher professional development and teachers quality .

  18. 纽约州教师资格证书考试体系及特征

    The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and Its Characteristics

  19. 汉语国际推广教师资格证书制度研究

    Study on the Teacher Certification System of Chinese International Promotion

  20. 请介绍一下教师资格认证的考试。

    Tell me about the examinations that I take to be certified .

  21. 从美国教师资格证书制度看我国小学教师专业化

    Viewing Our Primary School Teachers Specialization from Teacher Certification System

  22. 美国教师资格证书制度的现状与发展趋势;

    The present situation and the trend of the system ;

  23. 中国中小学英语教师资格认证体系构想

    On the Establishment of China 's K - 12 School English Teachers'Certification System

  24. 实训教师资格及培养方法研究

    Research on Qualification of Practical Teachers and Cultivating Approaches

  25. 教师资格制度与教师教育制度衔接问题的研究

    Transition Between Teachers Qualification System and Teachers Education System

  26. 英国特殊教育教师资格准入制度述评

    A Commentary on Mandatory Qualification System for Special Education Teacher in the UK

  27. 澳大利亚职教教师资格与标准&TAA培训包的经验与借鉴

    Qualification and Standards of Australian Vocational Teachers & Experience of TAA Training Packages

  28. 完善教师资格认证制度,逐步建立开放式的教师教育体系;

    Perfecting the teachers qualification attestation system , establishing openness teacher education system .

  29. 特殊教育教师资格制度的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Qualification Systems for Special Education Teachers

  30. 浅谈教师资格认定软件管理系统

    On Software Diagnostics Analysis of Teachers ' Qualification Cognizance