
xiào dào
  • Filial piety;filial duty;be a good son/daughter;filial piety/obligations
孝道 [xiào dào]
  • [standards of filial piety;Confucian doctrine of filial piety] 旧指奉养父母所应做到的

  • [filial piety] [口]∶孝顺

  • 这家人的几个孩子都很孝道

  1. 浅论封建孝道与社会主义孝道

    Feudal Filial Duty and Socialist Filial Duty

  2. 第二章主要阐述了中国佛教孝道思想的基本内容和主要特点。

    The second chapter expounds the main content and features of Chinese Buddhism thought of filial duty .

  3. 他的父亲会指责他不尽孝道。

    His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties

  4. 中国的孩子是在孝道教育下长大的。

    Children in China are brought up with the education of filial devotion .

  5. 例如,汉文帝为母亲尝汤药的故事告诉我们西汉文帝的孝道。

    For example , the story of " Taste Liquid Medicine for Mother " tells us the filial virtue of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty .

  6. 论土家族哭嫁歌的孝道内涵

    On the Filial Connotation of the Wedding Lament in Tujia Nationality

  7. 关于加强大学生孝道教育与构建和谐校园的思考

    Strengthen College Students ' Filial Piety Education and Construct Harmonious Campus

  8. 论和谐社会视域下公民孝道教育

    On Education of Citizen 's Filial Piety in the Harmonious Society

  9. 孝道在后世发展成为一种“放之四海而皆准”的道德准则。

    It later developed into a truth rule for judging everything .

  10. 第二部分主要论述家谱序言中蕴含的孝道。

    The second part mainly discusses pedigree preface is filial piety .

  11. 中国古代儒家孝道观浅探

    A Superficial Probe into Confucianists ' Filial Piety in Ancient China

  12. 在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。

    In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed .

  13. 印度佛教孝道观研究

    A probe into the sense of filial obedience in Indian Buddhism

  14. 传统孝道在家庭美德建设中的价值研究

    Research on Traditional Virtues of Filial Piety in the Family Construction

  15. 中国传统孝道及其现代伦理重构

    China 's Traditional Filial Piety and the Reconstruction of Modern Ethics

  16. 再次,阐述了中国佛教孝道思想的历史作用与现代价值。

    Finally , its historical functions and modern value are also illustrated .

  17. 儒家孝道与当代中国伦理教育

    Confucianists ' Filial Piety and Moral Education in Modern China

  18. 先秦孝道的生存功利精神

    The Existence Utilitarian Spirit of Piety Morality before Qin Dynasty

  19. 中国孝道文化的时代演进及其老年学意义

    Evolution of Chinese Filial Piety 's Culture and Its Meaning in Gerontology

  20. 中国文化历来有注重孝道的传统。

    Chinese culture has always been the traditional emphasis on filial piety .

  21. 讲孝道是中华民族的优良传统。

    Filiality has been an excellent tradition of Chinese people .

  22. 孝道在中国传统文化上所具有的核心地位是世人所公认的。

    All know that filial piety is the core of chinese culture .

  23. 孝道的封建化对后世产生了深远的影响。

    Feudalization of filial piety has a profound influence on later generations .

  24. 第二部分分析了传统孝道在家庭中的五种基本功能;

    Analyzing five basic actions of traditional filial duty in the family ;

  25. 中国古代宗族教育的核心&孝道

    The Core of Patriarchal Clan Education in Ancient China-Filial Piety

  26. 孔子的孝道与构建和谐家庭

    Confucius ' Filial Piety and the Construction of Harmonious Families

  27. 中国佛教戒律之孝道观念

    The Notion of Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism Doctrine

  28. 对中国传统孝道长期延续的几点思考

    Reflections on Continuation of China 's Traditional Filial Piety

  29. 中国古代孝道政治化述论

    Commentary on filial piety 's Politicalization in ancient China

  30. 先秦儒家孝道研究

    Study on Xiao of Confucianism in Early Qin Dynasty