
  • 网络Corps;regiments;Army Corps;legion
兵团 [bīng tuán]
  • (1) [large military unit;corps;formation]∶集团军;泛指大部队,如主力兵团、地方兵团、游击兵团

  • (2) [army]∶由几个军组成的单位

  1. 基于SOA模型的兵团空间信息系统集成

    Corps Spatial Information System Integration Based on SOA Model

  2. 基于MDA兵团空间信息系统的模型

    Model of Corps Spatial Information System Based on MDA

  3. 步兵团受到火力攻击时比利时人向后撤退。

    The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire .

  4. 调集了两个装甲兵团去威慑、控制人群。

    Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds .

  5. 伞兵团可能会被迫招收女性。

    The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women .

  6. 步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。

    The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces .

  7. 在正面交火之前,庞大的兵团会整体向前移动并投掷标枪

    The heavy infantry blocks moved forward , throwing javelins just before the clash .

  8. 加入WTO对兵团高等农业教育的影响

    Effects to Bing Tuan 's high agriculture education after joining WTO

  9. 新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型在兵团农机总动力预测中的应用

    Application of Metabolic GM ( 1,1 ) Model in Corps ' Agricultural Machinery Total Power Forecasting

  10. 美国陆军工程兵团的EdFleming上校称这是历史性的行动。

    Colonel Ed Fleming of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers called the action historic .

  11. 对象:以整群抽样的方式选择某部两个步兵团参加1998年度基础训练全体新兵中发生的SF战士。

    Object : recruits of all SF including two infantry regiments who take part in basic training on 1998 year .

  12. IV号坦克排打垮了支援第134步兵团第1营的“谢尔曼”坦克排,击毁了五辆美军坦克而未遭受损失。

    The Pzkfw IV platoon is able to ambush the Sherman platoon supporting the1 / 134th Infantry , knocking out five American tanks for no loss .

  13. 针对新疆生产建设兵团的棉花信息数据库的管理,介绍了利用ASP技术,在BS模式下设计开发的基于Web的农业(棉花)数据库管理系统。

    Agricultural the paper introduces the application of ASP technology , designs and develops the agricultural information and management system of web under the B / S model .

  14. 一名法官因St.BernardParish和theLowerNinthWard的洪水对工程兵团进行了谴责。

    A judge placed blame on the Army Corp of Engineers for the flooding in St. Bernard Parish and the Lower Ninth Ward .

  15. 我国加入WTO后,兵团农业受世界农业市场的影响日益加大,也对兵团高等农业教育模式造成了十分重要的影响。

    After our country joins WTO , Bing Tuan 's high agriculture education patterns , as well as Bing Tuan 's agriculture , is affected by the agriculture market of the world day after day .

  16. 通过消灭5个KMT集团军(我们的资料里一般叫“兵团”),使得军事、社会、经济和政治态势都往TG有利一面发展。

    By destroying five Nationalist armies , the PLA caused the military , social , economic , and political situation to shift dramatically in favor of the Communists .

  17. 方法:采用精神卫生自评表(SCL-90)对1000名官兵进行群体调查。结果:特种兵团SCL-90总分明显高于国内常模;

    Methods : To investigate 1 000 soldiers in a special camp by SCL-90 . Results : The total score of the special soldiers are higher than that of countrywide norm .

  18. Hank知道的东西很多,比如一个步兵团的人数,或者一辆蓝色的汽车在黄色的路灯下呈现绿色的原因(诡异),但是他并不明确这场战争对于当下年轻人的影响。

    Hank knows a lot the number of men in an infantry , the way a blue car looks green under a yellow streetlight but he has much to learn about the effect of this war on today 's young men .

  19. 这次洪灾非常严重,负责监控全国防洪工作的美国陆军工程兵团采取了几乎前所未有的措施,开启了巨大的防洪闸门,防止高水位的洪水到达路易斯安那州首府巴吞鲁日(BatonRouge)和主要港口新奥尔良。

    The flooding was so severe that the U.S. Corps of Engineers , which s national flood-control efforts , took the nearly step of opening giant floodgates to keep high water from reaching Baton Rouge , the capital city of Louisiana , and the major port of New Orleans .

  20. 高级野战炮兵战术数据系统(AFATDS):一个完全自动化的火力支援系统,适用于从排行动中心乃至兵团火力支援群各个层次。

    Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System ( AFATDS ) . A fully automated fire support system , used at all echelons from the platoon operations center to the corps fire support element .

  21. 此外,它复杂的生产工序和高昂的价格使得T-35-1的研发工作不久就被终止,坦克被送到列宁格勒用于帮助坦克兵团的训练任务。

    Moreover , it was too complex and expensive for mass production , and all work on the T-35-1 had been canceled and the vehicle sent to Leningrad as a study aid for tank corps trainees .

  22. 目前新疆生产建设兵团有两家维吾尔文报纸。

    Currently XinJiang production and construction corps has two Uighur newspapers .

  23. 方法:利用2004年兵团卫生服务家庭入户调查资料。

    Methods : Using Corps Second Health Service households survey data .

  24. 新疆生产建设兵团数字图书馆建设研究

    Study on Developing Digital Library in Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps

  25. 论兵团人法律信仰的培育

    The Cultivation of Legal Belief in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

  26. 中国体育海外兵团开发的战略意义

    Tactic Meaning of Exploitation About Chinese Sports " Overseas Force "

  27. 目的:了解兵团居民的住院医疗服务利用情况。

    Objective : The paper reflected medical services utilization of hospitalization .

  28. 这兵团数日后要开到前线去。

    The regiment proceeds to the front in a few days .

  29. 不断地催促步兵团换防易站,换装填。

    And ever the hastening of infantry shifting positions , batteries .

  30. 曾在法兰德斯与步兵团并肩作战。

    And he had fought with the infantry regiments in flanders .