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jiā zhònɡ chǔ fá
  • give an aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed
  • aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed
  1. 比如说,学校附近区域的涉毒犯罪将被加重处罚。

    Consider increased penalties for drug offenses in school zones .

  2. 盗窃罪累犯加重处罚的司法解释不合法。

    Stealing a recidivist severe penalty judicial interpretation not legal .

  3. 新中国从重和加重处罚制度的考察

    Reviews and Comments on Aggravated Punishment and the Heavier Punishment of the People 's

  4. 危险驾驶应加重处罚。

    Dangerous driving should be penalized more heavily .

  5. 我们需要加重处罚力度。

    We need to increase the penalties .

  6. 同时是否可以直接适用抢劫罪的加重处罚情节要区别情况而定。

    It depends on circumstance whether the aggravation of robbery can be directly applied to transformed robbery .

  7. 纳税人有要求税务机关不因申辩而加重处罚的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to demand tax authorities not to impose more severe penalty due to pleading .

  8. 六是受贿罪的处罚,主要是对受贿罪处罚时在以受贿数额为基础上,着重研究了有关加重处罚的情节。

    The punishment over briber guilt which mainly focuses on circumstances of aggravating on the basis of bribery amounts .

  9. 行政机关不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。

    Administrative organs shall not impose heavier penalties on the parties just because the parties have tried to defend themselves .

  10. 有关结果加重犯的加重处罚根据,危险性说虽然有一定的合理性,但是这种理论也有致命缺陷。

    Considering the foundation of Consequential Aggravated Penalties , though Risk Theory possesses certain rationality , this theory has a fatal flaw .

  11. 如何正确理解与界定抢劫罪8种加重处罚情节,是理论和实务界争论的热点问题。

    This paper focuses on how to comprehend and define the 8 kinds of details in aggravating to punish the crime of robbery .

  12. 而致人重伤、死亡情形作为其加重处罚情节之一,更是立法者和实务界着力打击的重点对象。

    And causing serious injury or death in the course of affray as one of aggravating circumstances is a main attack point of legislators and practitioners .

  13. 在现行刑法下依据罪行法定原则,只能定交通肇事罪,不能为加重处罚而任意变更罪名。

    Offenses under the Criminal Code based on the existing legal principles , can only be the Crime , can not arbitrarily change the aggravating offense .

  14. 对交通肇事罪加重处罚,并不是重刑化的表现,而恰恰是当前提倡的宽严相济刑事政策的表现。

    On the crime of causing traffic casualties aggravated punishment , not severe performance , and it is currently advocated the criminal Strict and Generous policy performance .

  15. 在明确管理方和服务对象的义务权利的同时,加重处罚力度,引导和规范双方和行为。

    Clear the Obligations and rights of the management side and the service target at the same time , strengthen the punishment , guide and regulate the conduct of both sides .

  16. 适用人数多,规模大,社会影响恶劣这一加重处罚情形时,单方的参加人应在10人以上,持械是指聚众斗殴中携带并使用器械或携带器械主观上有使用企图的行为。

    If the participants of either party more than 10 , the aggravated punishment , in other word , large number and scale as well as odious social effect , will be applied .

  17. 根据不同类型累犯的危险性人格评价的不同提出了普通累犯可以从重处罚或加重处罚,特别累犯应当从重处罚或加重处罚。

    According to the different types of recidivism risk for personality evaluation of the different , I proposed that general recidivism can be given a heavier punishment or aggravated punishment , special recidivism shall be given heavier punishment or aggravated punishment .

  18. 中国刑法中加重和从重处罚的制度,经历了曲折的历程。

    The aggravated punishment and the heavier punishment in the People 's Republic of China has gone through a zigzag course .

  19. 广义的亲属间犯罪是指司法实践中一切亲属相犯构成犯罪的情形,包括法理上应当加重或减轻处罚的情形。

    Generalized Crime Among The Relatives is refers to all of the situation whch relatives crime constitutes a crime in the judicial practice . It includes aggravated or mitigated punishment Situation in legal theory .

  20. 结果加重犯的加重结果应当是指基本犯罪行为逻辑结果之外的结果,其与基本结果具有异质性,因而不属于基本犯罪的犯罪结果,在性质上它属于法律明确规定的加重处罚的情节。

    And therefore it does not belong to the basic offense of the crime results . In nature , it belongs to the aggravating circumstance specified by law .