
  • 网络chinese teacher;Teacher's Journal
  1. 寻找中国教师教育的实践轨迹

    To Trace the Steps of Chinese Teacher Education Practice

  2. 它的必要,为中国教师的英语好好利用视听器材。

    It 's necessary for a Chinese teacher of English to make good use of audio and visual aids .

  3. 在美国持有J-1签证的孔子学院中国教师日前得令,将不得不于6月30日离境。

    Chinese scholars and professors teaching at Confucius Institutes across the United States on type J-1 visas have been requested to leave the country no later than June 30 .

  4. 他们热切希望有中国教师授课。

    They told me they were eager to have Chinese teachers .

  5. 作者通过问卷调查和采访进行研究,做了80多个西方学生的问卷,4个西方学生和5个中国教师的采访。

    The author also interview 4 students and 5 Chinese teachers .

  6. 建立中国教师专业化标准的思考

    Reflections on the Development of Teacher Professionalized Standards in China

  7. 当代中国教师教育改革与教师专业身份之重建

    Reform of Teacher Education and Reconstruction of Teacher Professional Identity in China

  8. 中国教师吸烟相关知识、态度和行为

    Survey on Smoking-related Knowledge , Attitudes and Behavior of Teachers across China

  9. 中国教师教育一体化的理论与实践探析

    Discussion on the Theory and Practice of Integration of Teachers ' Education

  10. 中国教师教育一体化改革研究

    A Study on the Unity of Teachers ' Education Reforms in China

  11. 中国教师专业精神的缺失与对策

    Lack of Devotion of Teachers in China and Countermeasures

  12. 专业化发展与中国教师教育改革

    Specialization Development and Teacher 's Education Reform in China

  13. 提高人文素养是当前中国教师继续教育的重要课题

    Improvement of Humanistic Quality Is Major Task for Teachers Continuing Education in China

  14. 再者,在中国教师获得越来越多的尊重。

    What is more , teachers are respected in China more and more .

  15. 另一方面,学生们认为外籍教师的课堂气氛优于中国教师。

    On the other hand , foreign teachers are preferred for classroom climate .

  16. 中国教师教育的发展走向

    The Developing Direction of China 's Teacher Training

  17. 一天,学校的校长来到中国教师的住所。

    One day the president of the college came to visit the Chinese teachers .

  18. 中国教师渴望能得到在国外教学的机会。

    Teaching in a foreign country has become a coveted opportunity among Chinese teachers .

  19. 外国教师与中国教师教授儿童英语之对比分析

    A Comparative Study of English Teaching to Children by Chinese Teacher and Foreign Teacher

  20. 中国教师和美国教师课堂英语指令性言语行为差异的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Study of Differences in English Classroom Directives between Chinese Teachers and American Teachers

  21. 中国教师政策研究

    A Study on China 's Teacher Policy

  22. 中国教师发表论文问题研究

    A Study of the Problem Related to the Publication of Academic Papers by Chinese Teachers

  23. 中国教师表扬言语行为的实施研究

    The Realization of Compliments by Chinese Teachers

  24. 他对这个喷水池赞不绝口,定要中国教师为学校也设计一个跟这一样的喷水池,建在校园的中央。

    Delighted by the beauty of their fountain he asked them to design another one for the college .

  25. 全球学习汉语的热潮引起了对中国教师的急切需求。

    A Chinese language learning craze around the globe has created an urgent demand for teachers from China .

  26. 最后基于对美国和中国教师资格制度的认识,对完善我国教师资格制度提出几点建议。

    And in China , making suggestions on the perfection of China 's Teacher Certification System ( TCS ) .

  27. 这使我校英语作为一门外语,并在中国教师的教学需要。

    This led me to schools teaching English as a foreign language and the need for teachers in China .

  28. 教师培训的理念更新与制度保障&首届中国教师培训论坛综述

    Conception Renew and Institution Construct of Teacher Training & Summary of The 1st Forum on Teacher Training in China

  29. 教学方法也需要根本变革,特别是中国教师。

    There also needs to be a fundamental change in the teaching approach , especially where Chinese teachers are concerned .

  30. 学生对中国教师和外国教师的书面反馈的认知是什么?

    What are the students ' perceptions of the Chinese teacher and the internationalteachers ' written feedback respectively ? 3 .