
zhí xiàn xínɡ
  • rectilinear figure
  1. SH波作用下孔洞、夹杂与直线形裂纹的相互作用

    The Interaction of Circular Cavity , Inclusion with Beeline Cracks by SH-wave

  2. U形金属片开口端的一侧设为圆弧形,另一侧设为直线形;

    One side of the opening end of the U-shaped metal sheet is circular arc-shaped and the other side is straight line shape ;

  3. 研究SH波入射情况下圆形衬砌结构与直线形裂纹的相互作用问题。

    The interaction between a linear crack and circular lining impacted by an incident SH-wave was investigated .

  4. 艺术体操成套动作中较为常用的队形包括梯形、T字形、十字形、V字形、弧线形、直线形等6种。

    Rhythmic the more commonly used set of actions , including the formation trapezoidal , T-shaped , cross , V-shaped , arc-shaped , six kinds , such as linear .

  5. 肾组织电镜可见无分支、长直线形丝状结构,随意分布于肾小球系膜区、内皮下或基膜内,直径(10.30±1.77)nm。

    Electronic microscopy showed that fibrils found in mesangial area be straight , long , randomly arranged and non-branching , with a diameter of ( 10.30 ± 1.77 ) nm .

  6. 在形成HN3分子时,由于N原子采取了SP型以及SP2型杂化,其杂化轨道以及原子轨道各自相互重叠电子配对,从而使三个N原子获得直线形结构和形成不同的键型。

    In the formation of HN_3 , for the mixture of SP and SP ~ 2 pattern , its track of mixture and atomic track overlap with electron pair , and then three N atoms form linear structure and different bond patterns .

  7. 直线形靠模在曲线刀片刃磨中的应用

    Application of Linear Profile to Curve Edge Grinding of Cutter Blade

  8. 当然直线形的分子不像这样。

    Of course the linear molecule wasn 't like that .

  9. 直线形直流输电接地极电流场分析

    Analysis of Current Fields Around Linear-Type HVDC Ground Electrodes

  10. 而冲积和海岸沉积服从正态概率分布,其累积图表现为直线形;

    The alluvial deposit and coastal deposit follow normal distribution , they are straight lines in normal cumulative diagram .

  11. 在镇内公交线路规划时总结出直线形公交线路和环形公交线路。

    It summarizes straight public bus lines and ring public bus lines during the programming of inter-town bus lines .

  12. 本道岔连接轨的导曲形状为抛物线或直线形。

    The guide curve shape of the connecting rail of the switch can be a parabola or a straight line .

  13. 直线形自动化组合机床在摩托车前减振器铝筒加工中的应用

    The Application of Straight - line Automatic Combined Machine - tool to Machining of Aluminium Tubes of Front Shock-absorber for Motorcycles

  14. 如果我有一个非直线形的分子,其构成分布于各个方向,它有三个单独的轴。

    If I 've got a non linear molecule , parts all over the place , it has three unique axes .

  15. 研究了线圈状和麻花状两种典型螺旋形手征碳纤维以及直线形碳纳米管在8。

    The microwave permittivity of micro-coiled chiral carbon fibers and straight carbon nanotubes suspended in paraffin wax was studied at the frequency range of8 .

  16. 主体形状呈直线形、曲线形或在其表面具有几何花纹图样。

    The main body is a straight-line shape , a curvilinear shape , or the surface of the main body is provided with geometry pattern .

  17. 大尺度散粒体坡面的崩塌滑动面,一般并非直线形,在崩塌过程中的耦合作用将增大落沙规模;

    The paper deemed that , falling sliding face is not a rectilinear type , the non-linear coupling of falling factors sharply enhanced in large sand-pile ;

  18. 本文提出了直线形渐扩式均匀吸风管道设计节点阻力偏差与if/Fi的关系式。

    An equation is set up in the article showing the assumed resistance error of the joints in the straight extending regular sucking pipe and the if / Fi value ;

  19. 直线形大孢子四分体,合点端第一、或第二、或第三个大孢子有功能。

    The four megaspores that the first one , or the second one , or the third one towards the chala - zal end is functional arrange in a line .

  20. 胚囊母细胞发育排成直线形的四分体,其中靠合点端的一个胚囊细胞将成为有功能的大孢子,但靠珠孔端的其余胚囊细胞则不发育。

    The megaspore mother cell develops into a linear tetral and the megaspore at chalazal end will become a functional megaspore but the rest at the microphyte end will not develop .

  21. 各流域坡面形状多为下凹形为主,但山地整体的坡面形状近于直线形。

    The slope shapes of the most of the drainage basins are concave , but the whole shape of the transitional region of Qinling mountains and Huang-Huai Plain is roughly straight line .

  22. 根据相似理论并考虑工程因素,推导了直线形冻土墙用于深基坑支护时温度、变形的相似准则方程,进行了模化设计,对砂土冻土墙的温度和变形进行了模拟试验。

    Based on the simulation theory and the engineering factors , the simulation rule equations were deduced on the temperature and deformation of a linear frozen wall for protecting a deep foundation pit .

  23. 盘元在涂敷、气吹、烘干的过程中均为直线形,不发生机械变形,涂层完好地沾附在盘元上,更好的满足了拉拔要求。

    The rod is in beeline shape in the process of applying , blowing , and drying , no machinery distortion , the coat is perfectly attached on the rod , better fulfill the drawing requirement .

  24. 本文讨论了采用直线形靠模机构磨削双曲线刃口刀片的若干问题,分析了所磨削的切料机刀片的刃口曲线方程,建立了直线靠模的磨削运动方程式,并进行了磨削误差的分析计算。

    This article deals with grinding of cutter blade hyperbolic edge by means of linear profile , analyses curvilinear equation of cutter-blade ground edge , derives grinding motion equation for linear profile , and calculates grinding errors .

  25. 结果显示:雄螨主动从雌螨腹末钻入腹下,同时翘起、上卷腹末,直对雌螨生殖孔,与雌螨腹部在生殖区构成一直线形。

    The results revealed that males go into abdominal end of females actively , at the same time , tilt and volume abdominal end , and the female reproductive area in the abdomen has been linear composition .

  26. 进而建议,∏型井架的前大腿宜设计成直线形,而材料选用a3钢即可。

    On this basis , the author went further and suggested that it be appropriate to adopt linear struts as the front legs for the II-type mast in design and to select steel A3 as the material .

  27. 该类滑坡主要分布在直线形岸坡内,其次多分布于凸形岸坡和阶梯形岸坡中,凹形岸坡在现阶段相对比较稳定,滑坡灾害较少。

    This kind of landslides mainly distributes in the linear-shaped bank slope , and secondly , in convex and Ladder-shaped bank slope . The concave shape at the present stage is relatively stable , so the landslide hazards are infrequent .

  28. 借助极限思想,人们由有限认识了无限,由不变认识了变,由直线形认识了曲线形,由量变认识了质变,由近似认识了精确。

    With the help of the limit idea , people can know from limit to infinite , from changing to unchanging , from straight figures to curved figures , from quantitative change to qualitative change , from approximation to exactitude .

  29. 分析了鄂式破碎机中直线形和圆弧形破碎板钳角的性能概况表明:钳角越小,颚式破碎机的破碎力越大、产量越高,并改善了颚板磨损情况。

    The performance of straight and arc jaw plate of jaw crusher are analyzed and shows the smaller jaw angle , the bigger crush force and the higher output of jaw crusher , which improves the wearing of jaw plate .

  30. 加工直线告形工件的滚刀刃形设计

    Profile Design of Gear Hob Cutter for Machining Straight-line Teeth Workpiece