
  1. 过了两个月,他到达师子国,看到一条河,就到水中寻找那只丢失的银盆。

    After two months ' travel during which he visited Ceylon and many other countries . On seeing a river , he jumped into the water looking for the bowl he had lost before .

  2. 佛教,师子王卧,心率变异度,自律神经活性,冠状动脉疾病,急性心肌梗塞,怀孕。

    Buddhism , Lion King recumbency , heart rate variability , autonomic nervous activity , coronary artery disease , acute myocardial infarction , pregnancy .

  3. 汉代,狮子传入我国,文献中开始出现狮子的记载,其描述与真实狮子的外貌、特性还是比较符合的,不过被写作师子、狻麂。

    Lion was introduced into our country in Han Dynasty , and at that time , the descriptions of lion appearing in the Literatures , the descriptions were similar to the looks and features of real lions , but were written as " Shizi " and " Suanni " .