
shén mì xué
  • occultism
  1. 巫术崇拜或魔法、异教信仰、高级魔术和其它形式的神秘学不是恶魔崇拜。

    Wicca or Witchcraft , Paganism , High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism .

  2. 迪伊的愿望是“通晓世界上一切可知的事物”,正是那颗星星促使并引领他走向神秘学的道路不过最终也导致他的垮台。

    Dee 's desire to " know what was knowable in the world , " spurred by that star , leads him to occultism and , ultimately , to his downfall .

  3. 《美国女巫》(WitchesOfAmerica),阿历克斯·马尔(AlexMar)著(SarahCrichton/FarrarStraus&Giroux出版社,26美元)。马尔带来一本搜寻者的回忆录,透过面纱讲了下面的故事:一组关于奇妙的现代神秘学修习者们的新闻特写。

    WITCHES OF AMERICA . By Alex Mar. ( Sarah Crichton / Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Mar presents a seeker 's memoir told through a quilted veil : a collection of strong journalistic profiles of fascinating modern practitioners of the occult .

  4. 你相信神秘学吗?

    TheLambertLuvva : Do you believe in the occult ?

  5. 他曾研究神秘学。

    He was a student of the occult .

  6. 研究神秘学的学生

    A student of the occult . 【

  7. 二十多岁时她对神秘学和巫术产生了兴趣。

    She became interested in the occult and magic when she was in her twenties .

  8. 你相信神秘学这些东西吗

    You believe in this occult stuff ?

  9. 一提起“神秘学”这个词,人们最先想到的是黑魔法

    When you say the word " occult , " everyone automatically thinks black magic ,

  10. 可改变或转化物质,如神秘学意义上的鉴定、将物质形状与功能如黏土般重塑等。

    The alteration or transformation of material substances , from mystically identifying them to molding their shape and function like clay .

  11. 本书涉及巫术、神秘学和关于性的一些参考,但大约著重于人与人之间的关系。

    The book deals with witchcraft and the occult , and has some sexual references , but it is predominantly about relationships .

  12. 这本著作中,唯心论和神秘学是检验古代中西智慧的基础,而不是传统意义上与之相反的求知道路。

    In this work , spiritualism and occult practices are the base for examining ancient Eastern and Western wisdom , rather than the traditionally reversed path of finding knowledge .

  13. 占星学和炼丹术为神秘之学。

    Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences .

  14. 目前在美国最热门的中国文化是道家学说和有着神秘色彩的风水学。

    The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism , and ancient school of thought , and fengshui , an ancient art of placement .