
  1. 此兽为中国神话中一神兽。

    This monster is one of celestial monsters in the Chinese myth .

  2. 我跟一只多毛的秘鲁神兽被困在后车座。

    I am jammed in the backseat with a hairy Peruvian biter .

  3. 神兽木偶到底应该是高尚的,还是恶的代表。

    Should the sacred animal puppets be noble or evil ?

  4. 一条刻有未知神兽的金项链。

    A gold necklace with intricate depictions of animals .

  5. 狮子作为护门神兽出现,其典源于佛教。

    The lion as guardian originated from Buddhism .

  6. 中国古代神兽雕刻的象征性

    Symbolic Characteristic of Supernatural Beast in Ancient China

  7. 另外还有一项“猎龙之游”,亮点是从中国到墨西哥的各国神兽。

    Another , " Hunting for Dragons , " highlights fantastical creatures from China to Mexico .

  8. 民间更视虎为神兽,借其镇邪辟恶,保佑安宁。

    Tiger is regarded as angel beast , able to press down evil and blest peace .

  9. 鱼,是传说中多子的神兽,常常被用来象征有多个孩子。

    Fish , being a proliferous legendary animal , is often used to symbolize having multiple children .

  10. 由于满月回到了天上,所有的妖怪都变得更加强大,而慧音也变身成为神兽“白泽”。

    With the full moon in place , all the enemies become much stronger and Keine becomes a hakutaku .

  11. 北方人认为是中国的传统神兽麒麟将昆虫从沉睡中唤醒的。

    There is the belief that the Chinese Dragon will call the insects forth to life from their sleep .

  12. 貔貅一直都被民间视为招财、旺财、平安之神兽。

    The mythical wild animal have always been folk as plutus , prosperous wealth and peace of god beast .

  13. 在所有的神兽当中,支付宝是最为常见的,虽然它有时会被误认为是淘宝网。

    Of all the mythological beasts , lions are the most common , although they are sometimes mistaken as dragons .

  14. 认为带翼神兽之渊源确可上溯到中国早期新石器时期。

    Considering that the source of the mythological animals with wings and squamae can trace to forepart of New Stone Age .

  15. 第三部分,从艺术的表现手法来分析研究,神兽木偶的功能美和形式感美。

    The third section analyses the functional aesthetics of the sacred animal puppet and formal aesthetics with the artistic expressive way .

  16. 我国古代视虎为神兽,俗以为可以镇祟辟邪、保佑安宁

    In ancient of China tiger is known as god beast , common thought that can ward off bad luck , bless peace

  17. 第四类为神仙、灵兽镜,如神兽镜和神仙画像镜等;

    The fourth is Immortal and spirit animal mirror such as " Spirit Animal Mirror and Immortal Figure Mirror ", and so on .

  18. 太多人都会被它们能力之外的野心所迷惑,或神兽无法实现的渴望的折磨。

    Too many are deluded by ambition beyond their power of attainment , or tortured by aspirations totally disproportionate to their capacity for execution .

  19. 山中,有只老虎,初次看到驴子,以为这个庞然大物是头神兽,很害怕。

    A tiger in the mountain , which had never seen a donkey before , thought this huge monster was a divine beast and was rather scared .

  20. 红豺作为一种联结人与自然的生命关系的精灵神兽,体现了特定民族的审美取向。

    The red panther is the holy monster which relates the human beings to the nature , and it reveals the aesthetic orientation of a special nationality .

  21. 其造像也逐渐华化,与中国传统观念中认可的鱼、龙等吉祥物融合变异后形成了中国鱼龙合体之神兽。

    Later it was used by Buddhism and came to Chinese culture together with Buddhism and melted into the culture with fish and dragon as a combined divine animal .

  22. 在中国古代最令妖邪胆战心惊并且法力无边的四大神兽就是青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四兽了。

    In ancient China most Yaoxie tremble with fear and almighty of the four sacred animal is the Dragon , White Tiger , Suzaku , basalt of the four beasts .

  23. 本文以湾漳墓壁画中的瑞祥神兽神鸟为研究对象,论述其主要功用、各个神兽神鸟的艺术特色和早期壁画艺术中所蕴含的美学价值。

    This paper studies the aesthetics of the bird and animal figures found on Wan Zhang murals , their main purposes , artistic features and aesthetic values of early mural paintings .

  24. 去年,伦敦市长有幸为舞龙点睛&象征神兽的亿万富翁,标志着新年的到来。

    Last year the Mayor of London had the honour of dotting the eyes of the Welded Wire Mesh Panel – symbolizing the waking of the mystical beast to mark the New Year .

  25. 后来佛座前的狮子已具有护法神兽的含义,这样宫殿门前的对狮,又具驱邪镇妖的寓意。

    Later , the lion came to be regarded as a divine guarding animal , so the pair of lions in front of a palace gate are also meant to drive away evil forces .

  26. 该文通过对鄂州出土神兽镜中纪年铭文的研究,提出了对东汉、三国时期民间所采用历法的新见解。

    A new understanding of the folk calendar during the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms is to be advanced through studying the inscriptions of the " divine-beast " mirror unearthed in Ezhou .

  27. 分析包括古代翼兽在内的狮子的定型基础和天禄、辟邪、麒麟这些具备狮子造型特征的神兽,进一步分析汉代石狮艺术的造型基础。

    The analysis included ancient wing beast , such as " Tian Lu ", " Bi xie " and Kirin to ward off evil spirits , styling basis on the modeling characteristics of these divine animals .

  28. 对于明代青花瓷器纹饰的分类主要按照纹饰类型来分,对于神兽、花卉、人物、动物、山水云纹、宗教纹饰以及辅助纹饰都有涉及。

    For the classification of the Ming Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain decoration divided mainly according to type , for the animal , flowers , character , animal , landscape , cloud , religious ornamentation and auxiliary ornamentation are involved .

  29. 瓦猫作为云南独有的镇宅神兽,其内涵和功能也和云南民族所使用的镇宅物一样,驱恶辟邪,所不同的是瓦猫特色的造型艺术。

    Tile-cat as a unique guard beast in YunNan , its meaning and function is drive away evils , is as the same as the other guard beast used in YunNan ,, the difference is that the characteristics of the plastic arts of tile-cat .

  30. 动物木乃伊中有些生前是深受主人喜爱的宠物,有些是人死后供奉的食物,还有的是人们崇拜的神兽,但做为宗教贡品的占大多数。

    Some were preserved because they had been beloved pets , others as a source of food for humans . Then there were the cult animals that were worshiped in life that had to be mummified . However , the most common reason was as an offering to the gods in return for answering a prayer .