
zhōnɡ ɡuó dì tú
  • map of China
  1. 请把中国地图展开在桌上。

    Please display the map of China on the table .

  2. 这地图集共有四十幅地图,其中包含中国地图。

    The atlas forty maps , the map of China .

  3. 首先,本文用DNA在纳米尺度构造了中国地图形状。

    First , a DNA nanostructure of analogic China map was created .

  4. 另外,中国地图不包含苹果国际地图软件上的一些功能,比如语音驾车指引,以及苹果为多座城市开发的3D俯瞰技术。

    The Chinese maps also don 't include functions available on Apple 's international mapping software such as spoken driving directions or the 3-D flyover technology that Apple has developed for several cities .

  5. 单粒子束精确定位照射装置在CR-39膜上刻蚀中国地图边界研究

    Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film

  6. 但在中国地图上,这些岛屿位于一条圈定其领海的U形线内,这条线向南延伸,囊括了大部分南海。

    On China 's maps , however , the islands are inside a U-shaped line of its territorial waters , which stretches down to cover most of the South China Sea .

  7. 相关公司周二宣布,腾讯将联合中国地图供应商四维图新(NavInfo)和新加坡主权财富基金——政府投资公司(GIC),以2.41亿欧元的价格收购Here10%的股权。

    Tencent , along with Chinese mapping provider NavInfo and Singapore 's sovereign wealth fund GIC , will jointly buy a 10 per cent stake in Here at a price of up to EURO241m , the companies announced on Tuesday .

  8. 关于建立中国地图科学博物馆的设想

    Suggestion on the Establishment of the Museum of Chinese Carto-Science

  9. 中国地图制图技术的演进与前瞻

    Evolution and perspective of map - making technology in China

  10. 请把这张中国地图粘在墙上。

    Please stick this map of China on the wall .

  11. 那张中国地图挂在黑板的上方。

    The map of China hangs over the blackboard .

  12. 我上个月买了一张中国地图。

    I bought a map of China last month .

  13. 帕切斯著作中的中国地图

    The Chinese Map in the Books of Samuel Purchas

  14. 让我们来看看这张中国地图吧!

    Let 's look at the map of China !

  15. 这是一幅中国地图。让我们看一看吧。

    It is a map of China . Let 's look at it .

  16. 请按照附图来补充中国地图的资源。

    The resources are restocked as shown on the resource table for China .

  17. 整个图象与中国地图酷似。

    The whole image is almost the same as the map of China .

  18. 教室的后墙上有一幅中国地图。

    There is a map of China on the back wall of the classroom .

  19. 请给我拿幅中国地图。

    Please how me a ma of China .

  20. 这是一张中国地图。

    This is a map of China .

  21. 这是一幅中国地图吗?

    Is it a map of China ?

  22. 我的T恤衫上有一幅中国地图。

    There is of China T-shirt .

  23. 中国地图倒也提供从一个地方到另一个地方的文字驾车指引。

    The Chinese maps do provide written driving directions to get from one place to another .

  24. 而最近,轮廓酷似一只鸡的中国地图又在南部增加了一些新的凸起。

    But more recently , the hen-shaped outline of China has grown some new protuberances to the south .

  25. 运用剪纸这样一种民族特色的艺术形式组合成中国地图,是有说服力的。

    Use the paper cut images of ethnic art symbols as a map of china , and it is persuasive .

  26. 百度公司目前占有中国地图服务市场70%的份额,拥有3亿月度活跃用户。

    Baidu currently holds a 70 percent share of China 's mapping service market , with 300 million monthly active users .

  27. 孙权想的中国地图,她提请他之一,他甚至提出了中国刺绣图。

    Sun Quan wanted a map of China and she drew one for him and even presented him embroidered map of China .

  28. 例如:正方形,长方形,三角形,笑脸,中国地图以及各种复杂的三维立体空间等结构。

    For example , square , rectangle , triangle , smiling face , map of China and many other complicated spatial structures .

  29. 国家测绘地理信息局宣布该地图由中国地图出版社出版发行。

    The map is compiled and issued by the Sino Maps Press , announced National Administration of Surveying , Mapping and Geo information .

  30. 该公司的用户统计数据显示,其地图应用程序占中国地图服务市场的70%以上。

    Its map app accounts for over 70 per cent of China 's mapping services market , the company 's user statistics show .