
jiào shì
  • priest;clerical;clergyman;minister;reverend;Christian missionary
教士 [jiào shì]
  • [priest;clergyman;minister;Christian missionary] 基督教的神职人员

教士[jiào shì]
  1. 信奉英国宗教的教士,凡有断弦的不应再娶,若是再娶就是违律。

    It was unlawful for a priest of the Church of england , after the death of his first wife , to take a second .

  2. 不象其它教士,他也是一个巫术师。

    Not like other priest , we is also a wizard .

  3. 教会总会应该投票让女性担任教士吗?

    Should the General Synod vote women into the priesthood ?

  4. 教士阁下毫无表情地朝他慢慢点了下头。

    The Monsignor gave him a slow , expressionless nod .

  5. 他当教士的头25年都在做研究学者。

    He spent the first twenty-five years of his priesthood as an academic .

  6. 教士袍挂在墙上。

    Priestly robes hang on the walls .

  7. 高级教士热姆·贡萨尔维斯阁下也在那里。

    Monsignor Jaime Goncalves was also there

  8. 大主教在开始演讲之前,首先感谢威斯敏斯特大教堂的主教和全体教士邀请他来到这里。

    The Archbishop began his address , thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey .

  9. 教士受训于神学院。

    Priests are trained at theological colleges .

  10. 教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了。

    The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn .

  11. 耶鲁公开课所以在罗马书第12章14节里,保罗说“祝福那些逼迫你的人趣味单词Canon佳能['kænən]n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士

    So in Romans 12:14 , Paul says , " Bless those who persecute you .

  12. 19世纪30年代,教士SylvesterGraham认为美国欲望太过膨胀。

    In the 1830s , reverend Sylvester Graham decided that America had become too lust-filled .

  13. 教士TimCodling说,平行的法律系统使教堂成为首个目标。

    Reverend Tim Codling says a parallel law system makes churches an easy target .

  14. 但我确实知道有段历史讲19世纪一些CelticDruids教士迁居至此。

    But I do know that there 's a history of Celtic Druids That migrated here in the 1800s .

  15. 英国最大的工会之一,Unite,就是希望教士能够享受和其他工作者一样的就业权,能够一样的不被歧视。

    One ofBritain 's biggest trade unions , Unite , does want clergy to have exactly the same employment rights , including freedom from discrimination , as other workers .

  16. 让大多数人惊讶的是,当你说到“教士“这个词,人们会联想到,the,word,“chaplain”,有基督教背景的人,会想到在医院里工作的人。

    What 's surprising most people , when you think , you associate with something that has a Christian background , you think of people that work in hospitals .

  17. 分析家J.PeterPham说,谢里夫总统需要尽快加强有影响力的团体对政府的支持,比如教士,宗族长者,公民社团领导和商人。

    Analyst J. Peter Pham says President Sharif needs to quickly shore up support for his government among influential groups such as clerics , clan elders , civil society leaders , and businessmen .

  18. 为了这个目标,美国职棒大联盟上月在北京举办了表演赛,比赛双方是圣地亚哥教士队(SanDiegoPadres)和洛杉矶道奇队(LosAngelesDodgers)。这是美国职棒大联盟首度在中国举办职业赛事。

    To that end , MLB last month hosted exhibitions in Beijing between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers , the first time it has held professional games in China .

  19. Icon特指东正教教堂里的宗教肖像的用法,直到19世纪才在英语中出现.1833年,平克顿教士记述了莫斯科棕枝主日游行中扛着的“六个圣像”.

    The use of icon specifically for areligious image in the Orthodox church hardly appears in English until the 19thCentury . In 1833 the Rev Robert Pinkerton wrote of " six sacred ikons " carried in the Palm Sunday procession in Moscow .

  20. 19世纪晚期,法国贵族皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦(PierredeCoubertin)未能当上教士,却发现了自己毕生的目标:创立一种脱离政治而存在的体育文化。

    In the late 19th century , Pierre de Coubertin , a French aristocrat and dropout from the priesthood , found his life 's goal : to create a sporting culture that existed separate from political concerns .

  21. 他获得了布拉德福EMBA学位,是英格兰中部城市拉夫堡教区副主教,负责管理180所教堂的100名英国国教教士。但是,哈克伍德对自己学位的价值从不怀疑。

    He is Archdeacon of Loughborough , in central England , with responsibility for 100 Anglican clergy in 180 churches . But Mr Hackwood has no doubt of the value of his Bradford EMBA .

  22. HasanYousefiEshkevari,一位主张改革的教士并且曾因他的政治主张而入狱三年,我向他请教,帮我找到这种观点的宗教或者社会方面的背景。

    I turned to Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari , a reformist cleric who spent three years in prison for his political positions , to help me understand the religious or social context for such views .

  23. 之后,特拉奎尔的斯图亚特王室未曾权衡得失,就盲目支持苏格兰玛丽女王和詹姆斯二世党人(Jacobite),因此造成了一段恐怖时期,而这里遂成为天主教教士的避难所。

    Later a refuge for Catholic priests in times of terror the Stuarts of Traquair supported Mary Queen of Scots and the Jacobite cause without counting the cost .

  24. 民粹主义什叶派教士穆克塔达·萨德尔(Muqtadaal-Sadr)在巴格达的什叶派地区和及其他地方拥有大批追随者,他仍然是权力游戏中的一个不确定因素。

    Muqtada al-Sadr , a populist Shia cleric with a big following in Baghdad 's Shia districts and elsewhere , remains a wild card in the power game .

  25. 1928年夏季学期,艾伦转到W.J.本斯利教士的年级,以准备认证考试。

    For the summer term of 1928 , Alan was moved to yet another form , that of the Reverend W.J. Bensly , to prepare for the examinations .

  26. 在女性教士的问题上,牧师们意见不一。

    The clergy remain divided on the issue of women priests .

  27. 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。

    The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church .

  28. 牧师和教士被认为是信仰的护卫者。

    A minister or priest is considered a guardian of faith .

  29. 你不是也屠杀了很多主教和教士吗?

    And did you not also slaughter many bishops and priests ?

  30. 教士伸手到口袋中掏车票。

    The rabbi reached into his coat pocket for his ticket .