
  • 网络Xiaogan;xiaogan city
  1. 第5章立足农户视角,设计调查问卷,以湖北省孝感市273个农户的调查数据为依据,通过Logistic回归模型对农户的干旱保险的支付意愿及其影响因素进行了实证分析。

    Chapter 5 designed the questionnaire based on farmers ' perspective . According to the survey data of 273 households in Xiaogan city in Hubei province , the chapter empirically analyzed the influencing factors of the farmers ' WTP for drought index insurance through the Logistic model .

  2. NL-80351干形园满通直、尖削度小、分枝角度小、冠幅窄、抗性强,未发现发生病虫危害,一般经营措施下林木生长旺盛,已成为孝感市主栽品种。

    NL-80351 trunk shape was full and straight , small pointed whittle , small branch degree and narrow crown , strong resistance , found non appearance of disease and pests damages , trees grew vitality under general managing measures , that had become dominant cultivars in Xiaogan city .

  3. 基于孝文化的孝感市城市品牌战略

    Based on the culture of filial piety Xiaogan City Brand Strategy

  4. 孝感市HIV/AIDS流行情况与控制对策

    HIV / AIDS Epidemic Situation and Countermeasure in Xiaogan City

  5. 2008年上半年湖北省孝感市现金流通效应分析

    Analysis on Hubei Province Cash Circulation Effect in the First Half of 2008

  6. 孝文化与孝感市城市品牌营销策略研究

    On the Filial Culture and Marketing Strategies for Xiaogan City 's Urban Brand

  7. 目的摸清孝感市市环境、食品及人体中农药残留量。

    Objective To investigate the pesticide residues in environment , food and human body .

  8. 九五期间孝感市医疗照射水平调查研究

    Study on the medical radiation level in Xiaogan City during the 9th five-year plan

  9. 孝感市城区3~4岁儿童血清锌、硒微量元素含量调查研究

    Investigation on the Serum Determination of 3 to 4 Year-old Children in Downtown Xiaogan

  10. 孝感市城区排水、排渍可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of Drainage and Drainage of Floodwater in Urban District of Xiaogan City

  11. 孝感市新农村建设生活污水处理方法研究

    Study on New Method of Wastewater Treatment in New Rural Construction of Xiaogan City

  12. 孝感市米酒行业现状调查与研究

    Research and Study of the Present Condition of Rice Wine Industry of Xiaogan City

  13. 孝感市位于湖北省东北部,属楚语区。

    Xiaogan City locates in the northeast of Hubei province , belonging to Chu dialect area .

  14. 孝文化名城&湖北省孝感市,具有深厚的孝文化底蕴。

    Filial piety culture city of hubei province , has a profound XiaoGanShi-the filial piety culture .

  15. 孝感市城镇户籍制度改革的基本思路

    The Basic Thinking Clue to the City Town 's Household Register System Reformation in Xiaogan City

  16. 孝感市农业产业化龙头企业发展现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thought on the Present Situation of Development of Agricultural Industrialization Leading Enterprise in Xiaogan City

  17. 孝感市水稻土有机质及全量氮磷钾的相关性分析

    Correlation of Organic Matter , Total Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Potassium in Paddy Soil of Xiaogan City

  18. 绿色流通:区域经济可持续发展的切入点&以湖北孝感市为例

    Green Circulation : the Starting Point of Sustainable Development for Regional Economy : Case from Xiaogan of Hubei

  19. 结论孝感市医疗照射水平低于湖北省医疗照射水平。

    [ Conclusion ] The medical radiation level in Xiaogan City is lower than that in Hubei Province .

  20. 区域人才资源管理的问题与对策&以湖北省孝感市为例

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Region Talent Resource Management & Take the Xiaogan City in Hubei Province as the Example

  21. 小城镇建设中的土地资源集约利用对策探讨&以湖北省孝感市为例

    The Problem Analysis and Countermeasures about Intensive Land-Use and Planning in Small Towns : Taking Xiaogan City in Hubei Province for Example

  22. 孝感市城市品牌战略的实施,须以孝文化为支点,提升城市的文化品位;

    The Xiaogan city brand strategy implementation , must take the filial piety culture as a pivot , promotes the city the cultural personal status ;

  23. 在此基础上实地调查孝感市农户对干旱指数保险的支付意愿。

    Based on the field survey , the dissertation analyzed the farmers ' willingness to pay ( WTP ) on drought index insurance in Xiaogan city .

  24. 孝文化是孝感市的特色文化,也是孝感市实施城市品牌战略的最佳切入点。

    The filial piety culture is a culture of the characteristics of Xiaogan City , also is the city brand strategy best to cut into the spot .

  25. 放射性矿产勘探区环境评价中地面外照射剂量估算的方法九五期间孝感市医疗照射水平调查研究

    Estimation of Ground External Radiation Level for Environmental Assessment of Radioactive Ores Exploration Area Study on the medical radiation level in Xiaogan City during the 9th five-year plan

  26. 本公司与武汉市木兰乡、孝感市西河镇建立了栀子种植收购的“订单农业”关系。对十万亩栀子种植生产及对本公司的原材料供应形成了双赢模式。

    We have developed a made-to-order farming of gardenia growing and purchasing with Mulan Town in Wuhan and Xihe Town in Xiaogan , by which the raw materials for our production are assured .

  27. 本文就孝感市孝南区农村文化建设的现状、存在的问题及成因进行了分析,并对今后加强孝南区农村文化建设的对策进行了思考。

    This paper is about countryside culture construction of the present situation in Hubei , the existing problems and the causes are analyzed , and the future of this area are strengthened the cultural construction of countryside as countermeasures of thinking .

  28. 最后,在理论分析和定量评价孝感市农业旱灾脆弱性的基础上,从农户视角、金融产品创新视角及政府视角探索旱灾风险管理的对策措施。

    Finally , based on the theoretical analysis and quantitative evaluation of Xiaogan agricultural drought hazard vulnerability , the dissertation explored drought risk management countermeasures from three different perspectives : the farmers ' perspective , financial product innovation perspective and the government perspective .