
  • 网络Education Journal;Journal of Educational Studies
  1. 《教育学报》2005-2008年引文与引证分析显而易见,考克斯报告中引用的证据不能支持这一如此严重的全面的指责。

    Statistical Analysis on Papers and Citations in Journal of Educational Studies during 2005-2008 Certainly the evidence cited in the Redacted Report does not support such a serious and sweeping charge .

  2. 美国法学教授阿依达•阿拉卡(AïdaAlaka)在2010年《法律教育学报》(JournalofLegalEducation)的一篇文章中写道:“我有许多优秀学生自己承认,他们没有掌握写作规范。”

    A ï da Alaka , a US law professor , wrote in a 2010 article in the Journal of Legal Education : " Many of my brightest students have , by their own admission , no grasp of the rules governing writing . "

  3. 关于《数学教育学报》文风的建议

    Recommendation about Manner of Journal of Mathematics Education

  4. 《教育学报》2005&2006年论文的引文统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Citations in the " Journal of Education Studies " During 2005 and 2006

  5. 教育学院学报办刊规律探讨

    Probing Into the Regular Running Patterns of the Journals of Education Colleges

  6. 科学·教育·学报&兼论综合大学学报的综合性

    Science , Education and Journals ─ On the Synthesis of Universities ' Journals

  7. 论教育学院学报的个性化

    On the Individuation of Journal of Educational College

  8. 任职教育院校学报编辑知识的学习与积累

    Knowledge Learning and Accumulation of the Editors of Journals of the Job-oriented Education Institutes

  9. 四川教育学院学报。

    Journal of Sichuan College of Education .

  10. 开拓创新提高质量办好教育科研学报

    Deploitation and Innovation : the Eternal Theme in Improving the Quality of the Educational and Academic Journal

  11. 《陕西教育学院学报》1998-2003年载文及作者情况统计分析与评价

    Analyze and Appraisal on Load and Authors of Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education from 1998 to 2003

  12. 高职教育与高职学报的功能定位

    Functional Orientation of Higher Vocational Education and Journal

  13. 继续教育是医学学报可持续发展的保障,是提高编辑能力的有效途径。

    Continuing education was the safeguard of medical transaction development , the effective route to improve edition ability .

  14. 研究生教育的发展给学报带来的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges Brought to University Journals by the Development of Postgraduate Education

  15. 基于高职教育特色的高职学报特色定位研究

    Study on characteristic location of higher vocational education journal based on characteristics of higher vocational education

  16. 我国数学教育研究的发展与趋势&《数学教育学报》创刊13年引文定量分析

    Development and Trend of Studies in Mathematics Education in China Fun with Math Mathematics and Beautifulness