
  • 网络Shenzhou spacecraft
  1. 基于聚类分析的神舟飞船供应商分类研究

    Research on the Shenzhou Spacecraft Supplier Classification Based on Cluster Analysis

  2. 神舟飞船多模态微波遥感系统的成功研制填补了我国航天微波遥感的空白,也使我国航天器天线技术进入一个新的领域、实现了一次大的技术跨越。

    The antenna subsystem of the multi-mode microwave remote sensor of the SHENZHOU spacecraft is a breakthrough of aerospace antenna technology of China .

  3. 在综合分析国际上典型的项目管理成熟度模型的基础上,结合神舟飞船项目及其组织环境的特点,建立了神舟飞船项目管理成熟度模型(SZ-PMMM)。

    Based on the analysis of classical existing project management maturity models ,( considering ) the characteristics of Shenzhou spaceship programme and its related organization ( environments ), this paper proposes the Shenzhou spaceship project management maturity model ( SZ-PMMM ) .

  4. 神舟飞船实时能量平衡分析系统设计与应用

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Energy Balance Analysis System on Shenzhou Manned Spaceship

  5. 他的这次太空旅行是继1999年以来四次无人神舟飞船试验飞行后进行的。

    His trip came after four test flights , beginning in1999 , of unmanned Shenzhou capsules .

  6. 液体冷却回路系统是神舟飞船热控系统的关键组成部分,它是利用循环泵驱动液体强制对流循环来进行热控制的。

    Liquid-cycle-cooling system is the important part of temperature-control system , it uses cycle-bump to impel liquid cycling to control temperature .

  7. 本文针对神舟飞船特点设计出一套先进的动力学和运动学测量综合系统,能精确测量航天员运动产生的力和力矩,以及其姿势和运动。

    This integrated system is capable to precisely measure the forces and moments the astronauts induce and their postures and movements . Exercise .

  8. 有些宇航计划是很可能会落实的,例如说在明年另一架神舟飞船将执行后续的载人航天任务。

    Some of its plans , such as follow-up piloted missions on further Shenzhou craft over the next year , look likely to materialise .

  9. 本文将理论和实际相结合,定性分析和定量分析相结合,针对性和实用性较强,对神舟飞船供应商管理具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

    Synthesizing theory and practice , qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , this paper has strong pertinence and practicability , and there are certain significance and reference value for Shenzhou spacecraft supplier management .

  10. 神舟飞船系列的主要设计师被引述说,中国计划从神舟8号开始批量制造太空飞行器。

    The chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft system , Zhang Bainan , is quoted as saying China is planning to begin mass production of the spacecraft starting from the Shenzhou 8 mission .

  11. 神舟宇宙飞船是从俄罗斯90年代末期的联盟飞船太空技术发展而来的。

    The Shenzhou spacecraft emerged from Russian Soyuz technology in the late1990s .

  12. 神舟号飞船搭载灵芝的酯酶同工酶研究及生长速度测定

    Studies on Esterase Isozymes and mycelium growth speed of Ganoderma lucidum carried by Shenzhou spaceship

  13. 这些研究为神舟号飞船回收系统的分析和评定提供了理论基础。

    The research completed in this work provides theory basis for dynamic analysis of Shenzhou manned spacecraft recovery system .

  14. 结合空投试验测量数据得到一组精度更高的神舟号飞船主伞全张满状态下的气动力参数,利用试验测量数据对辨识结果进行了验证。

    Combined with the experimental data of airdrop video , a more precise set of aerodynamic coefficients of the main parachute of ShenZhou-8 manned spacecraft was identified , and the result was validated by experiment .

  15. 神舟号飞船的微重力测量仪器具有三轴检测、守时、统计分析、依照预先注入的指令准实时传送微重力统计数据或原始数据的能力。

    The microgravity measurement instruments in " Shenzhou " have the following functions : triaxial measurement , timekeeping , statistics , and transmission of microgravity statistical or original data in quasi-real-time according to pre-programmed commands .

