
zhū lián
  • implicate;involve others in a criminal case;involve in a criminal case;suffer because of guilt by association
株连 [zhū lián]
  • [involve others in a criminal case;implicate;suffer because of guilt by association] 指一人有罪而牵连他人。株,本指露出地面的树根,根与根之间牵连甚多

  • 株连无辜

株连[zhū lián]
  1. 这种特色首先体现在它的刑事法律原则上,等级特权原则和株连原则在吐蕃王朝时期的刑事法律领域被发挥的淋漓尽致。

    Firstly , these characteristics embodied in the principle of criminal law , and the principle of privilege and implicate in the Tubo Dynasty criminal law field was played most incisive .

  2. 我国原产地域品牌株连防范之研究

    Research on Keeping Away Brand Involvement of Applications of Origin in China

  3. 驱逐整个家庭是一种不公平的株连式惩罚;

    Evicting families is an unfair collective punishment ;

  4. 如何应对品牌战略实施中的寄生与株连问题

    The Countermeasures to the Problem of ' Brand Parasitism ' and ' Brand infection'in Implementing Brand Strategy

  5. 由于原产地域品牌株连的复杂性,作者将其划分为两个层次,并对其产生的危害进行深入剖析,以便更深刻的认识品牌株连及品牌株连防范的重要意义。

    Second , the author divides brand involvement into two aspects because it is a problem of great complexity .

  6. 奇怪的是,枯立木的株距极近,一株连着一株,互相支撑着。

    Strangely enough , the dead tree spacing in the rows very close to a an attached , supporting each other .

  7. 禽流感病毒无法在煮熟的禽肉里存活,但百胜餐饮旗下的肯德基仍然受到株连。

    Avian flu is not transmitted through properly cooked meat , but Yum 's KFC still suffers from guilt by association .

  8. 清政府下令严惩白莲教教徒,被株连陷害者不可胜数。

    The Qing Government ordered to punish Bailianjiao followers severely and those who were involved in it and killed were innumerable .

  9. 中国古代盛行族株连坐制度,一人有罪株连亲属,此一制度持续久远、影响深刻。

    Ancient Chinese system of popular family sit implicated , one is guilty implicated relatives , such a system continued to long , profound impact .

  10. 需要企业、行业协会、政府等共同构建地域品牌株连危机的预警机制。

    Hence , it is necessary for enterprises , trade association and the government to establish a forewarning mechanism of infringed crisis on regional brands .

  11. 中国古代对女性特殊保护分别体现在刑事审讯、囚禁制度、行刑制度和株连制度中。

    Special protection for women in ancient China is respectively reflected in criminal inquest , system of imprisonment , system of execution and system of implication .

  12. 印度官差们经常抓不住那些投石党,暴怒之下,将附近的乡党一并株连,在不公的情况下以同谋问罪。

    Enraged officers usually fail to catch stone-lobbers , so lash out instead at families and residents nearby , accusing them , usually unfairly , of collusion .

  13. 地理标志产品具有地域性、共有性的特点,这使得其产品有很强的寄生性和株连性。

    The geographical indications or the appellations of origin possess the characteristics of regionalism and co-ownership , which makes the products of the geographical indications have distinct parasitism and implication .

  14. 近年来知名传统区域品牌受假冒伪劣产品株连的事件屡有发生,导致许多传统区域品牌的声誉下降,无形资产贬值。

    In recent years , famous traditional regional brands were often involved in civil cases by fake and shoddy products , which leads to the decline in reputation of many traditional regional brands .

  15. 但是现实经济生活中,区域品牌存在着株连危机、使用上的搭便车、相关企业缺乏密切合作、产权不清以及监管乏力等问题。

    However , regional brand has many problems in real life , such as associational crisis , free ride , less cooperation of the enterprises , unclear property right , the superintendent did not fully play its role .

  16. 本文以“金华火腿”品牌株连危机事件为例,从地域品牌本身特性、立法及管理等方面分析导致地域品牌株连危机的原因。

    Taking the Crisis of " Jinhua Ham " brand infringed for example , the paper analyzes the reasons from many aspects such as the character of local brand itself , the management , the legislation and so on .

  17. 即使吃某种特定的(比如说是加工的)食品太多会提高罹患病症风险的说法是真的,搞株连九族、让一切都系上标签的做法只会导致“警示疲劳”。

    And even if it may be true that eating too much of a certain food like processed meat increases a person 's risk of cancer , putting labels on everything will just lead to " warning fatigue " .