
  1. 中国传统武术发展中的师徒传承模式研究

    The Research on the Master Transmission Mode in Traditional Martial Arts Development

  2. 从技术体现角度出发:师徒传承的拳种性,学院教育的体育性。

    Reflected from the technical perspective : teacher and pupil inheritance , college education of sex seperated sports .

  3. 景德镇传统制瓷工艺的传承主要依靠家庭传承、师徒传承和学校传承。

    The transmission of Jingdezhen traditional porcelain craft mainly relies on family transmission , master-apprentice transmission and school educational transmission .

  4. 从内容属性角度出发:师徒传承的文化性,学院教育的知识性。

    From the content attributeperspective : teacher and pupil of the inheritance of " culture ", college education " knowledge " . 7 .

  5. 通过政府主导方式推行的大规模中医师徒传承,是中医发展史上的一次重要探索。

    Through the government dominant mode to carry out large-scale TCM apprenticeship is an important exploration in the history of traditional Chinese medicine .

  6. 中国工艺美术的传统传承方式主要有师徒传承、家族传承、作坊(企业)传承和社会传承等。

    The traditional ways of succession of Chinese arts and crafts mainly are succession between master and apprentice , that within family , that within studio ( enterprise ) and social succession .

  7. 道教养生术其实只是人们追求长生不死、自我拯救的一种工具,是沟通人与仙之间的桥梁,有着严格的师徒传承。

    Taoism health is only the way to save himself for people who want to be immortal . It is a bridge between the person and the immortal , and has the strict religion disciples .