  16. 随着中国神舟系列飞船的成功发射、探月计划和深空探测计划的实施,航天器自主生存能力成为新世纪备受关注的关键技术之一。

    Along with the Shenzhou series spacecraft , the lunar exploration project and the deep space exploration Project , the self-surviving performance of the spacecraft is regarded as one of the key technologies in 21st century .

  17. 随着神舟号飞船的接连升空,探月计划的顺利实施,中国已经进入了太阳系深空探测的时代。

    With the success of the series " Shenzhou " spaceships , and the smooth implementation of the circumlunar satellite Chang ' e-1 , China has already entered the era of deep space exploration to the solar system .

  18. 2005年乘坐神舟六号飞船进入太空的聂海胜说,他的首次太空之旅要顺利得多,几乎感觉不到振动。

    According to Nie Haisheng , who took the Shenzhou VI craft to space in 2005 , his first trip to space was much smoother , and he did not detect any vibrations .

  19. 2003年10月15日,乘坐神舟五号飞船的杨利伟成为第一个进入太空的中国人,那一年,他38岁。这使得中国成为继美国和俄罗斯之后第三个掌握载人飞船技术的国家。

    Yang was 38 when he became the first Chinese person to go into space on the Shenzhou V , on Oct 15 , 2003 , making China the third country — after the US and Russia — to master manned space capabilities .

  20. 按照计划,今年9月,将发射天舟三号货运飞船,升空后与天和对接;10月,另外3名航天员将搭乘神舟十三号飞船抵达核心舱,并驻留6个月。

    Based on project plans , the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month , another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module to stay there for six months .

  21. 一组gtc?f型液压升降机在“神舟”号飞船试验对接现场工作。

    A group of gtc-f model hydraulic elevator isworking on " magic boat " aeroboat experimentalbutting site .

  22. 针对神舟四号飞船微波辐射计(RAD)特殊入射角、频率的特点,开发了海面和大气参数的反演算法。

    We developed a sea surface emissivity model and atmospheric model for special frequencies and incidence angles of RAD .

  23. 2002年12月30日,921一期神舟四号飞船发射成功后,对飞船轨道进行了四次单频GPS、SLR和USB联合观测。

    After ShenZhou ⅳ unmaned spacecraft launched successfully on Dec 30 2002 , the orbit of the spacecraft had been observed four times with single-frequency GPS receiver , SLR and USB .

  24. 利用神舟四号飞船搭载的凤仙花种子,对诱变当代(SP1)花、果实和种子的研究发现:花部性状有变化。

    Several SP_1 mutant plants are obtained from induced Impatiens balsamina seeds by space flight , and their flowers , fruits and seeds are investigated in this paper . It is found that the characters of flowers show great variations .

  25. 并将这种测量方法用于神舟3号飞船上用3台15°视场太阳辐照绝对辐射计(SIARs),测量了太阳辐照度。

    The solar irradiance was measured in this way by the solar constant monitor mounted on Shenzhou-3 spacecraft , which is consisted of three Solar Irradiance Absolute Radiometers ( SIARs ) with 15 ° view field .

  26. 神舟号载人飞船船载测控通信分系统

    The Space-Borne TT & C Telecommunication Subsystem of Shenzhou Manned Spaceship

  27. 神舟七号飞船单相热控流体回路在轨性能评价

    On-orbit Performance Evaluation of Single-phase Fluid Loop System for Shenzhou-7 Spaceship

  28. 神舟号载人飞船轨控发动机的研制

    Development of Research on Orbit - Control Engine for Shenzhou Spaceship

  29. 神舟三号飞船搭载对草地早熟禾生物学特性的影响

    Changes in biological characteristics of Poa pratensis carried by Shenzhou-3 spaceship

  30. 神舟4号飞船多频段微波辐射计及其应用

    Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometer on " SZ-4 " Spaceship and Its Applications