
xī lán
  • Ceylon
  1. 为了从富含次生代谢物的樟科植物肉桂、锡兰肉桂、阴香中获得高质量DNA,研究和改进了CTAB法、高盐低pH法和尿素法。

    CTAB method , low pH medium with high salt method ( LPHS ), and urea method were used and improved to extract high-quality DNA from Lauraceae plant Cinnamomum cassia Presl . , C. zeylanicum and C.

  2. 这里名叫Tientsin,是“锡兰茶径”(CeylonTeaTrails)酒店在哈顿地区运营的最古老的四处平房酒店(始建于1888年)之一,“锡兰茶径”也是斯里兰卡的第一家罗莱夏朵(Relais&Châteaux)集团酒店。

    I had arrived at Tientsin , the oldest ( built in 1888 ) of four bungalows operated in the Hatton area by Ceylon Tea Trails , Sri Lanka 's first Relais & Ch â teaux resort .

  3. 印度&雅利安印度人占据了锡兰。

    246 BCE : India - The Aryan Hindus occupy Ceylon .

  4. 努里•比格•锡兰的《冬眠》(土耳其)。

    and Nuri Bilge Ceylan 's Winter Sleep ( Turkey ) .

  5. 中国棉;锡兰棉;暹罗棉;木棉。

    China cotton ; Ceylon cotton ; Siam cotton ; tree cotton .

  6. 他一直想去锡兰种茶。

    He had always wanted to go to Ceylon and plant tea .

  7. 首先,应该喝印度茶或锡兰茶。

    First of all , one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea .

  8. 肉桂,牧桂生桂皮的树木西双版纳引种的锡兰肉桂品种及精油成分

    Introduced Ceylon cinnamon cultivars in Xishuangbanna and their chemical components of essential oils

  9. 图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。

    The picture shows the unit 's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon .

  10. 茶树是由中国移植到印度和锡兰的。

    Tea was transplanted from-china to India and ceyion .

  11. 护符和符咒在锡兰依然很常见。

    Charms and spells are still common in ceylon .

  12. 位于锡兰岛上的一个共和国。

    A republic on an the island of ceylon .

  13. 它在1948年独立,定名锡兰。

    As Ceylon , it became independent in1948 .

  14. 产于印度和锡兰的尾巴上有鳞的穴居鼠。

    Burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon .

  15. 我在锡兰岛的西北海岸,纬度9度上找到了。

    I found it by the 9th parallel off the northwestern shores of Ceylon .

  16. 他们一起巡视了卡尔穆奈以及被毁坏的南部城市锡兰。

    Together , they toured Kalmunai as well as the devastated southern town of Galle .

  17. 石墨开采自锡兰。

    The graphite is mined in Ceylon .

  18. 要到这湾,必须上溯锡兰岛整个西部海岸。

    To reach it we had to go all the way up Ceylon 's west coast .

  19. 爵茶,黑莓茶,锡兰茶,英茶,岭。每种3粒。

    Grey , Black Currant , Pekoe , English Breakfast Darjeeling . 3 infusions of each .

  20. 例如,在锡兰(即今天的斯里兰卡),他扶持合法统治者重登王位。

    In Ceylon , for instance , he helped restore the legitimate ruler to the throne .

  21. 属于或关于斯里兰卡(原来是锡兰)、斯里兰卡人或斯里兰卡文化的。

    Of or relating to Sri Lanka ( formerly Ceylon ) or its people or culture .

  22. 英国得到重要的殖民地,包括马尔他,好望角和锡兰。

    Britain acquired valuable colonies , including malta , the Cape of good hope , and ceylon .

  23. 最古老的蓝宝石产地是在锡兰,今日称为斯里兰卡。

    The oldest sapphire finds are in ceylon , or Sri Lanka as it is known today .

  24. 选用印度或锡兰(现斯里兰卡)出产的茶叶放入银质茶壶内泡茶,再将茶水倒在精致的中国骨瓷茶杯中饮用。

    Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups .

  25. 在科伦坡可以买到包装精美的锡兰红茶,价格也不贵。

    May buy the beautifully packaged in Colombo the Sri Lankan black tea , the price is inexpensive .

  26. 它的口味在黄油牛奶饼干与蜂蜜奶油面包卷之间,但是有温和的锡兰肉桂后味。

    Its flavor is somewhere between buttermilk biscuit and honey brioche , but finishes with soft Ceylon cinnamon .

  27. 贵州省食肉动物的钩口线虫类和锡兰钩虫的生活史研究

    The ancylostomas of Carnivora in Guizhou Province and studies on the life history of Ancylostoma ceylanicum looss 1911

  28. 我正好找到西尔所写、题名为《锡兰和锡兰人》的一部书。

    Sure enough , I found a volume entitled Ceylon and the Singhalese by H. C. Sirr , Esq.

  29. 由锡兰肉桂树的干树皮加工而成的香料;轧成带状或磨碎后使用。

    Spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree ; used as rolled strips or ground .

  30. 他回到家中,到锡兰岛的一个小地方去访问。

    On his return , he went to visit one of the little towns in the island of Zealand .