
  1. 中马关系的新发展与新挑战

    New Development and Challenge of the Relation between China and Malaysia

  2. 马来西亚华人及其对中马关系的影响

    The Overseas Chinese in Malaysia and the China-Malaysia Relations

  3. 九十年代中马关系的发展与马来西亚华人

    The Development of Sino Malaysian Relations in the 1990 's and Malaysian Chinese

  4. 中马关系的发展前景

    The Future Of Sino-Malaysian Relationship

  5. 您如何评价当前的中马关系?您对两国关系未来发展有何期待?

    How do you see the current China-Malaysia relations and what are your expectations for the future course of this relationship ?

  6. 答:近年来,中马关系得到长足发展,步入全面、稳定、务实发展轨道。

    China-Malaysia relations have come a long way in recent years and are well on track to an all-round , steady and results-oriented expansion .

  7. 但因370航班搜索工作而导致的中马关系紧张状态似乎已令这一熊猫出借计划搁浅,至少目前来看是这样。3月8日,这架从吉隆坡起飞的普通航班在飞往北京的途中消失。

    But strained relations over the search for Flight 370 , which disappeared on March 8 on a seemingly routine flight to Beijing , seem to have put paid to the plan , at least for now .

  8. 与此同时,国际体系、中马双边关系及马共因素也影响着马来政府对华文教育的认知,从而在一定程度上也影响着其华教政策的制定。

    At the same time , international system , Sino-Malaysian bilateral relationship and the factor of communist party of Malaya also affect the government cognition to Chinese education , which to a certain extent affect it Chinese education policy setting .

  9. 2007年12月马拉维国与中国建交。建交以来,中马两国关系迅速发展,合作领域涉及到农业、科技、医疗、体育等各方面,人们对马拉维国家的了解也越来越多。

    Malawi established diplomatic relations with China on December 2007.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations , the rapid development of bilateral relations between Malawi and China . Areas of cooperation related to agriculture , technology , medical , sports and so on .

  10. 中方期待通过此访进一步加强中马友好,继续深化两国战略合作,将中马关系推向更高的水平。

    This visit is expected to further bolster the two countries'friendship , deepen strategic cooperation and bring the bilateral relations to a new height .