
bīng gōng chǎng
  • arsenal;armory;munitions factory;arm-shop
兵工厂 [bīng gōng chǎng]
  • [munitions factory;arsenal] 制造武器和其他军事装备的工厂

兵工厂[bīng gōng chǎng]
  1. 又如兵工厂,由于生产尚未恢复,开始只发生活维持费,工资较低,工人普遍不满意。

    The munitions factory provides another example . Because production was still suspended , the workers received only living expenses , which did not amount to much , and all of them were dissatisfied .

  2. 然而这只是事情的表明部分,根据负责财务人士确定,兵工厂将迁移到两年后建成的能够容纳60000个座位的AshburtonGrove。

    And that is just the tip of the iceberg , according to the man responsible for financing Arsenal 's move to their new60,000-seat Ashburton Grove ground-which will be ready in two years .

  3. 前天晚上,一家兵工厂被炸,不远处的居民区也被夷为平地。

    A factory making armaments had been bombed the night before and a residential area not far away had been pulverized .

  4. 直到最近,科学家才发现原来毛毛虫普遍也有自己的“化学兵工厂”。

    Caterpillar is not without its own arsenal of chemical agents .

  5. 周日的胜利将会让兵工厂的将士们甜蜜的回家。

    A win on Sunday will ensure a sweet return home .

  6. 兵工厂在二战中是很重要的。

    The armories were important in the world war ii .

  7. 兵工厂的屋顶在风暴中已坍塌。

    The roof of the armory collapsed during the storm .

  8. 兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。

    Even the workers at the Arsenal have got a secret organization .

  9. 战争期间她在一家兵工厂工作。

    She worked in an ordnance factory during the war .

  10. 它是神族兵工厂所拥有的终极战争武器。

    It is the ultimate weapon of war in the Protoss arsenal .

  11. 他以前认识一些女孩在装甲车兵工厂工作。

    He met some girl that worked for an armored car company .

  12. 3.arsenal兵工厂,军火库敌人的军火库那时已暴露了。

    The enemy ' s arsenal had been uncovered by that time .

  13. 我们突袭了兵工厂

    Well , we raided the armory , right ?

  14. 某兵工厂职工截缩简略寿命表及寿命预测

    An Abridged Truncate Life Table and Life Expectation of Workers in an Ordnance Factory

  15. 某兵工厂职工肿瘤死亡率的变化与趋势预测

    Variation of the Death Rate for Cancers and Its Prediction for an Ordnance Factory

  16. 会不会是旧碉堡或兵工厂?

    Maybe an old fort or an armory ?

  17. 私营企业不足以承担的方面,政府就成立自己的工厂和兵工厂。

    Where private enterprise lagged , the government set up its own factories or arsenals .

  18. 在二战期间,美国母亲为了民主理想,援建了世界最大的兵工厂。

    During World War II , America 's mothers helped build the greatest Arsenal for democracy .

  19. 敌机瞄准兵工厂并用一发炮弹摧毁了这个工厂。

    The enemy plane zeroed in on the arms factory and destroyed it with one bomb .

  20. 某兵工厂42年职工死因分析

    An Analysis of Death-Cause of Workers in an Ordnance Factory in a Period of 42 Years

  21. 兵工厂西迁,建立后方兵工基地。

    Arsenals were moved westward , and KMT government began to establish the rear ordnance base .

  22. 在苏联兵工厂里的所有武器中。

    all there for the taking . Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal ...

  23. 多年前兵工厂迁走后,工厂的建筑就没有再使用过。

    When the army factory moved some years ago , the factory buildings were no longer used .

  24. 炮兵射击指挥作业器材这家兵工厂正在研制一批新式核武器。

    Artillery fire control operation equipment The military establishment is working on a number of new nukes .

  25. 而在萨达姆统治时期的伊拉克,在其兵工厂内就拥有这种大规模杀伤性武器。

    Iraq , under Saddam Hussein , possessed it in its arsenal of weapons of mass destruction .

  26. 冬天已经开始张嘴咬人了,他的牙印就清晰地印在兵工厂的阵容上。

    The winter months are already starting to bite and their teeth-marks are visible in Arsenal 's squad .

  27. 检查资料已经在警察的研究兵工厂和检察官中成为一个标准的工具的行动电话。

    Examining cellphone data has become a standard tool in the investigative arsenal of the police and prosecutors .

  28. 结论兵工厂企业工人上岗前健康体检时进行色觉检查尤为重要。

    [ Conclusion ] It is very important to conduct physical examination on the new employees in arsenal enterprises .

  29. 俱乐部在1886年成为了工人“兵工厂”球队,当时的名字还是“方形大钟”。

    The Club began as a team of factory workers in the'arsenal'in1886 under the temporary name of'Dial Square ' .

  30. 要不是你,它们也许已经杀死我们并且烧毁兵工厂了。

    If it hadn 't been for you , they would have destroyed us and burnt down the armory .