
  • 网络military service system
  1. 兵役制度:征兵制。

    Military service : jordan has a selective conscription military system .

  2. 新中国60年兵役制度的调整改革与发展趋势

    Readjustment , Reform and Development Trend of Military Service System over the Past 60 Years

  3. 但兵役制度在其他国家引起了强大的反响。

    But the subject arouses strong emotions in other countries .

  4. 以色列的兵役制度使战友们在服役期间建立了稳固的关系,这极大促进他们普通生活中人际关系的发展。

    The relationships forged during military service foster frenetic networking in civilian life .

  5. 兵役制度:义务制,服役1年。

    Term of service : conscription system with terms of service lasting one year .

  6. 兵役制度:实行征兵制,服役期2年。

    Military service : the Thai military uses a selective conscription system , with terms lasting two years .

  7. 他们有义务兵役制度,这意味着每一个年轻人都必须服役一段时间。

    They have compulsory military service , that means every young person must go into the military for a while .

  8. 兵役制度:征兵和义务兵役制,服役期两年。

    Military service : the Kuwaiti military uses both conscription and voluntary systems , with terms of service lasting two years .

  9. 全民兵役制度对于以色列这样的小国家来说或许可行,因为他们可能需要举全国之兵以图存救亡。

    Universal military duty still makes sense for small countries like Israel that may need to fight all out for national survival .

  10. 南苏丹是引入兵役制度上一个少见的例子。

    Newly independent South Sudan is a rare example of conscription being introduced ( in the hope of supplanting private militias ) .

  11. 新军兵役制度的制定标志着近代兵役制度在我国的基本确立,新军官制则奠定了中国近代军官制度的基础。

    The New - style Land forces ' service system formulated which marked the establishment of the modern military service system in China .

  12. 近年来,意大利,西班牙,波兰首先废除了兵役制度。

    Germany , Sweden and Serbia have scrapped it within the past year , following Italy , Spain and Poland earlier in the decade .

  13. 这些措施包括结束该国的国民兵役制度,让德国走上远离核能和煤电生产的道路。

    These included ending the country 's requirement of national military service and setting Germany on a path away from nuclear and coal power production .

  14. 另一方面,着重探讨清末新军兵役制度的另一个组成部分&退伍制度。

    On the other hand , it focuses on another constitute of the military service system of the late Qing New Army & retired system .

  15. 由于各国的国情,训练传统、训练观念、兵役制度的不同,训练中既有共同点,也存在着较大的差异。

    There are some generality and some difference in the trainings because the difference in state conditions , training tradition , training ideas , system of military services .

  16. 该研究团队对一百多万名18岁少年的数据进行了分析。这些少年都曾在1969至1997年间在瑞典应征入伍,那段时期仍实行义务兵役制度。

    The study team analyzed data on more than 1 million 18-year-old men who were conscripted into military service in Sweden between 1969 and 1997 , when service was compulsory .

  17. 我国具有一定系统的兵役制度最早起源于周代,此后历经数千年的发展演变,直至近代系统完备的义务兵役制度确立,其间屡经修改变更。

    Then it had been a few thousand years of development until modern complete compulsory military service system had established . During this period it always had been modified to change .

  18. 兵役制度是国家军事制度的重要组成部分,它随着国家和军队的形成而出现,并随着战争的需要和国家政治、经济、文化、军事、人口等的变化而不断发生变化。

    The system of military service is a significant component of the national military , which changes constantly along with the needs of wars and the changes of political system , economic , cultural , military and demographic aspect .

  19. 金朝军事机构较为简化,重视骑兵的作用,也逐步建立和发展其他兵种,军队中民族成分复杂,实行签军和募兵兵役制度,军事职官的地位较高。

    Military organization was relatively simple , with emphasis placed on the cavalry and other arms developed at the same time . Its troops were made up of soldiers of many nationalities , either mercenaries or conscripts . Officers enjoyed high status .

  20. 随着我军编制体制调整、武器装备更新和兵役制度改革,特别是现代通信技术的迅猛发展,作为我军军事通信主要手段之一的无线电台报务通信正面临着严峻的挑战。

    Along with our army workout system modulating , arms and equipment updating and military service system innovating , especially modern communication technique developing swiftly , the radio transmitter-receiver telegraph communication using as one of the main resorts of our army military communication is facing austere challenge .

  21. 《中华人民共和国兵役法》的修订,进一步完善了中国的兵役制度。

    The revision of the Law of the PRC on Military Service System has further improved China 's military service system .