
  • 网络Zhuzhou City
  1. 株洲市园林观赏植物造景的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of the Arrangement of Ornamental Plants in Urban Gardens in Zhuzhou City

  2. 方法采用分层整体取样法抽取株洲市高三学生412名,进行SRSS、SCL-90及EPQ的测查分析。

    Methods Surveys and analyses were conducted with the SRSS , SCL-90 and EPQ in 412 students selected with stratified holism random sampling from the senior high schools of Zhuzhou city .

  3. 基于组件的GIS系统研究与开发&以株洲市房产综合管理信息系统为例

    Research and Development of Component Based GIS Systems

  4. 利用GIS技术与数学模型相结合,引入土地覆盖转移矩阵、土地覆盖动态度和土地覆盖相对变化率,对株洲市的土地覆盖动态变化进行研究。

    Combining GIS and mathematical model , research land-cover dynamic Change by transition matrix of land-cover and dynamic degree of land-cover and land-cover relative rate of change .

  5. 通过SWOT分析,了解株洲市城发集团内部的优势和劣势,外部环境的机会和威胁。

    Through SWOT analysis , we knew internal strengths and weaknesses of Zhuzhou Construction & Development Group , opportunities and threats in the external environment .

  6. 以湖南省株洲市天元区土地利用数据库为研究对象,探索利用3S技术对土地利用数据库进行更新的技术和方法。

    This paper explored a new method of updating land-use database by 3S technology in Tianyuan district , Zhuzhou , Hunan province .

  7. 地方政府建设资金投入规模应为当地GDP的0.027%至0.18%。本文结合株洲市进行劳动保障信息化投资的实践,提出劳动保障信息化建设投资的构建策略和思路。

    The fund input scope of local government should be 0.027 % to 0.18 % of local GDP . The thesis combines the practice of informationization investment in zhuzhou city , and putting forward the informationization investment tactics of the labour and social insurance informationization .

  8. 株洲市生活污水污染特征研究

    Study of the Pollution Features of Domestic Sewage in Zhuzhou City

  9. 株洲市社区护理队伍稳定性调查研究

    Survey on Stability of the Community Nursing Contingent in Zhuzhou City

  10. 株洲市社区体育发展现状及对策研究

    Development and Countermeasures of Community Sports in the City of Zhuzhou

  11. 株洲市城市基础设施建设投融资模式研究

    The Study of Investment and Financing Mode of Zhuzhou Urban Infrastructure

  12. 浅谈株洲市文化园跌水工程设计

    On the Design of the Waterfall Engineering of Zhuzhou Cultural Park

  13. 株洲市聘用制护士组织承诺与离职倾向的研究

    Study on the organizational commitment and turnover intention of contract nurses

  14. 株洲市水污染经济损益分析及对策研究

    Study of Economic Loss and Countermeasures on Water Pollution in Zhuzhou

  15. 城区小学薪酬体系研究&以株洲市芦淞区为例

    Research on the Compensation System of Primary School in the City

  16. 株洲市城郊天然植物群落调查研究

    Investigation Research on Natural Plant Association in Zhuzhou City Suburban

  17. 株洲市道路植物景观数量化评价。

    Quantitative analysis on greenway plants landscape of Zhuzhou city .

  18. 株洲市城市植被景观多样性景观生态分析

    Ecological Analysis on Urban Vegetation Landscape and Diversity Landscape of Zhuzhou City

  19. 试论株洲市林业科技推广

    On extension on forestry science and technology of Zhuzhou City

  20. 株洲市中等职业学校课程改革的个案研究

    The Case Study of Zhuzhou Secondary Vocational School Curriculum Reform

  21. 株洲市旅店业量化分级管理成效分析

    Analysis of quantification management at different grades in hotel industry of Zhuzhou

  22. 对株洲市乡镇图书馆建设的几点思考

    Some Thinkings of the Rural Library Construction of Zhuzhou City

  23. 从株洲市总体规划的演变看城市规划的发展

    In View of City Planning Development Overall Design Plan Change of Zhuzhou

  24. 黑麋峰森林公园是一个毗邻株洲市的旅游地。

    Heimifeng Forest Park is a tourism attraction adjacent to Zhuzhou City .

  25. 株洲市白马精炼厂冶炼烟气脱硫工程设计

    Design of smelting smoke desulfurization for Baima smeltery in Zhuzhou

  26. 试论株洲市产业发展与城市形态演变的关系

    On Relation Between Industrial Development and Urban Formation Evolution of Zhuzhou City

  27. 株洲市总体环境质量的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Assessment of Overall Environmental Quality of Zhuzhou City

  28. 株洲市矿业开发的战略思考

    Strategic thinking about Mining Industrial Development in Zhuzhou City

  29. 株洲市城区园林植物景观营造探讨

    The Construction of Park Plant Landscape in Zhuzhou City

  30. 城市产业水污染控制优化研究&以株洲市为例

    Study on optimization of urban industrial water pollution control