
  • 网络Neutron flux;neutron fluence
  1. 多群伴随中子通量积分方程的一种MonteCarlo新解法

    A new Monte Carlo method for multigroup adjoint intergral equation of neutron flux

  2. 镉比R(Cd)和热中子通量是堆内常测的参数。

    The cadmium ratio RCA and thermal neutron flux are usually measured in a re - ' actor .

  3. HT-7超导托卡马克装置上中子通量分布的实验研究

    Experimental study of neutron flux distribution on HT-7 superconducting tokamak

  4. ITER中子通量监测器原型的研制

    Development of a prototype neutron flux monitor for ITER

  5. ITER中子通量监测器的中子学计算

    Neutronics calculations of neutron flux monitor for ITER

  6. 对反应堆堆芯中子通量的计算首先介绍了传统的方法,包含Hermite插值、Gear方法、常源瞬跳等。

    For the calculation of the reactor core neutron flux , the traditional methods is introduced first , including Hermite interpolation , Gear , Prompt jump approximate and so on .

  7. 当高能粒子进入慢化器后,会在慢化器中发生散裂反应与(n,2n)核反应,因此,反射体可以大大提高中子通量;

    The reflector can increase the neutron flux obviously and the main processes of the neutron yield in reflector are spallation reaction induced by energetic hadrons and ( n , 2n ) reaction .

  8. 应用SSNTDs测量14MeV中子通量

    Measurement of 14 MeV neutron fluences using SSNTDs

  9. 首先利用高能粒子输运程序NMTC/JAM计算了入射质子能量、靶的材料、形状、尺寸以及靶与慢化器耦合对中子通量的影响。

    At first , the effect of the target on the neutron flux is discussed to determine the optimal proton energy , target material , shape and dimension by using the high-energy particle transport code NMTC / JAM .

  10. 该方法在时间方面,中子通量密度按时间二阶展开(QEM);在空间方面,采用Green函数节块法(NGFM)。

    In the Temporal Quadratic Expansion Nodal Green 's Function Method ( TQE / NGFM ), the Quadratic Expansion Method ( QEM ) is used for the temporal solution with the Nodal Green 's Function Method ( NGFM ) employed for the spatial solution .

  11. 反应堆功率运行时,燃耗变化会引起堆外中子通量密度变化,造成RPN核功率测量系统测得的反应堆功率与实际功率出现偏差。

    When the reactor is operating , the variation of the burn-up of the fuel will cause vari-ation of the neutron flux , which can make the core power measured by the RPN nuclear power system deviate from the actual power .

  12. NPDMC程序可以计算各种类型的研究性反应堆和动力堆中的管道、束孔和缝隙的中子通量、能谱、剂量率和γ光子通量及剂量率等。

    This program can calculate the following : flux , energy spectral , dose ration of neutron and flux , dose ration of photon in pipe , beam hole , gap for research reactor and nuclear power reactor shielding design and analysis .

  13. 六角形轻水堆组件中子通量密度分布的计算

    Calculation for the Flux Distribution in Hexagonal fuel Assembly of LWR

  14. 用蒙特卡罗方法对快中子通量衰减和多次散射的修正计算

    Calculations of fast neutron attenuation and multiple scattering corrections using Monte-Carlo method

  15. 反应堆中子通量分布测量及数据处理

    The Measurement and Data Processing for Neutron Flux Distribution in Reactor Core

  16. 智能中子通量积分仪研制报告

    The development report of an intelligent neutron fluence Integration Monitor

  17. 根据中子通量密度的对数功率测量装置

    Logarithmic power measuring assembly based on the neutron flux density

  18. 测量了反应堆堆芯里的中子通量分布。

    Neutron flux distributions in the reactor core are measured .

  19. 热堆内测量中子通量谱的可变容差法解

    Solving measurement flux spectra in thermal neutron reactor with flexible tolerance method

  20. 固体径迹探测器测量束流装置内的中子通量密度

    Neutron flux measurement in neutron beam equipment by SSNTD

  21. 零功率堆中子通量拟合的试验研究

    The experimental research of neutron flux fitting method in a zero power reactor

  22. 界面流法计算反应堆六角形燃料组件中子通量密度分布

    Calculation of Flux Distribution in Hexagonal LWR Fuel Assembly by Interface Current Method

  23. 低中子通量密度试验性反应堆

    Dielectric ( flux ) density low intensity test reactor

  24. 核电站反应堆中子通量密度的一种预测控制方法

    A predictive control method of the neutron flux density for a nuclear reactor

  25. 给出方法的数学模型,在节块内中子通量采用二次近似,表面泄漏采用常数近似。

    The mathematical model of the method is presented .

  26. 在裂变径迹测定年代中准确测定中子通量

    Accurate determination of neutron fluence in fission track dating

  27. 低造价的各向同性热中子通量基准■

    A low cost isotropic thermal neutron flux field

  28. 零功率反应堆内中子通量相对分布实时测量

    The on-line relative measurement of neutron flux distribution in the light water zero-power reactor

  29. 关于平板几何反应堆临界中子通量离散纵标法的收敛速度

    Convergence rate of the discrete ordinate method for critical flux in a finite slab

  30. 反应堆快中子通量谱和载热剂比活性的计算

    The Calculations of Reactor Fast Neutron Flux Spectrum and Specific Activity of Reactor Coolant