
  • 网络chinaberry
  1. 将一株树连根拔除需要一分钟左右。

    Time required to uproot a tree is about a minute .

  2. 这场大火把这片树林烧得只剩下几株树。

    The great fire reduced the forest to a few trees .

  3. 在第一株树的后面,我看见一个人立着。

    Behind the first tree I found a man standing upright .

  4. 同一株树上的花结构不同,因而闭花受精是强制实现的。

    The flower structure in one tree was different , enforcing cleistogamy .

  5. 这株树每年生出绿枝,心在人类的胸中可不是这样!

    Every year this tree sends forth fresh green shoots .

  6. 当它们快要烧完的时候,它们便被扑灭了,这时孩子们便得到准许来掳掠这株树。

    Then the children received permission to plunder the tree .

  7. 巴比:因为那株树遮了他的光,对吗?

    Bobbie : Because it was taking some of his light , right ?

  8. 每年有两次,大批大批的妇女栽种成千上万株树。

    Twice a year , large teams of women plant thousands of trees .

  9. 很难定论究竟每英亩多少株树为最适密度。

    The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre .

  10. 每人每小时可采收60~120株树。

    60 to 120 orchard trees can be serviced by one operator per hour .

  11. 在非洲有句格言“一株树单独不会成为森林”。

    InAfrica , they say " a single tree alone cannot make a forest " .

  12. 风儿吻着这株树,露珠在它身上滴着眼泪。

    And the Wind kissed the Tree , and the Dew wept tears over him ;

  13. 他们围着这株树跳舞,同时把挂在它上面的礼物一件接一件地取走了。

    they danced round the Tree , and one present after the other was pulled off .

  14. 生根的针叶束往往不能产生芽而进一步长成一株树。

    The rooted fascicles usually fail to produce a bud which can grow into a new tree .

  15. 早期丰产园梨树根系分布及临时株树体分解研究报告

    Root System Distribution and The Dissection Experiment to The Temporary Plants on Pear in Early Harvest Garden

  16. 一株树上刻着“比尔和多丽丝”。雪地上写着“雷克斯和丽塔”。

    " Bill Doris " carved on a tree . " Rex Rita " written in the snow .

  17. 要是那株树冲着屋子倒下来,它会打碎玻璃窗的。

    If that tree the rushing forward room comes down , and it can break the glass window .

  18. 美国马里兰州将种植三百六十株树,协助安那波利斯市绿化。

    The US state of Maryland will plant a total of 360 trees to help reforest the city of Annapolis .

  19. 但在每一个墙角上、每扇门后面、每株树的背后,都立着一个不开口的人。

    But behind each angle of the walls , behind each door , behind each tree , stood a silent man .

  20. 橡胶树群体呼吸作用研究Ⅱ.估算一株树各个器官呼吸总量的数学模型

    STUDIES ON RESPIRATION OF HEVEA POPULATION ⅱ . A Mathematical Model for Estimating the Total Respiration Output of Different Organs of A Tree

  21. 这批产品的残次品极少。每年有两次,大批大批的妇女栽种成千上万株树。

    There is a minimal quantity of imperfection in the batch . Twice a year , large teams of women plant thousands of trees .

  22. 在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。

    Over the wall from my hack garden you can see two trees . One is a date tree ; so is the other .

  23. 浏阳市株树桥水库自建成投产以来,担负着全市防洪与发电的工作重任。

    Liuyang City Zhushuqiao reservoir since the completion of production has been charged with the work of the city 's flood control and power generation task .

  24. 作者又举了一个自然界的例子,他指出动物在一株树上发现许多果实时情绪会改善。

    To take an example from the natural world , the authors suggest an animal 's mood improves on finding a number of fruits in a tree .

  25. 根据设计、施工和现场检测资料,分析了株树桥水库钢筋混凝土面板堆石坝严重渗漏的原因。

    The causes for the serious leakage of the reinforced concrete face dam of Zhushuqiao Reservoir are analyzed based on the design , construction and field measured data .

  26. 沙地上只有一小块一小块的黄色草地,只有一株树,就是那一对聪明的老鸟儿在那里做窝的,那个地方就是特潘塔沙漠。

    With patches of yellow grass in the sand and only one tree where the pair of wise old birds have their nest , lies the desert of Tep ?

  27. 情绪大好的动物不会挨个打量每株树,而是会乐观地认为这一片树的果实都很丰硕。

    Rather than assessing each tree individually , this good mood helps the animal to look at the big picture - and optimistically make it think fruits are in abundance .

  28. 早春彻底刮皮后,每株树上越冬态山楂红蜘蛛数量仅为未刮老翘皮树的3.77%;

    The amount of hawthorn spider mite in every apple tree whose old crack barks were scratched thoroughly in early spring was only 3.77 % compared to no scratching the crack barks ;

  29. 而在韧皮部,注药的部分筛管壁有破损现象,但长期观察整株树体,注药后树体长势良好,不影响树体生长和水分、养分运输。

    However , an observation of tree body over long period of time proves that chemical injection does not affect the growth of tree body and transfusion of moisture content and nutrient .

  30. 尽管这株树很难爬,可我还是要爬上去,因为这是长着赫赫有名的“天下第一枇杷”的塘栖枇杷树!

    Although it is difficult to climb trees , but I still have to climb , because this is a long-famous " best in the world loquat " in tangqi loquat tree !