
shén kān
  • shrine;baldachine;a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets
神龛 [shén kān]
  • [a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets]旧时供奉神像或神主的小阁子

神龛[shén kān]
  1. RodrigoLemus是SantaMuerte的追随者,并为她建立了神龛。

    Rodrigo Lemus , a follower of Santa Muerte , built the shrine in her honor .

  2. 在缅甸NyaungWai村,两个佛教尼姑走过他们损坏的神龛。

    Two Buddhist nuns walk past their damaged shrine in Nyaung Wai village , Burma .

  3. 教堂里放置神龛的地方。

    An area of a church in which reliquaries are kept .

  4. 在这?,几乎每一个家庭?都有一座神龛。

    Here , there is an altar in almost every household .

  5. 谁也不知道是谁把圣面包和酒置於到神龛中了。

    No one know who tabernacle the holy bread and wine .

  6. 它不会被抓住,然后放入神龛之中。

    It was not to be caught and put in a shrine .

  7. 那边有一个神龛,我们可以站在那里望。

    There 's a niche over here where we can look out .

  8. 我们说话的时候,她正在向神龛上摆放祭祀的供品。

    We talk as she makes offerings to the shrine .

  9. 他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛,为赎罪而祈祷。

    They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption .

  10. 他站在神龛前,向他父亲的亡灵致敬。

    He made homage before the shrine to the memory of his father .

  11. 真不幸,你要保留你的神龛了。

    Unfortunately , you get to keep your pedestal .

  12. 我的神龛只能是个遥远的记忆了。

    My pedestal is all but a distant memory .

  13. 他将这句誓言放在神龛内阿真的牌位旁。

    He put the promise in the shrine beside the tablet of O-Tei .

  14. 现在我要参观一下我至爱的神龛了。

    And now , I think I 'd like to visit my beloved pedestal .

  15. 这么说来,我们是不是错为它建了神龛了?

    Thus is it a false god ?

  16. 他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。

    They bowed down before the shrine .

  17. 我下决心了,只能和神龛说再见。

    I 've made a decision . I 've got to kiss my pedestal good-bye .

  18. 其次是三座拱门各神龛里下方一系列塑像;

    Next , the lower series of statues which occupied the niches of the three portals ;

  19. 他像一名忠实的信徒,和她们一起拜倒在这神龛面前。

    At this , their own shrine , he knelt with them , an ardent devotee .

  20. 新中国建立以来,平峰村民居神龛经历了三次大的变迁。

    Since the establishment of New China , Pingfeng village residential shrine experienced three major changes .

  21. 好像一个神龛一样。

    It was like a shrine .

  22. 他说他家中有一座神龛,他的父母对它很恭敬。

    He told me that at home there was a spirit shrine and his parents revered it .

  23. 佛教的庙宇也有各种不同的形式,有雕刻丰富的神龛、塔或佛像。

    Buddhist temples range from half-Buried sanctuaries with richly carved entrances to single carved towers or statues .

  24. 他们已经在政府房屋,临时帐篷和附近的神龛中获得了庇护。

    They have been given shelter at government houses , makeshift tents and places of worship nearby .

  25. 两棵树间的幔子拉了开来,神龛就此展现在眼前。

    The curtain between the trees was drawn aside , and the shrine was disclosed to view .

  26. 他将她的牌位放在自设的神龛内,每天供上祭品。

    He put the ceremonial tablet in his personal shrine , and every day he set offerings before it .

  27. 然后走到神龛面前取出短剑,读着刀身上的题词。

    Then she goes to the shrine , takes the dagger , and reads the inscription on the blade .

  28. 人们的家中都有巨大的神龛,到了晚上会有很刺眼的红色灯光从窗户中射出。

    People have huge shrines in their homes which blare out a red light from their windows late at night .

  29. 一本好书就像一个最好的神龛,珍藏着一个人生命中思想最精华的部分。

    A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out ;

  30. 其他通过虚拟挖掘的知名发现包括17个类似神龛的新雕塑和一个108英尺长的墓穴。

    Other notable discoveries made possible by the virtual excavation includes 17 new shrine-like structures and a 108-foot long burial mound .