
  • Ode to the Two Capitals
  1. 义正与事实:《两都赋序》赋论新探

    Righteousness and Reality : New Exploration of Ode Comments in " Prologue of Ode on Two Capitals "

  2. 两都赋:经济的浮华与文化的废墟&贾平凹的《废都》与叶辛的《华都》的比较研究

    Ostentation of Economy and Ruins of Culture & Comparative Research on Jia Ping'ao 's Ruined City and Yexin 's Prosperous City

  3. 本文试图以汉大赋的代表作品班固的《两都赋》为出发点,考察汉大赋在体制、风格方面的特点。

    This article is to study the special features of fu of the Han Dynasty in the aspects of system and style .