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bīng jiā
  • Strategist;military commander;military strategist in ancient China;thinker of ancient China specializing in the art of war
兵家 [bīng jiā]
  • (1) [thinker of ancient China specializing in the art of war]∶古时研究军事问题的学派

  • (2) [military commander]∶指军事家或用兵的人

  • 胜败兵家常事

  • 兵家必争之地

兵家[bīng jiā]
  1. 自古知兵非好战&中国古代兵家和平思想辩证观

    From of Old , Grasping the law of War and not Warlike-the Dialectical Thought about Peace of Military Strategist in Ancient China

  2. 从管理哲学视角看先秦兵家的治道模式

    Governance model of Pre-Qin military strategist as viewed from management philosophy

  3. 中国古代兵家思想与中医学关系研究

    Ancient Chinese Militarists ' Thoughts and Chinese Medicine

  4. 中国古代兵家和平思想的文化根源探析

    An Investigation into the Cultural Root of Ancient Chinese Militarists ' Thoughts on Peace

  5. 此兵家之胜,不可先传也。

    These military devices , leading to victory , must not be divulged beforehand .

  6. 论先秦兵家的性质及其产生

    The Nature and Appearance of Pre-Qin Military Theories

  7. 南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。

    South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong , the military vital importance .

  8. 桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。

    Bridges were often points of battle .

  9. 兵家思想对现代经营管理的启示&基于战略管理视角

    Enlightenment of Military Strategists ' Thought for Modern Business Management & From the Perspective of Military Management

  10. 和平既是一种社会现象,也是古代兵家的战争观;

    Peace is not only a social appearance , but also the war idea of ancient strategist .

  11. 塞浦路斯的战略地位十分重要,历来都是兵家必争之地。

    The strategic position of Cyprus has always been of vital importance in military strategists ' view .

  12. 谨养而治气&武术与兵家研究之二

    Keeping to Cure the Spirit Sincerely & Chapter 2 about " Chinese Wushu and Military Strategies "

  13. 第四章讨论先秦兵家与诸子之关系。

    Chapter four : discussion on the relationship between the pre-Qin military strategist and the other systems of thought .

  14. 自古以来,泊头就是通贾四方的重要商埠和兵家必争的战略要地。

    Since ancient times , Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location .

  15. 先秦儒家、道家、法家、兵家管理心理思想评述

    Comment on the Thought of Management Psychology of the Confucianists 、 Taoists 、 Legalists and Military Strategists of Pre-Qin Period

  16. 儒家、墨家和兵家在当时的社会背景下的教育中包含的体育成分。

    Confucius , Mo Zi and other military strategists in the prevailing social education , their thoughts all included sports component .

  17. 所有的伤兵都退役回家。此兵家之胜,不可先传也。

    All the wounded soldiers were invalided home These military devices , leading to victory , must not be divulged beforehand .

  18. 同时作为历来兵家必争之地,荆州的文化源远流长,产生了很多脍炙人口的佳话。

    At the same time as a traditionally mohican , Jingzhou culture has a long history , generates a lot of popular .

  19. 张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。

    Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou , Inner Mongolia , the traffic is very dangerous , always terrain which .

  20. 先秦兵家的军事伦理思想的研究是一个复杂而又颇有创新意义的课题。

    It is very complex and of great innovative significance to research the military ethic thoughts of the School of Military Strategists .

  21. 俄亥俄州的选民政治背景各异,是兵家必争之地,常有决定大选结果的作用。奥巴马大选时在俄亥俄州反复强调会有“一个更好的未来”。

    Candidate Obama delivered his message over and over again in Ohio , a politically diverse battleground state that often decides presidential elections .

  22. 同时作为国内的运营商而言,在全业务运营的背景下,宽带市场成了兵家必争之地。

    At the same time , with regards to Internet Service Provider and its business operation , broadband has become a competitive market .

  23. 背景:托尼在剧中曾经多次提及中国兵家孙子,称他是中国的马基雅弗利王子。

    Situation : The Chinese Prince Machiavelli , as Tony refers to the master strategist , is a recurring allusion in the show .

  24. 兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。

    Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy , which contain rich management thoughts .

  25. 位于亚洲和非洲连接处的埃及,因其独特的地缘经济和政治环境,历来为兵家必争之地。

    Egypt important joint of Africa and Asia was always a land contested by some Great power because of its unique geopolitics and geo-economics .

  26. 在先秦儒家思想中,奇与正相对,指违反常规,道家以奇为美,兵家讲出奇制胜。

    In Confucian thought , the odd is relative to even , Taoism regard odd as beauty , military strategists emphasize a surprise move .

  27. 范蠡所以经商致富,不仅在于他借用了兵家智谋,更在于他对商业的重视和苦身戮力实践;

    Fan Li did business and became rich because he employed the wisdom of military strategists , and especially he emphasized trading and practising himself .

  28. 它地处爱丁堡南面,是苏格兰边境上的战略要塞,历来为兵家所重视。

    This astonishing city , steeped in history and tradition , has seen many great battles and was once an important stronghold for the Scottish border .

  29. 山南东道地区因其地处长江两岸,交通便利,军事地理位置重要,所以为历代兵家必争之地。

    Shannan dong Dao is located in the Yangtze River because of its convenient transportation and an important military location , so for the ages contested .

  30. 伊拉克地处中东的心脏地区,地理位置十分重要,是连接欧亚非三洲的交通枢纽,自古就是兵家必争之地。

    Iraq is the heart of Middle East from ancient times because of its important position as a traffic pivot which connects Europe with Asia and Africa .