
gàn jiāng
  • the Ganjiang River;Ganjiang
赣江 [gàn jiāng]
  • [Ganjiang] 江西省最大河流,注入鄱阳湖,长江中游重要支流,长758公里,流域面积8万多平方公里

赣江[gàn jiāng]
  1. 江西赣江沙害的流域生态学以及治理的初步研究

    Study on Sandy Calamity and Its Controls in the Ganjiang River , Jiangxi Province

  2. 近年来,在对赣江流域的调查中发现部分水源已经污染,一些河段水质达不到饮用水取水水源水质标准。

    In recent years , during the survey of the Ganjiang River , it was found that some Ganjiang water was polluted . Water quality of some reached III water quality standards .

  3. 基于GIS的赣江流域环境生态数据库的建立

    The Ganjiang Valley Environmental Ecology Database Based on GIS

  4. 建立了赣江流域水生态承载力SD结构模型。

    A SD structure model for GanJiang river basin water ecological carrying capacity is established .

  5. 赣江中游四大家鱼产卵场现状初步调查SWOT分析在旅游规划中的应用&以江西赣州为例

    Spawning Sites of Four Major Chinese Carps in the Middle Reaches of Ganjiang River SWOT analysis in tourism planning

  6. 浅析CSTR水质模型在赣江流域的应用

    Primary discussion of the application of the CSTR water quality model in the basin of Ganjiang River

  7. 各流域中,乐安河6月份NH3-N削减量最大,赣江中、南支11月的TP削减量最大。

    Among the basins , the largest NH3-N reduction appeared in June of Le ' an River and in Nov. of the middle and south tributary of Gan River .

  8. 长江与其支流赣江、乌江的DSi年输送量与DSi年均含量和年径流量有密切关系。

    Annual DSi transport is closely related to DSi annual content and annual runoff in Yangtze River and its tributaries of Ganjiang and Wujiang .

  9. 应用以SCS水文模式为基础的月水量平衡模型,模拟东江、赣江、汉江和黄河中游的27个子流域的径流。

    SCS monthly water balance model , which based on SCS hydrologic model , was used to simulate the monthly runoff of 27 sub-basins in the Dongjiang , Ganjiang , Hanjiang and Yellow River basin .

  10. 因此,鄱阳湖的污染控制应以NH3-N和TP主要对象,赣江和乐安河为主要治理区域,兼顾信江的TP污染。

    So the key point of Poyang Lake pollution control is NH3-N and TP control , and the key treatment areas are Gan River and Le ' an River , while TP pollution of Xin River should also be noted .

  11. 赣江流域与乌江流域DSi浓度年内变化规律相似,DSi浓度年内变化均较大,且DSi与水温呈显著正相关,DSi与DO呈显著负相关。

    There are similar notable seasonal variations of DSi in Ganjiang Watershed and Wujiang Watershed , DSi and water temperature are significantly correlated , but DSi and DO are negatively correlated .

  12. 情景分析法在赣江流域水污染控制规划中的应用

    Application of Scenario Analysis to the Planning of Gan River Basin

  13. 赣江南昌河段航道整治试验研究

    Experimental Research for Dredging Waterways in Nanchang Reach of Ganjiang River

  14. 支流汇入与河口段航道水深的关系&以赣江为例

    The Relation between Tributary Inflow and Channel Depth of Stream Inlet

  15. 赣江断裂带中生代的演化及其地球动力学背景

    Mesozoic evolution of the Ganjiang fault zone and related geodynamic settings

  16. 江西赣江机械厂电镀清洁生产示范工程

    The Demo-Project on Unpolluted Electroplating Production at JIANGXI Ganjiang Mechanical Factory

  17. 赣江数字航道构建研究

    Study on Construction of Digital Navigation Channel of Ganjiang River

  18. 赣江流域钉螺扩散成因和防治效果

    Causes of spread of Oncomelania snails and its control in Ganjiang Valley

  19. 赣江下游河道变迁及对环境的影响赣中

    Gan River Lower Reaches Stream Transition and Influence to Environment

  20. 赣江下游河段设计最低通航水位计算方法

    Computation of designed lowest navigable stage in lower reaches of Ganjiang River

  21. 赣江断裂带地质特征及其动力学演化

    Geological Features and Dynamic Evolution of the Ganjiang Fault in Jiangxi Province

  22. 赣江流域空间结构模式研究

    Studies on the Model of Spatial Structure in Ganjiang Basin

  23. 赣江三角洲的沉积机制及生长模式

    The sedimentation mechanism and development model of the Ganjiang Delta

  24. 随桥敷设跨越赣江燃气管道施工技术

    Construction Technology of Ganjiang River Crossing of Gas Pipeline Installed along Bridge

  25. 赣江中游洪水防御对策与措施赣江中游河道防洪能力初探

    The countermeasure and measure of flood control in the midstream of Ganjiang River

  26. 赣江水质现状及污染特征分析

    The current situation and pollution feather analysis of water quality of Ganjiang River

  27. 泰和赣江特大桥主桥连续梁预应力施工技术

    Construction Technique of Continuous beam Prestressing Force in Taihe Ganjiang Super Large Bridge

  28. 赣江滩涂,自然环境无可比拟,用水、用电便利。

    There is beautiful scenery and environment and rich water and electricity resource .

  29. 赣江南昌段水源地水质预报模型研究

    Study on Water Quality Forecast Model of Water Resource of Ganjiang Nanchang Area

  30. 赣江断裂带对南鄱阳坳陷成盆的控制作用

    Control effect of Ganjiang fault belts on the basining of South Poyang depression