
bīng fú
  • commander's seal or tally;commander's tally;book on the art of War
兵符 [bīng fú]
  • (1) [commander's tally]∶古时调遣军队的凭证

  • 嬴闻 晋鄙之兵符常在王卧内。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (2) [book on the art of War]∶兵书

  • 天遣玄女下,受 黄帝兵符,伏 蚩尤。--《史记.五帝本纪》

兵符[bīng fú]
  1. 他将立掌全部盟国远征军之兵符。

    He was immediately to assume command of the whole allied expedition .

  2. 侯嬴给信陵君出主意说:“只要派人偷取大王的兵符,便可假传命令,要晋鄙出兵了。”

    Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling : " If only you had the Commander 's Seal , which is bestowed only by the king himself , you could take Jin Bi 's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao . "